Huset Plantagenet: Forskelle mellem versioner

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En rivalisering mellem to af husets grene fra henholdsvis [[Hertug af York|York]] og [[Hertugdømmet Lancaster|Lancaster]] endte med [[rosekrigene]], der var en flere årtier lang konflikt om den engelske krone, der kulminerede i [[slaget ved Bosworth Field]] i 1485, hvor Plantagenets greb om magten og den [[England i middelalderen|engelske middelalder]] sluttede med Richard 3.'s død. [[Henrik 7. af England|Henrik 7.]], der var fra huset Lancaster, blev konge af England, og to år senere giftede han sig med [[Elizabeth af York]], hvorved rosekrigene blev endeligt afsluttet, og det gav anledning til at [[Huset Tudor|tudordynasiet]] kunne tage magten. Tudorne arbejde på at centralisere den engelske kongemagt, hvilket gjorde at de kunne undgå nogle af de problemer som huset Plantagenets herskere havde oplevet. Den efterfølgende stabilitet ledte til den [[engelske renæssance]] og fremkomsten af det tidlige moderne [[Storbritannien]].
=== Slægtstræ ===
Under fortsat redigering (23/5-20)
*{{Color sample|border=#CC0000|white; border-width:2px}} - En rød omkreds indikerer en monark
*{{Color sample|border=#000000|white; border-width:2px}} - En fed omkreds indikerer en nær slægtning til en monark (forældre, ægtefæller og børn)
*{{Color sample|border=#000000|white; border-width:1px}} - En tynd omkreds indikerer andre slægtninge
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |HC| |HN| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | HC=[[Huset Châteaudun]]<br /> <small>Greverne af Anjou</small>|HN=[[Huset Normandiet]]| boxstyle_HOP=border-width:0px;}}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |:| | | |:| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |God |y|Mat | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | God=<small>g. 1128</small><br />[[Godfred 5. af Anjou|Godfred<br />Plantagenet<br /> <small>Greve af Anjou</small>]]<br /><small>1113–1151</small>| boxstyle_Geo=border-width:2px;| Mat='''[[Matilde af England|Matilde]]'''<br /><small>ca.1102–1167<br />r. 1141<br>''208 dage''<br>''Omstridt''</small>| boxstyle_Mat=border-width:2px;}}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|-|-|^|-|v|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | GN | |EA |y|HT | | WF | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | GN=[[Godfred af Nantes|Godfred<br /><small>Greve af Nantes</small>]]<br /><small>1134–1158 </small>| EA=<small>g. 1152</small><br />[[Eleonora af Aquitanien|Eleonora<br /><small>af Aqutanien</small>]]<br /><small>ca. 1122–1204</small>| boxstyle_EA=border-width:2px;| HT='''[[Henrik 2. af England|Henrik 2.]]'''<br /><small>1133–1189<br />r. 1154–1189</small>| boxstyle_HT=border-width:2px; border-color:#CC0000;| WF=[[Vilhelm af Anjou|Vilhelm 10.<br /><small>of Poitou</small>]]<br /><small>1136–1163/64</small>}}
{{stamtræ | | | | | |,|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|+|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{stamtræ| | | | |GB |y| CB | |MS |y| HL |!|EC |y| AC | | WS |y|JS |y| RT | | | | | | | | | GB=[[Godfred 2., hertug af Bretagne|Godfred 2.<br /><small>Hertug af<br /> Bretagne</small>]]<br /><small>1158–1186</small>| boxstyle_GB=border-width:2px| CB=<small>g. 1181</small><br />[[Konstance af Bretagne|Konstance<br /><small>Hertuginde af<br /> Bretagne</small>]]<br /><small>1161–1201</small>| MS=[[Matilde af England, hertuginde af Sachsen|Matilde<br /><small>af England</small>]]<br /><small>1156–1189 </small>| boxstyle_MS=border-width:2px| HL=<small>g. 1168</small><br />[[Henrik Løve|Henrik 3.