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I 1993 beskrev tidsskiftet ''[[Time (magazine)|Time]]'' baby-boomernes forhold til religion. If. en sociologisk undersøgelse fra [[University of California]] var 42% af dem holdt op med at praktisere religion, mens 33% trofast gik i kirke som de altid havde gjort, og 25% var begyndt at interessere sig for religion. Sidstnævnte var sædvanligvis mindre traditionsbundne og også mindre pålidelige kirkegængere end de mere trofaste, samt mere venstreorienterede end disse, hvilket har ført til indbyrdes spændinger, fx vedrørende [[abort]] og [[homoseksualitet]].<ref>[[Richard Ostling|Ostling, Richard N.]], "The Church Search", April 5, 1993 [,9171,978164,00.html ''Time'' article retrieved 2007-01-27]</ref>
EarlyMange andblandt mid-boomersden ældre del experiencedaf eventsboomerne likeoplevede [[Beatlemania]] andog [[Woodstock festivalWoodstockfestivalen|Woodstock-festivalen]], organizingog againstdeltog thei Vietnamprotesterne Warmod [[Vietnamkrigen]], oreller fightingkæmpede andog dyingdøde ini thesamme same warkrig. Politically,Politisk earlystemte boomersdenne inældre thedel Unitedaf Statesboomerne tend to beoftest [[DemocraticDemokratiske Partyparti (United StatesUSA)|Democratdemokratisk]]s, whilemens laterden boomersyngre tenddel toovervejende bestemte [[RepublicanRepublikanske Partyparti (United StatesUSA)|Republicanrepublikansk]]s.<ref>[ "The Whys and Hows of Generations Research"]. Pew Center. September 3, 2015</ref>
Boomernes musik, især [[rock and roll]], var en vigtig del af deres identitet som generation. Nye produkter som [[transistorradio]], [[Båndoptager|spolebåndoptager]], og senere [[kassettebåndoptager]] og [[walkman]], foruden [[stereoanlæg]] og [[fjernsyn]], gjorde det muligt for teenage-boomerne at lytte til deres yndlingsmusik, fx [[The Beatles|Beatles]], [[Motown]] eller [[Hård rock|heavy rock]].{{Kilde mangler|dato=marts 2020}}
The baby boomers found that their music, most notably [[rock and roll]], was another expression of their generational identity. [[Transistor radio]]s were personal devices that allowed teenagers to listen to [[The Beatles]], the [[Motown|Motown Sound]], and other new musical directions and artists.
InI theen 1985undersøgelse studyfra of1985 U.S.&nbsp;generational cohorts byspurgte Schuman and Scott, aet broadbredt sampleudsnit ofaf adultsvoksne was askedamerikanere, "Whathvilke worldstore eventsbegivenheder overder thehavde pastgjort 50størst yearsindtryk were especially important to them?"dem.<ref>Schuman, H. and Scott, J. (1989), Generations and collective memories, ''American Sociological Review'', vol. 54 (3), 1989, pp. 359–81.</ref> ForBaby-boomernes thesvar babyfaldt boomersi to, theefter resultsderes werealder:
In the west, baby boomers comprised the first generation to grow up with the [[television]]; some popular boomer-era shows included ''[[Howdy Doody]]'', ''[[The Mickey Mouse Club]]'', ''[[Captain Video]]'', ''[[The Soupy Sales Show]]'', ''[[The Brady Bunch]]'', ''[[Gilligan's Island]]'', ''[[The Twilight Zone (1959 TV series)|The Twilight Zone]]'', ''[[Batman (TV series)|Batman]]'', ''[[Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In]]'', ''[[Star Trek]]'', ''[[The Ed Sullivan Show]]'', ''[[All in the Family]]'' and ''[[Happy Days]]''.
* Den ældre del af boomerne, født 1946–55, svarede: [[Den kolde krig|Den kolde Krig]] (og tilknyttede [[Red Scare]]), [[Cubakrisen|Cuba-krisen]], mordene på [[John F. Kennedy|JFK]], [[Robert F. Kennedy|Robert Kennedy]]<nowiki/>og [[Martin Luther King]], politisk uro, [[Apollo 11|månevandringen]], usikkerheden ved at melde sig som soldat og gøre tjeneste i Vietnamkrigen, antikrigs-protester, sociale eksperimenter og eksperimenter med narkotika, seksuel frihed, borgerrettighedsbevægelsen, miljøbevægelsen, kvindefrigørelsen, og [[Woodstock]]; nøgleord var: eksperimenterende, individuel, åbensindet, <social cause oriented>.
