George Crabbe: Forskelle mellem versioner

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[[Fil:George Crabbe.jpg|thumb|200px|George Crabbe.]]
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[[Fil:GeorgeCrabbeMonument.jpg|thumb|200px|Monument i St James Kirke, [[Trowbridge]]<ref>På monumentet står: ''SACRED to the memory of THE REV<sup>d</sup> G. CRABBE L.L.B.<br />who died on the 3rd of February 1832 in the 78th year of his age<br />and the 18th year of his services as rector of this parish.<br /> Born in humble life, he made himself what he was; breaking through the obscurity of his birth by the force of his genius; yet he never ceased to feel for the less fortunate; entering, as his works can testify, into the sorrows and wants of the poorest of his parishioners, and so discharging the duties of a pastor and a magistrate as to endear himself to all around him, as a writer he cannot be better described than in the words of a great poet, his contemporary, "tho' nature's sternest painter, yet her best".<br />This monument was erected by some of his affectionate friends and parishioners''</ref>]]
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'''George Crabbe''' var en [[England|engelsk]] [[digter]] ([[1754]]-[[1832]]), født i fiskerbyen [[Aldeburgh]] i [[grevskab]]et [[Suffolk]]. Han var oprindelig (ikke universitetsuddannet) læge, men fungerede størstedelen af sit liv som præst. Var en anerkendt [[entomolog]] (insektforsker).
George Crabbe er mest kendt for de lange versfortællinger ''The Village og The Borough''. Sidstnævnte er grundlaget for [[Benjamin Britten]]s [[opera]] ''[[Peter Grimes]]''. George Crabbe var meget læst i sin samtid, og fremtrædende litterære skikkelser som [[William Wordsworth]], [[Lord Byron]], [[Sir Walter Scott]] og [[Jane Austen]] udtrykte sig anerkendende om hans jordnære digtekunst. For så vidt angår litterær form står han i gæld til klassicismens digtere, især [[Oliver Goldsmith]], men indholdsmæssigt gør han op med perioden forud og beskriver den rå og barske virkelighed, han kendte, uden nogen form for skønmaleri.
[[Fil:George Crabbe.jpg|thumb|200pxleft|George Crabbe.]]
[[Fil:GeorgeCrabbeMonument.jpg|thumb|200pxleft|Monument i St James Kirke, [[Trowbridge]]<ref>På monumentet står: ''SACRED to the memory of THE REV<sup>d</sup> G. CRABBE L.L.B.<br />who died on the 3rd of February 1832 in the 78th year of his age<br />and the 18th year of his services as rector of this parish.<br /> Born in humble life, he made himself what he was; breaking through the obscurity of his birth by the force of his genius; yet he never ceased to feel for the less fortunate; entering, as his works can testify, into the sorrows and wants of the poorest of his parishioners, and so discharging the duties of a pastor and a magistrate as to endear himself to all around him, as a writer he cannot be better described than in the words of a great poet, his contemporary, "tho' nature's sternest painter, yet her best".<br />This monument was erected by some of his affectionate friends and parishioners''</ref>]]
== Referencer ==