<br /><small>Hertug af Sachsen</small>]]<small><br />''Løve''<br />1129–1195</small>| EC=[[Eleonora af England, dronning af Kastilien|Eleonora<br /> <small>af England</small>]]<br /><small>1162–1214 </small>| boxstyle_EC=border-width:2px| AC=<small>g. 1177</small><br />[[Alfons 8. af Kastilien|Alfons 8.<br /><small>af Kastilien</small>]]<br /><small>1155–1214</small>| WS=<small>g. 1177</small><br />[[Vilhelm 2. af Sicilien|Vilhelm 2.<br /><small>af Sicilien</small>]]<br /><small>1155–1189</small>| JS=[[Johanne af England, dronning af Sicilien|Johanne <br /><small>af England</small>]]<br /><small>1165–1199 </small>| boxstyle_JS=border-width:2px| RT=<small>g. 1197</small><br />[[Raymond 6. af Toulouse|Raymond 6.<br /><small>Greve af<br /> Toulouse</small>]]<br /><small>1156–1222</small>}}
{{stamtræ | |,|-|-|-|v|-|^|-|.| | | | | |!| | | |!| | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | EB | | MB | | AB | | | |CH2 | | |!| | |EC2 | | | | | | BA | |CH | | | | | | | | | | | EB=[[Eleonora af Bretagne|Eleonora<br /> <small>af Bretagne</small>]]<small><br>ca. 1184–1241</small>| MB=Matilde <br /><small>af Bretagne</small><br><small>1185–før 1189 </small>| AB=[[Arthur 1., hertug af Bretagne|Arthur 1.<br /><small>Hertug af Bretagne</small>]]<br><small>1187–1203 </small>| CH2=''[[Huset Welf|<small>Huset<br />Welf</small>]]''| boxstyle_CH2=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| EC2=''[[Huset Burgund-Ivrea|<small>Huset<br /> Burgund-Ivrea</small>]]''| boxstyle_EC2=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| BA=[[Bohemond, hertug af Apulien|Bohemond<br /><small>Hertug af Apulien</small>]]| CH=''[[Huset Toulouse|<small>Huset <br />Toulouse</small>]]''| boxstyle_CH=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top}}
{{stamtræ | | | | | |,|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|^|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | | |WP | |HYK |~| MF | |RI |~|BN | |IA |y|KJ |~|IG | | | | | | | | | | | | | WP=[[Vilhelm 9. af Poitiers|Vilhelm 9.<br /><small>Greve af Poitiers</small>]]<br /><small>1153–1156</small>| boxstyle_WP=border-width:2px| HYK=[[Henrik den Unge Konge|Henrik<br /><small>Hertug af<br /> Normandiet</small>]]<br /><small>''den Unge Konge''<br />1155–1183</small>| boxstyle_HYK=border-width:2px| MF=<small>g. 1160</small><br />[[Margrete af Frankrig (1158-1197)|Margrete<br /><small>af Frankrig</small>]]<br /><small>1157–1197</small>| RI='''[[Richard 1. af England|Richard 1.]]'''<br />''Løvehjerte''<br /><small>1157–1199<br />r. 1189–1199</small>| boxstyle_RI=border-width:2px; border-color:#CC0000;| BN=<small>g. 1191</small><br />[[Berengaria af Navarra|Berengaria <br /><small>af Navarra</small>]]<br /><small>ca. 1165–1230</small>| boxstyle_BN=border-width:2px;| IA=<small>g. 1200</small><br />[[Isabella af Angoulême|Isabella<br /><small>af Angoulême</small>]]<br /><small>1188–1246</small>| boxstyle_IA=border-width:2px| KJ='''[[Johan af England|Johan]]'''<br /><small>''Uden land''<br />1166–1216<br />r. 1199–1216</small>| boxstyle_KJ=border-width:2px; border-color:#CC0000;| IG=<small>g. 1189–1199</small><br />[[Isabella af Gloucester|Isabella<br /><small>Grevinde af<br /> Gloucester</small>]]<br /><small>c. 1173–1217</small>| boxstyle_IG=border-width:2px;}}
