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Generation X kaldes også MTV-generationen, idet de voksede op med musikvideoer fra [[MTV]],<ref name="MetLife">{{cite news|title=The MetLife Study of Gen X: The MTV Generation Moves into Mid-Life|url=|accessdate=19 June 2016|publisher=MetLife|date=April 2013|archive-url=|archive-date=2016-10-21|url-status=dead|df=}}</ref><ref name="Isaksen 2002">{{cite news|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=2004-10-24|encyclopedia=St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture|title=Generation X|first=Judy L.|last=Isaksen|year=2002}}</ref> inden for genrer som [[punk rock]], [[grunge]], [[alternative rock]] og [[hip hop]].<ref name="My So Called Adulthood">{{cite news|url=|work=New York Times|title=My So Called Adulthood|date=4 August 2011|accessdate=2011-08-25|first1=Carl|last1=Wilson}}</ref>
Det var mens X-erne var unge at [[AIDS]] dukkede op, idet det første tilfælde konstateredes i USA i 1981. I 1985 var to millioner amerikanere konstateret HIV-positive, og da der stadig ikke fandtes nogen effektiv behandling, begyndte panikken at brede sig. I skoler blev seksualundervisning målrettet mod AIDS-epidemien, med budskabet om at man kunne dø af sex. As the virus spread, at a time before effective treatments were available, a public panic ensued. [[Sex education]] programs in schools were adapted to address the AIDS epidemic which taught Gen X students thatubeskyttet sex could kill you.<ref>{{cite news|title=Generation X Reacts to AIDS|url=|accessdate=19 June 2016|publisher=National Geographic Channel|date=2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last1=Halkitis|first1=Perry|title=The Disease That Defined My Generation|url=|accessdate=19 June 2016|work=The Huffington Post|date=2 February 2016}}</ref> Gen

Generation XersX werevar thede firstførste childrenbørn, toder havebrugte accesscomputere toi [[personalhjemmet computers|computers]] in their homesog andi schoolsskolen.<ref name ="GenMap" GenMap/> Generally,

X-ere Gener Xersnormalt arebørn theaf childrenenten of theden [[Silentstille Generationgeneration]] andeller olderden ældre del af [[Baby Boomersbabyboomer-generationen]].<ref name="Gordinier">{{cite book|last1=Gordinier|first1=Jeff|title=X Saves the World: How Generation X Got the Shaft but Can Still Keep Everything from Sucking|date=27 March 2008|publisher=Viking Adult|isbn=978-0670018581|accessdate=|url=}}</ref><ref name = "GenMap" />