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Linje 61:
Stillehavshvidside findes i de kolde og tempererede dele af the nordlige [[Stillehav]]. Mod øst træffes den så langt mod syd som den [[Californiske Halvø]], mod vest ned til Det [[sydkinesiske Hav]]. Mod nord kan den træffes helt op i [[Beringshavet]]. Der er tilsyneladende årstidsvandringer fra nord mod syd, idet arten træffes hyppigere i syd om sommeren og omvendt om vinteren. Året rundt foretrækker stillehavshvidsiderne dybt, oceanisk vand, men træffes af og til langs kysten af f.eks. [[Vancouver Island]].
The range of the Pacific White-sided Dolphin arcs across the cool to temperate waters of the north Pacific. Sightings go no further south than the [[South China Sea]] on the western side and the [[Baja California peninsula]] on the eastern. Populations may also be found in the [[Sea of Japan]] and the [[Sea of Okhotsk]]. In the northern part of the range, some individuals may be found in the [[Bering Sea]]. The dolphins appear to follow some sort of migratory pattern—on the eastern side they are most abundant off the [[California]] shore in winter, but further north ([[Oregon]], [[Washington (U.S. state)|Washington]]) in summer. Their preference for off-shore deep waters appears to be year-round.
Den totale bestand skønnes at kunne være op mod 1 million delfiner.
The total population may be as many as 1 million. However, the tendency of Pacific White-sided Dolphins to approach boats complicates precise estimates via sampling.