
Karl Dietrich Hepp, Diabetologist Karl Dietrich Hepp was born September 25, 1936 in Munich ,Germany. After his Abitur At Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich in 1954 he studied Medicine and Sportsmedicine at the Universities of Munich and Freiburg. State exam and doctoral thesis in 1960. 1961/62 he passed ECFMG test and completed a rotating internship at Muhlenberg Hospital in Plainfield, N.J. USA. This was followed 1962/63 by residencies in internal medicine, surgery, and Ob/Gyn in Munich. 1963/65 Research Fellow in Clinical Biochemistry at the Univ. of Munich under Prof. O. Wieland. 1965/68 Senior Research Fellow and Instructor in Medicine, Div. of Endocrinology, Univ. of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Wash. (Prof. R.H.Williams). 1969/79 Institute of Clinical Chemistry, Schwabing City Hospital, Munich. 1969-1979 Head of Clinical-Experimental Division of Inst. For Diabetes Research and Resident in Internal Medicine, Schwabing City Hospital, Munich. 1974 Visiting Physician, Dept- of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. 1979-84 Head Physician of Internal Medicine, Acad. Hospital Munich-Oberföhring. 1984-2001 Head of 3rd Dept. of Medicine, Endocrinology, Metabolism and Angiology, and Diabetes Centre at Acad. Hospital München-Bogenhausen. Since 2001 in private practice for Diabetes and Endocrinology.

1978 Prof. of Medicine, Univ. of Munich. 1979-82 He was Honorary Secretary of EASD 1980-83 Honorary Secretary of German Diabetes Association, and its President in 1984. 1991-2001 Speaker of Head Physicians of Munich City Hospitals.

Awards and Honours Ferdinand-Bertram Award, German Diabetes Association, 1972. Oskar-Minkowski Award, European Assoc.for the Study of Diabetes, 1976. E.F.F. Copp Lecture, Los Angeles, 1977. J.F. Kellion Lecture, Armidale, Australia 1980. Albert- Renold Medal, European Assoc. Study of Diabetes 1994. Order of Merit, F.R. of Germany, 2003.

Works Prominent publications on the biochemistry of hormone regulation, especially studies on the mechanism of insulin action. Regulation of the insulin receptor in diabetes. first observation of insulin effect on broken cell systems (1971). Clinical studies: Development of insulin pumps (1975), first miniaturized insulin pump with Siemens AG, successfully used in unstable diabetes (1977). Studies on implantable insulin pumps.

References K. D. Hepp. Studies on the Mechanism of Insulin Action: Basic Concepts and Clinical Implications. Diabetologia 13, 177-186 (1977) Minkowski Lecture 1976.

K. D. Hepp et al. Increased Insulin Binding Capacity of Liver Membranes from Diabetic Chinese Hamsters. Nature 258, 5531 (1975).

K.D.Hepp etal. Control of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes with Portable Miniaturized Infusion Systems. Diabetes Care, 309-313 (1980).

K. D. Hepp. Implantable Insulin Pumps and Metabolic Control. Diabetologia 37, 108-111 (1994)