Copenhagen Business School: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 57:
=== Institutter ===
* InternationalDepartment Center forof Business and Politics (CBPDBP)
* Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)
* Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi (AØ)
* Institut for Finansiering (FI)
* Institut for Innovation og Organisationsøkonomi (INO)
* Institut for Informatik (INF)
* Institut for Interkulturel Kommunikation og Ledelse (IKL)
* Institut for Internationale Kultur- og Kommunikationsstudier (IKK)
* Institut for Internationale Sprogstudier og Vidensteknologi (ISV)
* Institut for International Økonomi og Virksomhedsledelse (INT)
* Institut for InformatikIT-Ledelse (INFITM)
* Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi (LPF)
* Økonomisk Institut (ECON)
* Institut for Organisation (IOA)
* Institut for Produktion og Erhvervsøkonomi (PEØ)
Line 72 ⟶ 71:
* Institut for Strategi og Globalisering (SMG)
* Juridisk Institut (JUR)
* Økonomisk Institut (ECON)
=== Forskningscentre ===
* Asia Research Centre (ARC)
* Center for Advanced Studies on Project Management (CASPRO)
* CAMS Copenhagen (CAMS Copenhagen)
* CBS Center for CorporateBusiness SocialData ResponsibilityAnalytics (CBSCSRCBSBDA)
* Center for Business Marketing and PurchasingHistory (BMPCVH)
* CBS Learning Lab (CBS LL)
* Center for Civilsamfundsstudier
* Center for Applied Information and Communication Technology (CAICT)
* Center for AppliedCorporate Market ScienceGovernance (CAMSCCG)
* CentreCenter for BusinessEjerledede and Development StudiesVirksomheder (CBDSCEV)
* Center for Business Marketing and Purchasing (BMP)
* Center for [[Corporate Governance]] (CCG)
* Centre for Economic and Business Research (CEBR)
* Center for Europaforskning (CEF)
* Center for SkoleledelseFinancial Frictions (CEFSFRIC)
* Center for Global Strategic Responsiveness (CGSR)
* Center for Health Management (CHM)
* Center for InnovationInternational ogBusiness Entrepreneurshipand Emerging Markets (CIECIBEM)
* Center for KreditretLeisure ogand KapitalmarkedsretCulture Services (CKKCLCS)
* Center for Kunst og Lederskab (CKL)
* Center for Management Studies of the Building Process (BYG)
* Center of Market Economics (CME)
* Center for Marketing Communication (CMC)
* Center for Research and Innovation in Translation and Translation Technology (CRITT)
* Center for KunstSkole- og LederskabVelfærdsledelse (CKLCEFS)
* Centre for Shipping Economics and Innovation(CENSEI)
* Center for Sprog, Kognition og MentalitetStatistics (LaCoMeCST)
* Center for Statistik (CST)
* Center for the Study of the Americas (CSA)
* Center for Tourism and Culture Management (TCM)
* Center for Virksomhedsudvikling og Ledelse (CVL)
* Center for VirksomhedshistorieBusiness and Development Studies (CVHCBDS)
* Center for [[Corporate Governance]]Social Responsibility (CCGCBSCSR)
* CentreCenter for Economic and Business Research (CEBR)
* Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute (CI)
* Danish Centre for Applied Speech Technology (DANCAST)
* Copenhagen Consensus Center (CCC)
* Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics (DRUID)
* Dantermcentret
* [[DANTERMcentret]] (DANTERM)
* imagineGovering ..Responsible Creative IndustriesBusiness Research Environment (Imagine..GBR)
* Imagine..Creative Industries Research (IMAGINE)
* International Center for Business and Politics (CBP)
* Pension Research Centre (Percent)
* The Language Center (Langcen)
* Research Centre on Biotech Business (BiotechBIOTECH BusinessBUSINESS)
* CBS Center for Forhandling (NEG)
* Center for International Business and Emerging Markets (CIBEM)
== Uddannelser ==
Line 122 ⟶ 114:
* 3-års Ph.d.
Fra september 2009, blev to elite kandidatuddannelser for udenlandske og danske studerende tilbudt på CBS.