Bruger:Weblars/Sandkasse5: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 194:
==Historie (oprindelig artikel)==
Under the British Mandate, the country developed economically and culturally. In 1919 the Jewish community founded a centralised Hebrew school system, and the following year established the [[Assembly of Representatives (Mandate Palestine)|Assembly of Representatives]], the [[Jewish National Council]] and the [[Histadrut]] labour federation. The [[:en:Technion]] university was founded in 1924, and the [[:en:Hebrew University of Jerusalem]] in 1925.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The Jewish Community Under the Palestine Mandate|author=|date=|}}</ref>
Literacy rates in 1932 were 86% for the Jews compared to 22% for the Palestinian Arabs, but Arab literacy rates steadily increased thereafter. Palestinian Arabs compared favourably in this respect to residents of Egypt and Turkey, but unfavourably to the Lebanese.<ref>{{Harv|Khalidi|2006|pp=14, 24 |Ref=none}}</ref>
Under opdelingen af [[Det Osmanniske Rige]] ved [[Versailles-freden|fredskonferencen i Versailles]] blev det, der siden kendes som [[Jordan]], [[Israel]] og de besatte palæstinensiske områder udlagt som [[mandatområde]] under [[Folkeforbundet]] med [[Storbritannien]] som mandatar.