Transkønnethed: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 12:
== Terminologi ==
[[File:Woman looking out window (cropped).jpg|thumb|En transkønnet kvinde]]
Psykiateren John F. Oliven fra [[Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons|Columbia University]] var den første til at anvende begrebet ''transgender'' i sit opslagsværk ''Sexual Hygiene and Pathology'' (1965),<ref>{{Cite book|last=Oliven|first=John F.|url=|title=Sexual hygiene and pathology: a manual for the physician and the professions|date=1965|publisher=Lippincott|language=en}}</ref> hvori han skrev at det begreb der tidligere var blevet anvendt, ''[[transseksuel|transseksualisme]]'', "er vildledende; faktisk menes 'transkønnethed' ({{lang-en|'transgenderism'}}), da seksualitet ikke er en større faktor i primær transvestisme."<ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1097/00000441-196508000-00054 |title=Sexual Hygiene and Pathology |journal=The American Journal of the Medical Sciences |volume=250 |issue=2 |pages=235 |year=1965 |last1=Oliven |first1=John F. }}: "Where the compulsive urge reaches beyond female vestments, and becomes an urge for gender ("sex") change, transvestism becomes "transsexualism." The term is misleading; actually, "transgenderism" is what is meant, because sexuality is not a major factor in primary transvestism. Psychologically, the transsexual often differs from the simple cross-dresser; he is conscious at all times of a strong desire to be a woman, and the urge can be truly consuming.", p. 514</ref><ref name="Rawson">{{cite journal |last=Rawson |first=K. J. |last2=Williams |first2=Cristan |title=Transgender: The Rhetorical Landscape of a term |journal=Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society |volume=3 |issue=2 |date=2014 |url= |access-date=2017-05-18 |url-status=live |archiveurl= |archivedate=2017-05-15 |df= }}</ref> Begrebet ''transgender'' blev derefter populariseret med forskellige forskellige definitioner fra forskellige transkønnede, transseksuelle og transvistitiske personer, heriblandt [[Virginia Prince]],<ref name="Bevan"/> som anvendte det i december 1969 i månedens udgave af ''Transvestia'', et amerikansk nationalt magasin for [[crossdressing|crossdressers]] som hun grundlagde.<ref name=TGP>{{cite book |last=Elkins |first=Richard |title=The Transgender Phenomenon |year=2006 |publisher=Sage |isbn=978-0-7619-7163-4 |pages=13–14 |url= |first2=Dave |last2=King |url-status=live |archiveurl= |archivedate=2015-09-26 |df= }}</ref> Ved midten af 1970'erne blev både ''trans-gender'' ("transkønnet") og ''trans people'' ("transpersoner") anvendt som paraplybegreber,<ref group=note>*I april 1970 udgav ''TV Guide'' en artikel, som henviste til en post-operativ transseksuel filmfigur som "transkønnet" ({{lang-en|transgendered}}). ({{cite journal |title=Sunday Highlights |journal=[[TV Guide]] |date=April 26, 1970 |accessdate=28 May 2012 |url= |quote=[R]aquel Welch (left), moviedom's sex queen soon to be seen as the heroine/hero of Gore Vidal's transgendered "Myra Breckinridge"... |url-status=live |archiveurl= |archivedate=4 June 2012 |df= }})
* 1974-udgaven af ''Clinical Sexuality: A Manual for the Physician and the Professions'' blev ''transgender'' anvendt som et paraplybegreb og konferencerapporten fra "National TV.TS Conference" i 1974 i Leeds, West Yorkshire i Storbritannien anvendte "trans-gender" og "trans-people" som paraplybegreber.({{cite book |last=Oliven |first=John F. |title=Clinical sexuality: A Manual for the Physician and the Professions |year=1974 |publisher=Lippincott |location=University of Michigan (digitized Aug 2008) |isbn=978-0-397-50329-2 |pages=110, 484–487 |url= |edition=3rd |quote="Transgender deviance" p 110, "Transgender research" p 484, "transgender deviates" p 485, Transvestites not welcome at "Transgender Center" p 487 |url-status=live |archiveurl= |archivedate=2015-12-05 |df= }}), (2006). The Transgender Phenomenon ({{cite book |last=Elkins |first=Richard |title=The Transgender Phenomenon |year=2006 |publisher=Sage |isbn=978-0-7619-7163-4 |page=13 |url= |first2=Dave |last2=King |url-status=live |archiveurl= |archivedate=2015-09-26 |df= }})
* ''A Practical Handbook of Psychiatry'' (1974) beskriver dog "transkønnethedskirurgi" ({{lang-en|transgender surgery}}) med bemærkningen: "Transvestitten søger sjældent transkønnethedskirurgi, siden kernen i hans perversion er et forsøg på at realisere fantasien om en [[fallos|fallisk]] kvinde."({{cite book |last=Novello |first=Joseph R. |title=A Practical Handbook of Psychiatry |year=1974 |publisher=C. C. Thomas |location=University of Michigan, digitized August 2008 |isbn=978-0-398-02868-8 |page=176 |url= |url-status=live |archiveurl= |archivedate=2015-09-19 |df= }})</ref> og ''transgenderist'' blev brugt til at henvise til personer, der ønskede at leve som det modstillede køn uden brug af [[kønsskifteoperation]]er.<ref name="sstrykerone">Stryker, S. (2004), "... lived full-time in a social role not typically associated with their natal sex, but who did not resort to genital surgery as a means of supporting their gender presentation ..." i [ Transgender] {{webarchive|url= |date=2006-03-21 }} from the GLBTQ: an encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer culture. Retrieved 2007-04-10.</ref> I 1976 blev ''transgenderist'' forkortet ''TG'' i oplysningsmaterialer.<ref>''The Radio Times'' (1979: 2. juni)</ref>