American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Forskelle mellem versioner

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'''American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals''' (ofte kaldet '''ASPCA''') er en [[non-profit]] [[organisation]] som er dedikeret til at forhindre [[dyremishandling]]. Den blev grundlagt af [[Henry Bergh]] [[10. april]] [[1866]]. Det er [[USA]]'s ældste hjælpeorganisation. Deres mission er "at yde effektive måder at forhindre dyremishandling over hele USA på".
The ASPCA works primarily with companion animal issues, such as pet care, equine or horse cruelty issues, and animal cruelty and neglect. Their programs and services include: a national [[poison]] control hotline for pet owners and animal health professionals; a shelter outreach program to promote best practices within locally-owned shelters, a corporate partner program to promote animal-friendly products and services, and a special anti-cruelty initiative to teach humane education and [[humane law enforcement]] practices across the United States. In [[New York State]], the ASPCA's Humane Law Enforcement division has powers to investigate cruelty and enforce laws. The Humane Law Enforcement division has been featured on the television program [[Animal Precinct]].
Additionally, the ASPCA provides relief services for the domestic animal victims of [[natural disaster]]s such as [[Hurricane Katrina]], where the National Outreach department collected donations to provide supplies; coordinated volunteer efforts; deployed rescue teams to recover abandoned pets; provided temporary shelter to displaced animals; and reunited pets with their owners. -->
ASPCA er meget aktive ved at [[lobbyisme|lobbye]] for human lovgivning, med regionale og føderale lobbyister som dækker alle 50 amerikanske delstater. ASPCA er i kontakt med føderale og delstatslige lovgivere for at få dem til at overveje dyrevenlige lovforslag. ASPCA laver også udkast til humane lovgivningsinitiativer og forslag, som lovgivere kan tage op til diskussion ved deres sessioner.
Mange lokale organisationer bruger udtrykket [[SPCA]], men de har ikke noget med ASPCA at gøre, da ASPCA ligger i [[New York]] og dækker hele landet.
ASPCA fejrede sin 140. fødselsdag [[10. april]] [[2006]]. Organisationens formand er i øjeblikket [[Ed Sayres]].
==Se også==
==Eksterne henvisninger==
*[ American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals]
*[ Dyreorganisationer i USA]
*[ American Partnership for Pets]
[[en:American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals]]