Modul:Cycling race: Forskelle mellem versioner

Content deleted Content added
m opdatering
Linje 44:
l10nDef["de"] = {"Quelle: ","Quellen: "}
l10nDef["da"] = {"Kilde: ","Kilder: "}
l10nDef["es"] = {"Fuente: ","Fuentes: "}
local l10n = l10nDef[wiki]
if not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["fr"] end -- default
Line 82 ⟶ 83:
l10nDef["de"] = {"UCI Kalender", "Datum", "Nr.","Rennen", "Staat", "Klasse", "Sieger", "Zweiter", "Dritter", "Gesamt­führender","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","Nationale Straßen-Radsportmeister","Straßenrennen","Einzelzeitfahren"}
l10nDef["da"] = {"","Dato", "#","Løb", "Land", "Klasse", "Vinder","Toer", "Treer", "Førende rytter","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","Nationalt mesterskab","Landevej","Enkeltstart"}
l10nDef["es"] = {"Calendario UCI", "Fecha", "#","Carrera", "País", "Clase", "Ganador","Segundo", "Tercero", "Líder","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","NationalCampeonato championshipnacional","RoadCarrera racede ruta","Individual timeContrarreloj trialindividual"}
l10nDef["ja"] = {"", "開催日", "#","レース", "国", "国", "勝者","準優勝", "3位", "全体リーダー","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","National championship","Road race","Individual time trial"}
l10nDef["lv"] = {"", "Datums", "#","Sacensības", "Valsts", "Kategorija", "Uzvarētājs","Otrais", "Trešais", "Kopvērtējuma līderis","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","National championship","Road race","Individual time trial"}
Line 244 ⟶ 245:
----- author: Mr. Ibrahem -----
local calendarID = ""
if wiki == "ar" then
frame = frame:getParent()
UCI = {}
UCI["WT"] = { -- Q635366
Line 328 ⟶ 332:
if wiki == "ar" and calendarID == "" then
return ""
if display_code==1 then
header_2temp= header_2_tab_code1
Line 852 ⟶ 858:
local calendarID = ""
local mode = ""
if wiki == "ar" then
frame = frame:getParent()
UCI = {}
UCI["women"] = {
Line 1.726 ⟶ 1.735:
local error_message = ''
if wiki == "ar" and s.item == "" or not s.item then return "" end
if s.error_message == 1 then
error_message = func_error_message(wiki, 1)
Line 3.300 ⟶ 3.310:
item = string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", ""),
property = 'P4322', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
background = 'color' -- there is a background color for the first row
return new_classification(frame, s)
function p.bestyoungclassificationbypoints(frame)
local s = {
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftableII
header_1 = 13, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 7}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 7 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", ""),
property = 'P4323', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
background = 'color' -- there is a background color for the first row
Line 6.163 ⟶ 6.186:
else possible_flag[num]=v.mainsnak.datavalue.value num=num+1 end
local file="[[File:"..possible_flag[1].."|border|20px"
if possible_flag[1]~=nil then
local a2,b2=pcall(fooA,'value',entity,'P984',1) -- P984 (country code by the International Olympic Committee)
if a2 == true then file=file.."|"..b2.."]]" else file=file.."]]" end