{{stamtræ | | | | | |,|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|^|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | | | }}
{{stamtræ |EP |y|HT2 | | WM |~|EL |y| SD | | IM |y|RC |y| SA | |JE |~| AS | |IH |y| FH | EP=<small>g. 1236</small><br />[[Eleonora af Provence|Eleonora <br /><small>af Provence</small>]]<br /><small>ca. 1223–1291</small>| boxstyle_EP=border-width:2px;| HT2='''[[Henrik 3. af England|Henrik 3.]]'''<br /><small>1207–1272<br />r. 1216–1272</small>| boxstyle_HT2=border-width:2px; border-color:#CC0000;| WM=<small>g. 1224</small><br />[[William Marshal, 2. jarl af Pembroke|William <br />Marshal<br /><small>2. jarl <br />af Pembroke</small>]]<br /><small>1190–1231</small>| EL=[[Eleonora af England (1215-1275)|Eleonora<br /><small>af England</small>]]<br /><small>1215–1275</small>| boxstyle_EL=border-width:2px| SD=<small>g. 1238</small><br />[[Simon de Montfort, 6. jarl af Leicester|Simon <br />de Montfort]]<br /><small>1208–1265</small>| IM=<small>g. 1231</small><br />[[Isabel Marshal|Isabel<br /> Marshal]]<br /><small>1200–1240</small>| RC=[[Richard af Cornwall|Richard<br /><small>1. Jarl af<br /> Cornwall</small>]]<br /><small>1209–1272 </small>| boxstyle_RC=border-width:2px;| SA=<small>g. 1243</small><br />[[Sancha af Provence|Sancha <br /><small>af Provence</small>]]<br /><small>ca. 1228–1261</small>| JE=[[Johanne af England, dronning af Skotland|Johanne <br /><small>af England</small>]]<br /><small>1210–1238 </small>| boxstyle_JE=border-width:2px;| AS=<small>g. 1221</small><br />[[Alexander 2. af Skotland|Alexander 2.<br /><small>af Skotland</small>]]<br /><small>1198–1249</small>| IH=[[Isabella af England|Isabella <br /><small>af England</small>]]<br /><small>1214–1241</small>| boxstyle_IH=border-width:2px;| FH=<small>g. 1235</small><br />[[Frederik 2. (tysk-romersk kejser)|Frederik 2.<br /><small>Tysk-romersk<br /> kejser</small>]]<br /><small>1194–1250</small>}}
{{stamtræ | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | |!| |,|-|-|-|v|-|'| |:| |`|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|.| | | | | |!| | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | |!| HA | |OT | | BF | | ED | | RC2 | |OTH | | | |CH3 | | | HA=[[Henrik af Almain|Henrik <br />af Almain]]<br /><small>1235–1271</small>| OT=''[[Richard af Cornwall#Ægteskab og børn|Andre]]''| boxstyle_OT=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| BF=<small>g. 1269</small><br />[[Beatrix af Falkenburg|Beatrix<br /><small>af Falkenburg</small>]]<br /><small>ca.1254–1277</small>| ED=[[Edmund, 2. jarl af Cornwall|Edmund<br /><small>2. jarl af<br /> Cornwall</small>]]<br /><small>1249–1300</small>| RC2=Richard <br /><small>af Cornwall</small>| OTH=''[[Richard, 1. jarl af Cornwall#Ægteskab og børn|Andre]]''| boxstyle_OTH=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| CH3=''[[Huset Hohenstaufen|<small>Huset <br />Hohenstaufen</small>]]''| boxstyle_CH3=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top}}
