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Linje 39:
==Barndom og ungdom==
Jakob blev født i [[Montpellier]] som den eneste søn af [[Peter 2. af Aragonien]] og [[Marie af Montpellier]], arving efter [[Vilhelm 8. af Montpellier]] og [[Eudokia Komnene]]. Som barn var Jakob en brik i det politiske spil i [[Provence]], hvor hans far var prøvede at hjælpe de [[katharer|katharske]] kættere i [[Albi]] mod det [[Albigensiske Korstogkorstog|albigensiske korsfarere]] anført af [[Simon de Montfort, den 5. jarl af Leicester|Simon de Montfort]], den 5. jarl af [[Leicester]]. Peter prøvede at forbedre forholdet til korsfarerne ved at arrangere et ægteskab mellem sin søn Jakob og Simon Monforts datter. Han betroede sin søn til Montfort i [[1211]], men blev snart tvunget til at føre krig mod Montfort og han døde i [[slaget ved Muret]] den 12. september 1213. Montfort ville uden tvivl have brugt Jakob til sin egen fordel, hvis ikke aragonerne havde appelleret til [[Pave Innocens 3.]], som insisterede på at Montfort skulle udlevere ham. Jakob blev maj eller juni 1214 i [[Carcassonne]]{{sfn|Chisholm|1911}} overdraget til den [[pavelige legat]] [[Peter af Benevento]].
Jakob blev sendt til [[Monzón]], hvor han kom i [[Guillem de Montredó]]s varetægt.<ref>Juan Garcia Atienza: The Knights Templar in the Golden Age of Spain, P.149</ref>Guillem var leder af [[Tempelridderne]] i Spanien og Provence. Jakob var kun 5 år, da han blev konge og i hans sted regerede hans farfars bror [[Sancho, greve af Provence|Sancho, greve af Roussillon]] og dennes søn, kongens fætter, [[Nuño Sánchez|Nuño]]. Kongeriget stod meget svagt i disse år og adelen gjorde flere gange oprør. I [[1217]] førte tempelridderne og en gruppe kongetro adelige Jakob til hovedstaden [[Zaragoza]].<ref name="Chaytor82">Chaytor, 82.</ref>I 1221 blev Jakob gift med [[Eleanor af Kastilien (død 1244)|Eleanor]], datter af [[Alfonso 8. af Kastilien]] og [[Leonora af England]]. Urolighederne fortsatte de næste 6 år, men ved [[Freden i Alais]] den 31. marts 1227 blev forholdet mellem kongen og adelen afklaret.<ref name="Chaytor82" />
Linje 66:
James's sons [[Pedro Fernández of Híjar|Pedro Fernández]] and [[Fernán Sánchez]], who had been given command of part of the fleet, did continue on their way to [[Akko|Acre]], where they arrived in December. They found that [[Baibars]], the [[Mameluke]] Sultan of [[Egypt]], had broken his truce with the [[Kingdom of Jerusalem]] and was making a demonstration of his military power in front of Acre. During the demonstration, Egyptian troops hidden in the bushes ambushed a returning Frankish force that had been in [[Galilee]]. James's sons, initially eager for a fight, changed their minds after this spectacle and returned home via [[Sicily]], where Fernán Sánchez was knighted by [[Charles of Anjou]].
==Støtte til kunst, uddannelse og litteratur==
==Patronage of art, learning, and literature==
[[Image:Jaime I de Aragón 01.jpg|right|170px|thumb|Statue ofaf '''JamesJakob I1.''' at the [[SabatiniJardines Gardensde Sabatini]] ini [[Madrid]]<br />([[Juan de León|J. León]], 1753).]]
JamesJakob builtbyggede andog consecrated theindviede [[La Seu Vella|Cathedralkatedralen ofi Lleida]], whichsom wasblev constructedbygget ini aen stylestil transitionali betweenovergangen mellem [[RomanesqueRomansk architecturearkitektur|Romanesqueromansk]] andog [[GothicGotisk architecturearkitektur|GothicGotisk]] withmed littlelidt influenceindflydelse fromfra [[IslamicIslamisk architecturearkitektur|Moorish stylesmaurisk]].<ref name="Chaytor96">Chaytor, 96.</ref>
JamesJakob wasstod a patron of thebag [[UniversityUniversitetet ofi Montpellier]], which owed much of its development to hiss impetusudvikling.<ref name="Chaytor96" /> HeHan alsogrundlagde foundedogså aet ''[[studium generale|studium]]'' ati Valencia ini 1245 andog receivedfik privilegesprivilegier forhertil it fromfra [[PopePave InnocentInnocens IV4.]], butmen itdet didudviklede notsig developikke aslige splendidlyså fremragende.<ref name="Chaytor96" /> InI 1263, Jamespræsiderede presidedJakob over aen debatedebat ini [[Barcelona]] betweenmellem theden Jewishjødiske [[rabbirabbiner]] [[Nahmanides]] andog [[Pablo Christiani]], aen prominentkendt ''[[conversokonvertit]]''.
