RNA: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 7:
Hidtil har man antaget at oversættelsen fra DNA til i RNA i f.eks. mennesker, var en én-til-én, det viser sig ikke helt at være tilfældet.
<ref>[http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/05/110519141620.htm Howard Hughes Medical Institute (2011, May 19). New level of genetic diversity discovered in human RNA sequences. ScienceDaily] Citat: "...unknown cellular processes are acting on RNA to generate a sequence that is not an exact replica of the DNA from which it is copied..."The idea that RNA and protein sequences are nearly identical to the corresponding DNA sequences is strongly held and has not been questioned in the past," says Cheung, whose lab is at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine...Cheung says the particular RNA-DNA discrepancies they found appear systematic..."</ref>
== Se også ==
* [[Ribonuklease A]]
== Kilder/referencer ==
Line 16 ⟶ 13:
== Se også ==
* [[Ribonuklease A]]
* [[Genom]]
* [[Genteknologi]]