{{stamtræ | | | |!| |,|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|^|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | |!| HDM | | SDM | | ADM | | RDM | | JDM | | | | | | GDM |~| MA | | EDM |y| LG | | | | | HDM=[[Henry de Montfort|Henry <br /><small>de Montfort</small>]]<br /><small>1238–1265</small>| SDM=[[Simon de Montfort den Yngre|Simon<br /><small>de Montfort<br />den Yngre</small>]]<br /><small>1240–1271</small>| ADM=[[Amaury de Montfort (præst)|Amaury <br /><small>de Montfort</small>]]<br /><small>1242–1301</small>| RDM=Richard <br /><small>de Montfort</small><br/><small>1252–1266</small>| JDM=Joanna <br /><small>de Montfort<br>1248/1251</small>| GDM=[[Guy de Montfort, greve af Nola|Guy<br /><small>de Montfort<br />Greve af Nola</small>]]<br /><small>1244–ca. 1288</small>| MA=Margherita<br /><small>Aldobrandesca</small>| EDM=[[Eleanor de Montfort|Eleanor<br /><small>de Montfort</small>]]<br /><small>1252–1282</small>| LG=<small>g. 1275</small><br />[[Llywelyn ap Gruffudd|Llywelyn<br /><small>ap Gruffudd</small>]]<br /><small>ca.1223–1282</small>}}
{{stamtræ | | | |`|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| |`|-|-|-|-|-|.| }}
{{stamtræ |EC3 |y|ED2 |y|MF2 | |KT | | AF |~|EL2 |y| BA2 | |BE |y| JB | |MS2 |y| AS2 | | GW | EC3=<small>g. 1254</small><br />[[Eleonora af Kastilien (1241-1290)|Eleonora <br /><small>af Kastilien</small>]]<br /><small>1241–1290</small>| boxstyle_EC3=border-width:2px| ED2='''[[Edvard 1. af England|Edvard 1.]]<br />'''<small>''Longshanks''<br />1239–1307<br />r.1272–1307</small>| boxstyle_ED2=border-width:2px; border-color:#CC0000;| MF2=<small>m. 1299</small><br />[[Margrethe af Frankrig, dronning af England|Margrete<br /><small>af Frankrig</small>]]<br /><small>1279–1318</small>| boxstyle_MF2=border-width:2px;| KT=Katarina <br /><small>af England</small><br /><small>1253–1257</small>| boxstyle_KT=border-width:2px;| AF=<small>g. 1269</small><br />[[Aveline de Forz|Aveline<br /><small>de Forz</small>]]<br /><small>1259–1274</small>| EL2=[[Edmund, 1. jarl af Lancaster|Edmund<br /><small>1. jarl af<br />Lancaster</small>]]<br /><small>''Crouchback''<br />1245–1296</small>| boxstyle_EL2=border-width:2px;| BA2=<small>g. 1276</small><br />[[Blanka af Artois|Blanche <br /><small>af Artois</small>]]<br /><small>1248–1302</small>| BE=[[Beatrix af England|Beatrix <br /><small>af England</small>]]<br /><small>1242–1275</small>| boxstyle_BE=border-width:2px;| JB=<small>g. 1260</small><br />[[Johan 2., hertug af Bretagne|Johan 2.<br /><small>Hertug af Bretagne</small>]]<br /><small>1239–1305</small>| MS2=[[Margrete af England|Margrete <br /><small>af England</small>]]<br /><small>1240–1275</small>| boxstyle_MS2=border-width:2px;| AS2=<small>g. 1251</small><br />[[Alexander 3. af Skotland|Alexander 3.<br /><small>af Skotland</small>]]<br /><small>1241–1286</small>| GW=[[Gwenllian af Wales|Gwenllian<br /><small>af Wales</small>]]<br /><small>1282–1337</small>}}
{{stamtræ | | | |!| | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |`|-|-|-|-|-|.| |!| | | | | | | |`|-|.| | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | |!| |,|-|^|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | |!| |`|-|.| | | | | | | |!| | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | |!|EL3 | |ED3 |y| MW | | AH |y|TH |~| MB2 | |COE | |COB | | | | | |CH5 | | | | | EL3=Eleonora <br /><small>af England<br />1306–1310</small>| boxstyle_EL3=border-width:2px;| ED3=[[Edmund af Woodstock, 1. jarl af Kent|Edmund<br /><small>af Woodstock<br />1. jarl<br />af Kent</small>]]<br /><small>1301–1330</small>| boxstyle_ED3=border-width:2px;| MW=<small>g. 1325</small><br />[[Margaret Wake]]<br /><small>ca. 1297–1349</small>| AH=<small>g. 1319</small><br />Alice <br />Hayles| TH=[[Thomas af Brotherton, 1. jarl af Norfolk|Thomas <br /><small>af Brotherton<br />1. jarl af<br /> Norfolk</small>]]<br /><small>1300–1338</small>| boxstyle_TH=border-width:2px;| MB2=<small>g. 1335</small><br />Mary Braose| COE=''[[Huset Lancaster]]''| boxstyle_COE=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| COB=''<small>[[Huset Dreux]]</small>''| boxstyle_COB=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| CH5=<small>[[Huset Dunkeld|House of<br /> Dunkeld]]</small>| boxstyle_CH5=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top}}
