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Darlingtonkoblingen blev opfundet af [[Bell Laboratories]] ingeniør [[Sidney Darlington]] i 1953. Han [[patent]]erede ideen af at have to eller tre transistorer på en enkelt mikrochip delende en kollektor-tilledning.
<ref name="DarlContrib">{{Cite web |url=http://andros.eecs.berkeley.edu/~hodges/DarlingtonCircuit.pdf |title=Darlington’s Contributions to Transistor Circuit Design |access-date=15. juli 2012 |archive-date=19. juli 2011 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110719142929/http://andros.eecs.berkeley.edu/~hodges/DarlingtonCircuit.pdf |url-status=oklive }}</ref>
En lignende konfiguration men med transistorer af modsatte polariteter (NPN og PNP) er [[Sziklai-par]]ret, nogle gange kaldet en "komplementær Darlington". Sziklai-koblingen har typisk mere end 20dB (10 gange) lavere harmonisk forvrængning end Darlington-koblingen. Herudover er effektudgangstrin baseret på Sziklai-koblingen betydeligt mere termisk stabile end Darlington-koblingen.<ref>[http://sound.westhost.com/articles/cmpd-vs-darl.htm Rod Elliott: Compound Pair Vs. Darlington Pair] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150701010320/http://sound.westhost.com/articles/cmpd-vs-darl.htm |date= 1. juli 2015 }} Citat: "...Quite obviously, the compound pair [Sziklai-kobling] (green trace) has fewer harmonics above the -120dB noise floor, and they are all at a lower level - by 20dB or more!...The temperature dependence of the two circuits in Figure 5 is shown in Table 1. Because it is much easier to keep the driver transistors at a consistent temperature, it is apparent that it will be far easier to maintain a stable bias current using the compound pair [Sziklai-kobling] than can ever be the case with a Darlington pair..."</ref>