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Linje 148:
:''[[:en:Demographic history of Palestine (region)#British Mandate era]]''
===Britiske folketællinger og estimater===
[[File:Palestine Distribution of Population 1947 UN map no 93(b).jpeg|thumb|Fordeling mellem arabere (mørk) og jøder (lys) i 1946 fordelt på underdistrikter. Store [[Lagkagediagram|cirkler]] angiver distrikter med mange indbyggere]]
I 1920 var hovedparten af de omkring {{formatnum:750000}} mennesker i dette multietniske områdePalæstina arabisktalende muslimer, inklusiv en befolkning af beduiner (estimeret til {{formatnum:103331}} på tidspunktet for folketællingeni 1922<ref>{{cite web |url= |title= Hope Simpson report, Chapter III |date= Octoberoktober 1930 |}}</ref> og koncentreret i [[Beersheba]]-området samt i regionen syd og øst for den), såvel som jøder (der udgjorde cirka 11% af det samlede antaltal) og mindre grupper af [[drusere]], syrere, sudanesere, somaliere, [[tjerkessere]], egyptere, [[koptere]], grækere og [[Hejaz|Hejazi-arabere]].
* Den første folketælling 1922 viste en befolkning på {{formatnum:757182}}, hvoraf 78% var muslimer, 11% jøder og 10% kristne.<ref>[ 1922 Census of Palestine], Table I</ref>
* Den anden folketælling 1931 viste en samlet befolkning på {{formatnum:1035154}}, hvoraf 73,4% var muslimer, 16,9% jøder og 8,6% kristne.<ref name=zaiman>"[ Census of Palestine, 1931]", A. Zaiman, ''Journal of the Royal Statistical Society'', Vol. 96, No. 4 (1933), pp. 660-662</ref>
En uoverensstemmelse mellem de to folketællinger ogi forhold til det registrerede antal af fødsler, døde og indvandrede i den mellemliggende periode, fik forfatterne af den anden folketælling til at mene, at der havde været en illegal indvandring af cirka 9000 jøder og 4000 arabere i de mellemliggende år.<ref>Mills, E. ''Census of Palestine, 1931'' (UK government, 1932), Vol I, pp. 61–65.</ref>
[[File:Ymca boys jeru.jpg|thumb|Kristne arabiske drenge i [[YMCA]]-drenge i Jerusalem, 1938]]
Der blev ikke foretaget flere [[Folketælling|folketællinger]], men statistikkernestatistikken blev ført ved at tælle fødsler, dødsfald og indvandring. Ved udgangen af 1936 var den samlede befolkning på cirka 1.300.000, hvor jøderne blev skønnet til at være 384.000. Araberne var også steget hurtigt i antal, hovedsageligt som et resultat af ophøret af [[værnepligt]]en, der havde eksisteret under osmannerne, indsatsen mod [[malaria]] og en generalgenerel forbedring af sundhedsvæsenet. I absolutte tal var stigningen større end den jødiske befolkningsgruppe, men forholdsmæssigt var den sidstnævnte steget fra 13 pct. af hele befolkningen ved folketællingen 1922 til næsten 30 pct. ved udgangen af 1936.<ref>[ The Political History of Palestine under British Administration], Memorandum to the United Nations Special Committee</ref>
Visse faktorer som illegal indvandring kunne kun estimeresskønnes omtrentligt. [[Hvidbogen af 1939]], der satte grænser for den jødiske indvandring, oplystebeskrev at den jødiske befolkning "var øget til cirka 450.000" og var "på vej mod en tredjedel af landets samlede befolkning". I 1945 viste en [[Demografi|demografisk]] undersøgelse, at befolkningen var øget til {{formatnum:1764520}}, hvilket indbefattede {{formatnum:1061270}} muslimer, {{formatnum:553600}} jøder, {{formatnum:135550}} kristne og {{formatnum:14100}} fra andre grupper.
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:right;"
Line 181 ⟶ 178:
|style="text-align:left;"| Gennemsnitlig årlig<br />befolkningstilvækst<br /> 1922–1945
| 2,6% || 8,6% || 2,8% || 2,7% || 3,8%
In 1920, the majority of the approximately {{formatnum:750000}} people in this multi-ethnic region were Arabic-speaking Muslims, including a Bedouin population (estimated at {{formatnum:103331}} at the time of the 1922 census<ref>"{{cite web |url= |title= Hope Simpson report, Chapter III |date= October 1930 |}}</ref> and concentrated in the [[:en:Beersheba]] area and the region south and east of it), as well as Jews (who comprised some 11% of the total) and smaller groups of [[:en:Druze]], Syrians, Sudanese, Somalis, [[:en:Circassians]], Egyptians, Copts, Greeks, and [[:en:Hejaz|Hejazi Arabs]].
* The [[:en:First British census of Palestine|first census]] of 1922 showed a population of {{formatnum:757182}}, of whom 78% were Muslim, 11% Jewish and 10% Christian.
* The [[:en:Second British census of Palestine|second census]], of 1931, gave a total population of {{formatnum:1035154}} of whom 73.4% were Muslim, 16.9% Jewish and 8.6% Christian.