{{stamtræ | | | |)|-|.| | | | | |!| | | | | |,|-|'| |,|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|.| | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | |!|MW2 | | | |COE2 | | | |COT | |KAT | |JA | |JO | |HE | |AC2 | |BE2 |!| | | | MW2=[[Mary of Woodstock|Mary <br /><small>of England</small>]]<br /><small>1279–c. 1332</small>| boxstyle_MW2=border-width:2px;| COE2=''[[Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent|<small>Plantagenet<br /> Family</small>]]''| boxstyle_COE2=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| COT=''[[Thomas of Brotherton#Marriages and issue and death|<small>Plantagenet<br />Family</small>]]''| boxstyle_COT=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| KAT=Katherine <br /><small>of England</small><br /><small>c.1261–1264</small>| boxstyle_KAT=border-width:2px;| JA=Joan <br /><small>of England</small><br /><small>1265</small>| boxstyle_JA=border-width:2px;| JO=John <br /><small>of England</small><br /><small>1266–1271</small>| boxstyle_JO=border-width:2px;| HE=[[Henry, son of Edward I|Henry]]<br /><small>1267–1274</small>| boxstyle_HE=border-width:2px;| AC2=[[Alphonso, Earl of Chester|Alphonso<br /><small>Earl of Chester</small>]]<br /><small>1273–1284</small>| boxstyle_AC2=border-width:2px;| BE2=Berengaria<br /><small>of England</small><br /><small>1276–1278</small>| boxstyle_BE2=border-width:2px;}}
{{stamtræ | | | |`|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|'| | | }}
{{stamtræ |IF |y|ED4 | | JC |~|ER |y| HDB | |EL4 |y| HB | | GC |y|JE2 |y| RM | |ME |y| JB2 | IF=<small>m. 1308</small><br />[[Isabella of France|Isabella<br /><small>of France</small>]]<br /><small>c.1295–1358</small>| boxstyle_IF=border-width:2px;| ED4='''[[Edward II of England|Edward II]]'''<br /><small>1284–1327<br />r.1307–1327</small>| boxstyle_ED4=border-width:2px; border-color:#CC0000;| JC=<small>m. 1297</small><br />[[John I, Count of Holland|John I<br /><small>Count of<br /> Holland</small>]]<br /><small>1284–1299</small>| ER=[[Elizabeth of Rhuddlan|Elizabeth<br /><small>of England</small>]]<br /><small>1282–1316</small>| boxstyle_ER=border-width:2px;| HDB=<small>m. 1302</small><br />[[Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford|Humphrey <br /><small>de Bohun<br />4th Earl of<br /> Hereford</small>]]<br /><small>1276–1322</small>| EL4=[[Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar|Eleanor <br /><small>of England</small>]]<br /><small>1269–1298</small>| boxstyle_EL4=border-width:2px;| HB=<small>m. 1293</small><br />[[Henry III, Count of Bar|Henry III<br /><small>Count of Bar</small>]]<br /><small>1259–1302</small>| GC=<small>m. 1290</small><br />[[Gilbert de Clare, 7th Earl of Gloucester|<small>Gilbert<br />de Clare<br />7th Earl of<br />Gloucester</small>]]<br /><small>1243–1295</small>| JE2=[[Joan of Acre|Joan <small><br />of England</small>]]<br /><small>1272–1307 </small>| boxstyle_JE2=border-width:2px;| RM=<small>m. 1297</small><br />[[Ralph de Monthermer, 1st Baron Monthermer|Ralph<br /><small>de Monthermer<br />1st Baron <br />Monthermer</small>]]<br /><small>c. 1270–1325</small>| ME=[[Margaret of England, Duchess of Brabant|Margaret<br /><small>of England</small>]]<br /><small>1275–1333</small>| boxstyle_ME=border-width:2px;| JB2=<small>m. 1290</small><br />[[John II, Duke of Brabant|John II<br /><small>Duke of<br /> Brabant</small>]]<br /><small>1275–1312</small>}}
