Bruger:Weblars/Sandkasse5: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 181:
:''[[:en:Economy of Mandatory Palestine]]''
Mellem 1922 og 1947 var den årlige vækst i den jødiske økonomiske sektor på 13,2%, hvilket især skyldtes indvandring og udenlandsk kapital, mens væksten i den arabiskeøkonomiske sektor blandt araberne var 6,5%. Målt pr. indbygger var disse tal henholdsvis 4,8% og 3,6%. I 1936 tjente jøder 2,6 gange så meget som arabere.{{sfn|Khalidi|2006|pp=13–14}} Sammenlignet med arabere i andre lande tjente palæstinensiske arabere lidt mere.{{sfn|Khalidi|2006|p=27}}
Landets største industrier fandtes i [[Haifa]], hvor der mange boligbyggerieralmennyttige bolig blev anlagt til arbejderne.<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Haifa's glass house transparent, but still an Israeli mystery |work=Dagbladet [[Haaretz]] |author=Noam Dvir |date=5 April 2012}}</ref>
Med hensyn til det såkaldte [[Human Development Index]] målt mellem 36 lande omkring 1939 lå de palæstinensiske jøder nr. 14, de palæstinensiske arabere nr. 30, Egypten nr. 33 og Tyrkiet nr. 35.{{sfn|Khalidi|2006|p=16}} Jøderne i Palæstina boede især i byerne (76,2% i 1942), mens araberne især boede på landet (68,3% i 1942).{{sfn|Khalidi|2006|p=17}} Alt i alt konkluderer den palæstinensisk-amerikanske historiker [[Rashid Khalidi]] (født 1948), at det arabiske samfund i Palæstina, til trods for at det var jødernes underlegent, var lige så udviklet som alle andre arabiske samfund i regionen og betragteligt mere end flere andre.{{sfn|Khalidi|2006|pp=29–30}}
Between 1922 and 1947, the annual growth rate of the Jewish sector of the economy was 13.2%, mainly due to immigration and foreign capital, while that of the Arab was 6.5%. Per capita, these figures were 4.8% and 3.6% respectively. By 1936, Jews earned 2.6 times as much as Arabs.<ref>{{sfn|Khalidi|2006|pp=13–14}}</ref> Compared to Arabs in other countries, Palestinian Arabs earned slightly more.<ref>{{sfn|Khalidi|2006|p=27 }}</ref>
[[Jaffa Electric Company]] blev grundlagt i 1923 af [[Pinhas Rutenberg]], og det blev senere del af det nyoprettede [[Israel Electric Company|Palestine Electric Company]]. Elektriciteten blev især anvendt af den jødiske industri i Tel Aviv og Haifa. Selv om Tel Aviv havde langt flere værksteder og fabrikker, var efterspørgslen på strøm i industrien omtrent den samme for begge byer i de tidlige 1930'ere.<ref>Shamir, Ronen (2013). ''Current Flow: The Electrification of Palestine''. Stanford: Stanford University Press.</ref>
The [[:en:Jaffa Electric Company]] was founded in 1923 by [[:en:Pinhas Rutenberg]], and was later absorbed into a newly created [[:en:Israel Electric Company|Palestine Electric Company]]. [[:en:Palestine Airways]] was founded in 1934, [[:en:Angel Bakeries]] in 1927, and the [[:en:Tnuva]] dairy in 1926. Electric current mainly flowed to Jewish industry, following it to its nestled locations in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Although Tel Aviv had by far more workshops and factories, the demand for electric power for industry was roughly the same for both cities by the early 1930s.<ref>Shamir, Ronen (2013). ''Current Flow: The Electrification of Palestine''. Stanford: Stanford University Press.</ref>
The country's largest industrial zone was in [[:en:Haifa]], where many housing projects were built for employees.<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Haifa's glass house transparent, but still an Israeli mystery |work=Dagbladet [[Haaretz]] |author=Noam Dvir |date=5 April 2012}}</ref>
On the scale of the UN [[:en:Human Development Index]] determined for around 1939, of 36 countries, Palestinian Jews were placed 15th, Palestinian Arabs 30th, Egypt 33rd and Turkey 35th.<ref>{{sfn|Khalidi|2006|p=16 |Ref=none}}</ref> The Jews in Palestine were mainly urban, 76.2% in 1942, while the Arabs were mainly rural, 68.3% in 1942.<ref>{{sfn|Khalidi|2006|p=17 |Ref=none}}</ref> Overall, Khalidi concludes that Palestinian Arab society, while overmatched by the Yishuv, was as advanced as any other Arab society in the region and considerably more than several.<ref>{{sfn|Khalidi|2006|pp=29–30 |Ref=none}}</ref>