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Selvom førsterangssymptomerne har været definerende for de diagnostiske kriterier for skizofreni, er disses [[Sensitivitet og specificitet|specifitet]] omdiskuteret: I en oversigtsartikel baseret på diagnostiske studier indsamlet mellem 1970 og 2005 blev der hverken fundet be- eller afkræftelse på Schneiders opstilling, hvilket har ledt til forslaget om at førsterangssymptomer burde have mindre vægt i de kommende diagnose klassifikationssystemer. <ref name="pmid17562695">{{cite journal |author=Nordgaard J, Arnfred SM, Handest P, Parnas J |title=The diagnostic status of first-rank symptoms |journal=Schizophrenia Bulletin |volume=34 |issue=1 |pages=137–54 |year=2008 |month=January |pmid=17562695 |pmc=2632385 |doi=10.1093/schbul/sbm044}}</ref>
=== Positive og negative symptomer ===
SchizophreniaI isklinikken oftenskelnes describedder inoftest termsmellem of [[Symptom#Positive and negative symptoms|positive andog negative (or deficit) symptoms]]symptomer.<ref name="Sims_2002">{{vcitecite book |author=Sims A |title=Symptoms in the mind: an introduction to descriptive psychopathology |publisher=W. B. Saunders |location=Philadelphia |year=2002 |isbn=0-7020-2627-1 }}</ref> PositiveDe symptomspositive aresymptomer thosedækker thatover most[[vrangforestilling]]er individuals(ofte doforfølgelses noteller normallybizarrre experience but are present in people with schizophrenia. They can include delusionsforestillinger), disordered[[tankeforstyrrelse|tanke- thoughtsog and speechtaleforstyrrelser]], and [[tactilesensoriske]]-, [[Auditory hallucination|auditoryhørelses]]-, [[visualsyns]]-, [[olfactorylugte]]- andog [[gustatoryhallucination|smagshallucinationer]] hallucinations, typically regardedsom astypisk manifestationsses ofved [[psychosispsykose]]r.<ref>Kneisl C. and Trigoboff E.(2009). Contemporary Psychiatric- Mental Health Nursing. 2nd edition. London: Pearson Prentice Ltd. p. 371</ref> HallucinationsHallucinationerne areer alsoofte typicallyassocieret relatedtil to the content of the delusionalvrangforestillingernes themeindhold.<ref name=DSM299/> PositiveDen symptomsantipsykotiske generallymedicin respondhar wellmeget togunstig effekt på de positive medicationsymptomer.<ref name=DSM299>American Psychiatric Association. Task Force on DSM-IV. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV-TR. American Psychiatric Pub. ISBN 978-0-89042-025-6. p. 299</ref>
Negative symptomssymptomer aredækker deficitsover offravær normalaf emotionalen responsesrække ornormale ofpsykologiske otherog thoughtsociale processes,funktioner andsom den antipsykotiske respondmedicin lesser wellmindre togavnlig medicationoverfor.<ref name=CarsonNursing/> TheyDisse commonlyindebærer includetypisk flatsløvhed, or [[blunted affect]] and emotionaffektafladning, poverty of speech ([[alogia]])sprogfattigdom, inabilitymanglende to experience pleasure ([[anhedonia]])interesser, lacksocial oftilbage desiretrækning toog formsynken relationshipsind ([[asociality]]),i andsig lackselv of'''KILDE''' motivationUndersøgelser ([[avolition]]).peger Research suggests thatat negative symptomssymptomer contributemedfører moredårligere to poor quality of lifelivskvalitet, functionalringere disability,fremdrift andog thestørre burdenbyrde onfor othersomgivelserne thanend dode positive symptomssymptomer gør.<ref>{{vcitecite journal |author=Velligan DI and Alphs LD|title=Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia: The Importance of Identification and Treatment |journal=Psychiatric Times |volume=25 |issue=3 |date=March 1, 2008 |url=}}</ref> PeopleIndivider withmed prominentfremtrædende negative symptomssymptomer oftenhar havehyppigt ai historyforvejen ofdårlig poortilpasningsevne adjustmentinden before the onset of illness, andsygdomsdebut responseog toresponderer medicationogså isdårligere often limitedmedicinen.<ref name=CarsonNursing/><ref name=AFP10/>