{{stamtræ | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | |CH7 | | | | | |CD2 | | | | | |COJ | |CH6 | | | | | |CD | | | CH7=''[[Elizabeth of Rhuddlan#Issue|<small>de Bohun<br />Family</small>]]''| boxstyle_CH7=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| CD2=''[[Counts and Dukes of Bar|<small>House of<br />Montbelliard</small>]]''| boxstyle_CD2=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| COJ=''[[Joan of Acre#First marriage|<small>de Clare]]<br />[[De_Clare#Genealogical_tree|Family</small>]]''| boxstyle_COJ=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| CH6=''[[Joan of Acre#Secret second marriage|<small>de<br />Monthermer]]<br /> [[Baron Monthermer|Family</small>]]''| boxstyle_CH6=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| CD=''[[House of Reginar|<small>House of<br />Reginar</small>]]''| boxstyle_CD=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top}}
{{stamtræ | | | |`|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{stamtræ |PH |y|ED5 | |JE3 | |EW |~| RG | |JT |~| DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PH=<small>m. 1328</small><br />[[Philippa of Hainault|Philippa <br /><small>of Hainault</small>]]<br /><small>1314–1369</small>| boxstyle_PH=border-width:2px;| ED5='''[[Edward III of England|Edward III]]'''<br /><small>1312–1377<br />r. 1327–1377</small>| boxstyle_ED5=border-width:2px; border-color:#CC0000;| JE3=[[John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall|John <br /><small>of Eltham<br />Earl of Cornwall</small>]]<br /><small>1316–1336</small>| boxstyle_JE3=border-width:2px;| EW=[[Eleanor of Woodstock|Eleanor<br /><small>of England</small>]]<br /><small>1318–1355</small>| boxstyle_EW=border-width:2px;| RG=<small>m. 1332</small><br />[[Reginald II, Duke of Guelders|Reginald II<br /><small>Duke of<br /> Guelders</small>]]<br /><small>c.1295–1343</small>| JT=[[Joan of The Tower|Joan <br /><small>of England</small>]]<br><small>1321–1362</small>| boxstyle_JT=border-width:2px;| DS=<small>m. 1328<br></small>[[David II of Scotland|David II<br /><small>of Scotland</small>]]<small><br>1324–1371</small>}}
{{stamtræ | | | |)|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | |!|JO2 | |WH | |MA2 |~| JB3 | |MAR |~| JH | |WW | |IS |~| EC4 | |TW |~| ELB | JO2=[[Joan of England (1335–1348)|Joan <br /><small>of England</small>]]<br /><small>1335–1348</small>| boxstyle_JO2=border-width:2px;| WH=William <br /><small>of Hatfield<br />1337</small>| boxstyle_WH=border-width:2px;| MA2=[[Mary of Waltham|Mary <br /><small>of England</small>]]<br /><small>1344–1362</small>| boxstyle_MA2=border-width:2px;| JB3=<small>m. 1361<br /></small>[[John V, Duke of Brittany|John V<br /><small>Duke of Brittany</small>]]<br /><small>1339–1399</small>| MAR=[[Margaret, Countess of Pembroke|Margaret<br /><small>of England</small>]]<br /><small>1346–1361</small>| boxstyle_MAR=border-width:2px;| JH=<small>m. 1359<br /></small>[[John Hastings, 2nd Earl of Pembroke|John<br />Hastings<br /><small>2nd Earl of<br /> Pembroke</small>]]<br /><small>1347–1375</small>| WW=William <small><br />of Windsor<br />1348</small>| boxstyle_WW=border-width:2px;| IS=[[Isabella de Coucy|Isabella <br /><small>of England</small>]]<small><br />1332–<br />1379/1382</small>| boxstyle_IS=border-width:2px;| EC4=<small>m. 1365<br /></small>[[Enguerrand VII, Lord of Coucy|Enguerrand<br />VII<br /><small>Lord of Coucy</small>]]<br /><small>1340–1397</small>| TW=[[Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester|Thomas<br /><small>of Woodstock<br />1st Duke of<br />Gloucester</small>]]<br /><small>1355–1397</small>| boxstyle_TW=border-width:2px;| ELB=<small>m. 1376<br /></small>[[Eleanor de Bohun|Eleanor<br /><small>de Bohun</small>]]<br><small>c. 1366–1399</small>}}
{{stamtræ | | | |`|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | |!|F|~|~|~|~|y|~|7| | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | JK |y|ED6 | | | | | | BL |y|JG |y| CC |!| KS | |EDY |y| ICY | | EDB |y|LA |~| VV | JK=<small>m. 1361</small><br />[[Joan of Kent|Joan<small><br />of Kent</small>]]<br /><small>1328–1385</small>| ED6=[[Edward, the Black Prince|Edward<br /><small>of Wales</small>]]<br /><small>''The Black<br /> Prince''<br />1330–1376</small>| boxstyle_ED6=border-width:2px;| BL=<small>m. 1359<br /></small>[[Blanche of Lancaster|Blanche<br /><small>of Lancaster</small>]]<br /><small>c. 1347–1368</small>| JG=[[John of Gaunt|John<br /><small>of Gaunt<br />1st Duke of<br />Lancaster</small>]]<br /><small>1340–1399</small>| boxstyle_JG=border-width:2px;| CC=<small>m. 1371<br /></small>[[Constance of Castile, Duchess of Lancaster|Constance<br /><small>of Castile</small>]]<br /><small>1354–1394</small>| KS=<small>n m. 1396<br></small>[[Katherine Swynford|Katherine<br />Swynford]]<br><small>1350–1403</small>| EDY=[[Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York|Edmund<br /><small>of Langley<br />1st Duke<br />of York</small>]]<br /><small>1341–1402</small>| boxstyle_EDY=border-width:2px;| ICY=<small>m. 1372<br /></small>[[Isabella of Castile, Duchess of York|Isabella<br /><small>of Castile</small>]]<br /><small>c.1355–1392 </small>| EDB=<small>m. 1352<br /></small>[[Elizabeth de Burgh, 4th Countess of Ulster|Elizabeth<br /> <small>de Burgh<br />4th Countess <br />of Ulster</small>]]<br /><small>1332–1363</small>| LA=[[Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence|Lionel<br /><small>of Antwerp<br />1st Duke of<br />Clarence</small>]]<br /><small>1338–1368</small>| boxstyle_LA=border-width:2px;| VV=<small>m. 1368<br /></small>[[Violante Visconti|Violante<br />Visconti]]<br /><small>1354–1386</small>}}
{{stamtræ | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| | | |`|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|#|-|.| | | | | |!| | | | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | |,|-|^|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | | | |`|-|.| |`|-|v|-|-|-|.| | | | | |!| |!| | | | | |`|-|.| | | | | }}
{{stamtræ |EA2 | |AB2 |~|RT2 |~|IV | |HOL | | JO3 | | CC2 |y| HC |!