In the 1985 study of U.S.&nbsp;generational cohorts by Schuman and Scott, a broad sample of adults was asked, "What world events over the past 50 years were especially important to them?"<ref>Schuman, H. and Scott, J. (1989), Generations and collective memories, ''American Sociological Review'', vol. 54 (3), 1989, pp. 359–81.</ref> For the baby boomers the results were:
* Baby Boomer cohort number one (born 1946–55), the cohort who epitomized the cultural change of the 1960s
** Memorable events: the [[Cold War]] (and associated [[Red Scare]]), the [[Cuban Missile Crisis]], assassinations of [[John F. Kennedy|JFK]], Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr., political unrest, [[Apollo program|walk on the moon]], risk of the draft into the [[Vietnam War]] or actual military service during the Vietnam War, anti-war protests, social experimentation, [[sexual revolution|sexual freedom]], drug experimentation, the [[Civil Rights Movement]], [[environmental movement]], [[Feminism|women's movement]], protests and riots, and [[Woodstock]].
** Key characteristics: experimental, individualism, free spirited, social cause oriented.
* Baby Boomer cohort number two (also known as [[Generation Jones]]; born 1956–64), the cohort who came of age in the "malaise" years of the 1970s
** Memorable events: the [[Cold War]], the [[Cuban Missile Crisis]] and the assassinations of [[John F. Kennedy]], Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr., for those born in the first couple of years of this generation, the [[Vietnam War]], [[Apollo program|walk on the moon]], [[Watergate scandal|Watergate]] and [[Richard Nixon|Nixon]]'s resignation, lowered drinking age to 18 in many states 1970–1976 (followed by raising back to 21 in the mid-1980s as a result of congressional lobbying by [[Mothers Against Drunk Driving]] (MADD)), the [[1973 oil crisis|oil embargo]], raging inflation, gasoline shortages, economic recession and lack of viable career opportunities upon graduation from high school or college, Jimmy Carter's reimposition of registration for the draft, the Iran hostage crisis, [[Ronald Reagan]], [[Live Aid]]
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[[Datei:Bevoelkerungsentwicklung deutschland.png|mini|[[Demografie Deutschlands]]: Geburten und Todesfälle in Deutschland<ref name="destatis1">
[[Statistisches Bundesamt]]: [ Bevölkerung – Geborene und Gestorbene Deutschland], abgerufen am 22. Juli 2013
</ref>]][[Bruger:Jensga/sandkasse#cite%20note-destatis1-18|<span class="mw-reflink-text">[18]</span>]][[Bruger:Jensga/sandkasse#cite%20note-destatis1-19|<span class="mw-reflink-text">[19]</span>]][[Bruger:Jensga/sandkasse#cite%20note-destatis1-19|<span class="mw-reflink-text">[19]</span>]][[Bruger:Jensga/sandkasse#cite%20note-destatis1-19|<span class="mw-reflink-text">[19]</span>]]
In Deutschland werden die im Zeitraum von 1955 bis 1969 Geborenen von Statistikern als geburtenstarke Jahrgänge bezeichnet. In den Vereinigten Staaten entspricht dieser Alterskohorte sowohl altersmäßig als auch in Bezug auf den typischen [[Habitus (Soziologie)|Habitus]] eher die sogenannte [[Generation Jones]]. Die Geburtenzahlen erreichten im Jahr 1964 ihren Höhepunkt mit 1.357.304 Lebendgeborenen. Ab 1965 setzte der sogenannte [[Pillenknick]] ein: die Geburtenrate ging zurück und sank schließlich 1970 unter das Niveau von 1955; ab 1972 lag die Geburtenrate unter der Sterberate. Langfristig setzt sich die abfallende Entwicklung der Geburtenzahlen bis heute fort; 2002 war die Zahl der Geburten nur noch halb so hoch wie 1964. Obwohl die geburtenstarke Generation einen zahlenmächtigen [[Demografie|demografischen Faktor]] darstellt, existieren über ihr Lebensgefühl und ihren [[Sozialisation]]styp keine Untersuchungen mit eindeutigen Ergebnissen. Demgegenüber finden sich in den Medien und in der Wirtschaft zunehmend Aussagen, die sich auf Vermutungen, Spekulationen und Deutungen stützen.<ref>B. Schwentker (2014): [ Pillenknick? Kannst du knicken!] Spiegel Online, 19. März 2014 {{Webarchiv | url= | wayback=20190109071319 | text=(Archiv)}}</ref>