Gastrofysik: Forskelle mellem versioner

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'''Gastrofysik''' er en videnskabelig disciplin, der gør brug af en bred vifte af teoretiske og eksperimentelle [[Biofysik|biofysiske]] teknikker til at studere madlavningens og [[Gastronomi|gastronomiens]] [[empiri]].<ref>[ The emerging science of gastrophysics and its application to the algal cuisine, Ole G. Mouritsen, Flavour 2012, 1:6]</ref>
[[File:The culinary triangle proposed by Lévy-Strauss.jpg|thumb|'''The culinary triangle proposed by Lévy-Strauss.''' The transition from raw to cooked is temperature-driven, from raw to rotten by microorganisms.]]
[[File:The physical interpretation of the culinary triangle.jpg|thumb|'''The physical interpretation of the culinary triangle.''' Temperature changes the structure (symbolically drawn as lattice) physically: polysaccharides and corresponding cell structures become softer, proteins denature. Microbiology changes the structure by destroying certain structural elements. Long cooking implies hydrolysis of certain structural polymers, too.]]
Gastrofysikken undersøger både madens bestanddele, råvarer, virkningerne af forarbejdning, kvantitative aspekter af det fysiske grundlag for fødevarekvalitet, madens smag, vores smagssans, smagsoplevelsen og absorptionen i det menneskelige legeme.<ref>[ Gastrophysics-do we need it? Ole G Mouritsen, Jens Risbo, Flavour 2013, 2:3]</ref>
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== Gastrofysik som tværfaglig videnskab ==
[[File:Gastrophysics and its overlap with different scientific disciplines as motivated by its multi-scale character.jpg|thumb|Gastrophysics and its overlap with different scientific disciplines as motivated by its multi-scale character]]
Gastrofysik overlapper med mange forskellige videnskabelige discipliner, heriblandt fødevarekemi, fødevareteknologi, [[biologi]], [[psykologi]], sensorik, [[fysiologi]], [[molekylærbiologi]], [[biofysik]], og [[fysisk kemi]], og med flere forskellige praksisfelter, heriblandt kogekunst, køkkenhåndværk og kultur.<ref>[ Texture, taste and aroma: multi-scale materials and the gastrophysics of food, Thomas A Vilgis, Flavour 2013, 2:12]</ref>