Ormehul: Forskelle mellem versioner

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[[Fil:Wurmloch.jpg|thumb|250px|Muligt teoretisk resultat af to forbundne ormehuller mellem to steder på jordoverfladen.]]
[[Fil:Wurmloch.gif|thumb|Muligt teoretisk resultat af to forbundne ormehuller mellem to steder i [[rumtid]]en. Her er rumtiden kun vist som en todimentionel flade.]]
[[Fil:Time travel hypothesis using wormholes.jpg|thumb|Muligt teoretisk resultat af fire ormehuller - forbundent parvis mellem to steder i [[rumtid]]en. Resultatet af [Hermann Weyl]]-hypotesen er, at man både kan rejse i tiden og skyde genvej i rumtiden.]]
Et '''ormehul''', '''rumtidstunnel'''<ref>[http://videnskab.dk/miljo-naturvidenskab/maelkevejen-rummer-muligvis-tunnel-til-en-anden-verden 22. februar 2015, videnskab.dk: Mælkevejen rummer muligvis tunnel til en anden verden.]</ref> eller '''[[Albert Einstein|Einstein]]-[[Nathan Rosen|Rosen]] bro''' er en hypotetisk egenskab af [[rumtiden]]. [[Hermann Weyl]] opstillede i 1928 en hypotese om et fænomen, som er en slags tunnel, hvor det er muligt at rejse gennem [[rum]] og [[tid]].<ref>[http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/2612time.html NOVA #2612: Time Travel], [http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~kip/ Kip Thorne], {{dmoz|Science/Physics/Relativity/Time_Travel/|Time Travel}}</ref><ref name="DIA">[https://info.publicintelligence.net/DIA-WarpDrives.pdf Defense Intelligence Reference Document. Acquisition Threat Support: 2 April 2010, Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions] Citat: "...In recent years, however physicists have discovered two loopholes to Einstein's ultimate speed limit: the Einstein-Rosen bridge (commonly referred to as "wormhole") and the [[Alcubierre-drev|warp drive]]. Fundamentally, both ideas involve manipulation of spacetime itself in some exotic way that allows for faster-than-light (FTL) travel...Essentially, the wormhole involves connecting two potentially distant regions of space by a topological shortcut. Theoretically, one would would enter the wormhole and instantaneously be transported to the exit located in a distant region of space. Although no observational evidence of wormholes exists, theoretically they can exist as a valid solution to [[Generel relativitetsteori|general relativity]]...", [https://web.archive.org/web/20180507000732/https://info.publicintelligence.net/DIA-WarpDrives.pdf backup]</ref>
[[John Archibald Wheeler]] introducerede termen "wormhole" i 1957 om dette fænomen.<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Misner | first1 = C. W. | last2 = Wheeler | first2 = J. A. | title = Classical physics as geometry | doi = 10.1016/0003-4916(57)90049-0 | journal = Ann. Phys. | volume = 2 | issue = 6 | page = 525| year = 1957 | bibcode = 1957AnPhy...2..525M }}</ref>