A discrepancy between the two censuses and records of births, deaths and immigration, led the authors of the second census to postulate the illegal immigration of about 9,000 Jews and 4,000 Arabs during the intervening years.<ref>Mills, E. ''Census of Palestine, 1931'' (UK government, 1932), Vol I, pp. 61–65.</ref>
There were no further censuses but statistics were maintained by counting births, deaths and migration. By the end of 1936 the total population was approximately 1,300,000, the Jews being estimated at 384,000. The Arabs had also increased their numbers rapidly, mainly as a result of the cessation of the military conscription imposed on the country by the Ottoman Empire, the campaign against malaria and a general improvement in health services. In absolute figures their increase exceeded that of the Jewish population, but proportionally, the latter had risen from 13 per cent of the total population at the census of 1922 to nearly 30 per cent at the end of 1936.<ref>[ The Political History of Palestine under British Administration], Memorandum to the United Nations Special Committee</ref>
Some components such as illegal immigration could only be estimated approximately. The [[:en:White Paper of 1939]], which placed immigration restrictions on Jews, stated that the Jewish population "has risen to some {{formatnum:450000}}" and was "approaching a third of the entire population of the country." In 1945, a demographic study showed that the population had grown to {{formatnum:1764520}}, comprising {{formatnum:1061270}} Muslims, {{formatnum:553600}} Jews, {{formatnum:135550}} Christians and {{formatnum:14100}} people of other groups.
===By district===
The following table gives the religious demography of each of the 16 [[:en:Districts of Mandatory Palestine|districts]] of the Mandate in 1945.
{|class="sortable wikitable" style="text-align:right;"
|- style="background:#e9e9e9;"
!colspan="9" style="background:#e9e9e9;font-size:110%"| Demography of Palestine in 1945 by district<ref>{{cite book|title=A Survey of Palestine: Prepared in December, 1945 and January, 1946 for the Information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry |pages=12–13|volume=1|publisher=Institute for Palestine Studies| year=1991|isbn=978-0-88728-211-9|author=prepared in December 1945 and January 1946 for the information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.}}</ref>
!width="80"| District
! style="width:100px;"| Sub-District
! Muslim !! style="text-align:right;"| Percentage
! Jewish !! style="text-align:right;"| Percentage
! Christian !! style="text-align:right;"| Percentage
! Total
| style="text-align:left;"| Haifa
|align="left"| [[:en:Haifa]]
| {{formatnum:95970}} || 38%
| {{formatnum:119020}} || 47%
| {{formatnum:33710}} || 13%
| {{formatnum:253450}}
| style="text-align:left;" rowspan="5"| Galilee
|align="left"| [[:en:Acre Subdistrict, Mandatory Palestine|Acre]]
| {{formatnum:51130}} || 69%
| {{formatnum:3030}} || 4%
| {{formatnum:11800}} || 16%
| {{formatnum:73600}}
|align="left"| [[:en:Beisan]]
| {{formatnum:16660}} || 67%
| {{formatnum:7590}} || 30%
| 680 || 3%
| {{formatnum:24950}}
|align="left"| [[:en:Nazareth]]
| {{formatnum:30160}} || 60%
| {{formatnum:7980}} || 16%
| {{formatnum:11770}} || 24%
| {{formatnum:49910}}
|align="left"| [[:en:Safad]]
| {{formatnum:47310}} || 83%
| {{formatnum:7170}} || 13%
| {{formatnum:1630}} || 3%
| {{formatnum:56970}}
|align="left"| [[:en:Tiberias]]
| {{formatnum:23940}} || 58%
| {{formatnum:13640}} || 33%
| {{formatnum:2470}} || 6%
| {{formatnum:41470}}
| style="text-align:left;" rowspan="2"| Lydda
|align="left"| [[:en:Jaffa]]
| {{formatnum:95980}} || 24%
| {{formatnum:295160}} || 72%
| {{formatnum:17790}} || 4%
| {{formatnum:409290}}
|align="left"| [[:en:Ramle]]
| {{formatnum:95590}} || 71%
| {{formatnum:31590}} || 24%
| {{formatnum:5840}} || 4%
| {{formatnum:134030}}
| style="text-align:left;" rowspan="3"| Samaria
|align="left"| [[:en:Jenin]]
| {{formatnum:60000}} || 98%
| negligible || <1%
| {{formatnum:1210}} || 2%
| {{formatnum:61210}}
|align="left"| [[:en:Nablus]]
| {{formatnum:92810}} || 98%
| negligible || <1%
| {{formatnum:1560}} || 2%
| {{formatnum:94600}}
|align="left"| [[:en:Tulkarm]]
| {{formatnum:76460}} || 82%
| {{formatnum:16180}} || 17%
| 380 || 1%
| {{formatnum:93220}}
| style="text-align:left;" rowspan="3"| Jerusalem
|align="left"| [[:en:Hebron]]
| {{formatnum:92640}} || 99%
| 300 || <1%
| 170 || <1%
| {{formatnum:93120}}
|align="left"| [[:en:Jerusalem]]
| {{formatnum:104460}} || 41%
| {{formatnum:102520}} || 40%
| {{formatnum:46130}} || 18%
| {{formatnum:253270}}
|align="left"| [[:en:Ramallah]]
| {{formatnum:40520}} || 83%
| negligible || <1%
| {{formatnum:8410}} || 17%
| {{formatnum:48930}}
| style="text-align:left;" rowspan="2"| Gaza
|align="left"| [[:en:Beersheba]]
| {{formatnum:6270}} || 90%
| 510 || 7%
| 210 || 3%
| {{formatnum:7000}}
|align="left"| [[:en:Gaza City|Gaza]]
| {{formatnum:145700}} || 97%
| {{formatnum:3540}} || 2%
| {{formatnum:1300}} || 1%
| {{formatnum:150540}}
| style="text-align:left;" colspan="2"| Total
| {{formatnum:1076780}} || 58%
| {{formatnum:608230}} || 33%
| {{formatnum:145060}} || 9%
| {{formatnum:1845560}}