Jakob var også den første, som støttede litteratur skrevet på catalansk. Han kan endda selv kaldes "den første af de catalanska prosaskrivere."<ref name="Chaytor93">Chaytor, 93.</ref> Jakob skreve eller dikterede en krønike om sit eget liv på catalansk, ''[[Llibre dels fets]]'', den første selvbiografi en kristen konge. "Bedrifternes bog" beskriver også begreber som magt, monarki, eksempler på loyalitet og forræderi i den [[feudalisme|feudalske]] orden samt middelalderlig militær taktik. Mere kontroversielt, ser nogle historikere krøniken som en kilde til catalansk identitet som modsætning til occitansk og romersk.
James was the first great sponsor and patron of vernacular Catalan literature. Indeed, he may himself be called "the first of the Catalan prose writers."<ref name="Chaytor93">Chaytor, 93.</ref> James wrote or dictated at various stages a chronicle of his own life in Catalan, ''[[Llibre dels fets]]'', the first autobiography by a Christian king. As well as being a fine example of autobiography, the "Book of Deeds" expresses concepts of the power and purpose of monarchy, examples of loyalty and treachery in the [[feudalism|feudal]] order, and medieval military tactics. More controversially, some historians have looked at these writings as a source of [[Catalan people|Catalan]] identity, separate from that of [[Occitania]] and [[Roman Empire|Rome]].
JamesJakob alsoskrev wrote theogså ''[[Libre de la Saviesa]]'' oreller "BookBogen ofom Wisdom.Visdom". TheBogen bookindeholder containsordsprog proverbsfra fromforskellige variousforfattere authors, reaching from the time offra [[KingKong SolomonSalomon]]s tid totil nearlynæsten hishans ownegen time withmed [[Albertus Magnus]]. ItDen evenindeholder containsogså maximsleveregler fromfra thearabiske medievalfilosoffer Arabog philosophers and from thefra ''[[Apophthegmata Philosophorum]]'' ofaf [[Honein ben Ishak]], whichsom wasformentligt probablyblev translatedoversat ati Barcelona duringunder hishans reignstyre. AEn [[HebrewHebraisk language(sprog)|Hebrewhebraisk]] translatoroversætter byved the name ofnavn Jehuda wasvar employedensat atved James'sJajobs courthof duringi thisdenne periodperiode.<ref name="Chaytor93" />
ThoughSelvom JamesJakob wasselv himselfskrev aprosa proseog writerprimært andstøttede sponsoredprosa mostlypåsønnede prosehan works, he had an appreciation ofogså versedigte.<ref name="Chaytor94">Chaytor, 94.</ref> InSom consequenceen ofkonsekvens theaf det [[AlbigensianAlbigensiske Crusadekorstog]], manyvar mange [[troubadour]]ser weretvunget forcedtil toat fleeflygte southernfra Francedet andsydlige manyFrankrig foundog refugemange inaf Aragondisse fik beskyttelse i Aragonien. NotwithstandingTrods sin tidlige støtte histil earlycatalansk patronagelitteratur ofbragte poetryhan, byunder theindflydelse influenceaf ofsin his confessorskriftefader [[Ramon de Penyafort]], James brought the [[InquisitionInkvisitionen]] intoind hisi realmsit inrige 1233for toat preventforhindre anyen vernacularoversættelse translation of theaf [[BibleBibel]]en til catalansk.<ref name="Chaytor94" />
[[File:Momia Jaume I.jpg|thumb|150px|right|MummifiedMummificeret headhoved ofaf JamesJakob, exhumedudgravet ini 1856]]
The favour James showed his illegitimate offspring led to protest from the nobles, and to conflicts between his legitimate and illegitimate sons. When one of the latter, [[Fernán Sánchez]], who had behaved with gross ingratitude and treason toward his father, was slain by the legitimate son [[Peter III of Aragon|Peter]], the old king recorded his grim satisfaction.
In his will, James divided his states between his sons by [[Violant of Hungary|Yolanda of Hungary]]: the aforementioned Peter received the Hispanic possessions on the mainland and [[James II of Majorca|James]], the [[Kingdom of Majorca]] (including the Balearic Islands and the counties of [[Roussillon]] and [[Cerdanya]]) and the Lordship of Montpellier. The division inevitably produced fratricidal conflicts. In 1276, the king fell very ill at [[Alzira, Valencia|Alzira]] and resigned his crown, intending to retire to the [[Poblet Monastery|monastery of Poblet]], but he died at Valencia on 27 July.
HisHans mummifiedmumificerede bodykrop wasblev laterudgravet exhumed ini 1856, whenda theklosteret monasteryskulle wasrenoveres. underEt repair.fotografi blev taget, som tydeligt viser et sår AoverA photograph of the king was taken. The photograph of the head of the mummy clearly shows the wound in the left eyebrow that the king himself explained in a passage from his [[Llibre dels fets]] (Book of Deeds):
As I was coming with the men, I happened to turn my head towards the town in order to look at the Saracens, who had come out in great force, when a cross-bowman shot at me, and hit me beside the sun-hood, and the shot struck me on the head, the bolt lighting near the forehead. It was God's will it did not pass through the head, but the point of the arrow went half through it. In anger I struck the arrow so with my hand that I broke it: the blood came out down my face; I wiped it off with a mantle of "sendal" I had, and went away laughing, that the army might not take alarm.<ref>{{cite web|title=The Chronicle of James I, King of Aragon, Surnamed The Conqueror|url=|work=Chapter CCLXVI|accessdate=18 October 2012|author=Translated by John Forster|language=Catalan}}</ref></blockquote>