|HOB | | | | | | PH2 |y| EM | EA2=[[Edward of Angoulême|Edward <br /><small>of Angoulême</small>]]<br/><small>1365–1372</small>| boxstyle_EA2=border-width:2px;| AB2=<small>m. 1382<br /></small>[[Anne of Bohemia|Anne<br /><small>of Bohemia</small>]]<br /><small>1366–1394</small>| boxstyle_AB2=border-width:2px;| RT2='''[[Richard II of England|Richard II]]'''<br /><small>1367–1400<br>r.1377–1399</small>| boxstyle_RT2=border-width:2px; border-color:#CC0000;| IV=<small>m. 1396<br /></small>[[Isabella of Valois|Isabella<br /><small>of Valois</small>]]<br /><small>1389–1409</small>| boxstyle_IV=border-width:2px;| HOL='''[[House of Lancaster|''House <br />of <br />Lancaster'']]'''| boxstyle_HOL=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| JO3=John <br /><small>of Lancaster</small><br /><small>1374–1375</small>| CC2=[[Catherine of Lancaster|Catherine<br /><small>of Lancaster</small>]]<br /><small>1373–1418</small>| HC=<small>m. 1388<br /></small>[[Henry III of Castile|Henry III<br /><small>of Castile</small>]]<br /><small>1379–1406</small>| HOB=''[[House of Beaufort|<small>House<br />of Beaufort</small>]]''| boxstyle_HOB=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| PH2=[[Philippa, 5th Countess of Ulster|Philippa<br /><small>5th Countess<br />of Ulster</small>]]<br><small>1355–1382</small>| EM=<small>m. 1368<br></small>[[Edmund Mortimer, 3rd Earl of March|Edmund<br />Mortimer<br /><small>3rd Earl<br /> of March</small>]]<br><small>1352–1381</small>}}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |`|-|.| |!| | | | | | | | | |,|-|^|-|.| }}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |HT3 |!| | | | | AH2 |y| RM2 | |OT3 | HT3=''[[House of Trastámara|<small>House of<br />Trastámara</small>]]''| boxstyle_HT3=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| AH2=<small>m. 1388<br /></small>[[Alianore Holland, Countess of March|Alianore<br />Holland]]<br /><small>1373–1405</small>| RM2=[[Roger Mortimer, 4th Earl of March|Roger<br />Mortimer<br /><small>4th Earl <br />of March</small>]]<br /><small>1374–1398</small>| OT3=''[[Philippa, 5th Countess of Ulster#Marriage and issue|Others]]''| boxstyle_OT3=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top}}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |,|-|^|-|.| | | |,|-|^|-|.| | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |OT2 | | RC3 |y| ANN | |OM2 | | | | | OT2=''[[Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York#Marriage|Others]]''| boxstyle_OT2=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| RC3=<small>m. 1406<br /></small>[[Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge|Richard<br /><small>of Conisburgh<br />3rd Earl of<br /> Cambridge</small>]]<br /><small>c. 1375–1415</small>| ANN=[[Anne de Mortimer|Anne <br /><small>de Mortimer</small>]]<br /><small>1390–1411</small>| OM2=''[[Roger Mortimer, 4th Earl of March#Children|Others]]''| boxstyle_OM2=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top}}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |,|-|'| | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{stamtræ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |HOY | | | | | | | | | | | | | HOY='''''[[House of York|House<br />of <br />York]]'''''| boxstyle_HOY=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top}}
<!-- Unused parameters: -->
{{chart| CH4=''[[Guy de Montfort, Count of Nola|<small>de Montfort<br /> Family</small>]]''| boxstyle_CH4=border-width:0px; vertical-align:top| CH8=''[[Counts and Dukes of Guelders|House of Wassenberg]]''| HOC=''[[Lords of Coucy|House of Coucy]]''| HOP2=''[[Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester#Heirs|Plantagenet Family]]''}}
== Litteratur ==
* {{cite book |last=Bent |first=Samuel Arthur |year=1887|title=Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men, with Historical and Explanatory Notes by Samuel Arthur Bent.|publisher=Ticknor and Co.|location=Boston |isbn= |ref=harv}}