
The Anglo-Ethiopian War


The Anglo-Ethiopian War was a war fought on FUWG HOI4 Discord. The war began when Big Brain(Germany main) called Mystafri (Ethiopia) into the war after having waited 1 month since the capitulation of France. Initially Big Brain wanted to make a sealion using paratroopers, and therefore wanted Ethiopia to capitulate, so he could give province in the UK for logistics, but the plans changed when Ethiopia said he would hold. Axis decided not to send any reinforcements to Ethiopia, which resulted in Ethiopia doing a pure roach build.

The Build Up 1936-39


Duo to Axis being pussies and not sending any reinforcements to Ethiopia, Ethiopia had to commit to a pure roach build. Ethiopia decided to only build mills and go to the right in the land doctrine tree. This meant that his 26 width divisions became 20.8 width, which was suitable for the mountains in Eritrea and Ethiopia. The constitution of Ethiopia was changed so that every man between the ages 18-65 had 18 months of mandetory service in the army. This increased the manpower and in the end, Ethopia had mobilised 48 divisions at the break-out of the Anglo-Ethiopian war.

The Beginning of the Ethiopian Offensive (1939)


The allies decided to be monkeys and not build radar to see if germany had sent tonks to Ethiopia. Instead they scorched all supply depots next to Ethiopia which only served to give Ethiopia more time to build up the army. Ethiopia took Somaliland and and all of Eritrea since allies for some reason did not guard it. Realising that germany was not in Ethiopia the allies went to the border while suffering up to 12% attrition due to not having any supply (They had scorced it xd).

The Blitz (late 39-42)


After having been monkey for 3 months, the allies decided to attempt to kill Ethiopia. They Commited close to 6.800 planes to bomb the Ethiopian Logistics. Ethiopia having no airfoce decided to ask the axis for help, but all the majors ignored him. Tan (Hungary) was the only person in axis having the balls to attempt to help Ethiopia, which led to him sending 500 fighters to prevent the bombing of railroads and supply depots in his Ally. Due to Canada only having 20% effeciency in Ethiopia and Hungary having 100%, the canadian Airforce suffereced 1-4 losses over Ethiopia. After having build state AA and Big Brain telling hungary to stop helping Ethiopia Tan went MIA.

The First Offensive (Early 1940 - Early 1941)

Reports showing the massive losses of the allies in the first offensive

Rich (UK Main) had sent his minors to go cap Ethopia. French Paratroopers, Canadian Marines, SAF and Australian Massmob attempted to push Ethiopia but this offensive was a disaster. This can be seen in reports from the Ethopian Logistic Company. After having held the first allied offensive, Rich rediced to attempt to cap Ethiopia Himself which eventually led to the second offensive.

The Second Offensive (Mid 1941 - Late 1941)


Rich had the UK special forces (mountaineers) to attempt to deal with Ethiopia. The Ethiopians were not prepared for this, so they feel back into the mountains of Ethiopia. UK attempted to take the ports in Eritrea by forcing his units to attack. The Battle of Asmara eventually to 90.000 dead british troops and 130.000 dead Ethioians, but Asmara had held. The South Africans launched a massive assult of 150.000 infantry on Sidamo which was an important supply hub which was held by only 2 Ethiopian divisions, since the rest of the army was sent to the north to deal with Rich's Mountaineers. Mystafri ordered the troops to not lose Sidamo, which made the local commander commit to a last stand. The battle was brutal but the Ethiopians had held at the battle of Sidamo. Tired of Ethopia provoking the allies, Rich had made amphibious tanks to attempt to cap ethiopia for one last time.

The Last Stand (Late 1941 - Mid 1942)


Rich commited the UK special forces and his only amphibious tanks to cap Ethiopia which now had an army over 1.000.000 strong. They launched a silent naval invasion taking Eritrea, which led to ethopia falling back to Addis Ababa where they would do their last stand. French Paratroopers, Canadian airforce, Special forces of UK and amphibious tanks, Australian and South African massmobe launched an all out attack on Ethopia. Left by it's allies Ethiopia would eventually be capitulated, but not without a fight.

The Aftermath


After the capitulation the Indians held a ceremony in Addis Ababa to honor the Ethopians. Winston Churchill attended this ceremony and was quoted - "Hence we will not say that Ethiopians fight like heroes but heroes fight like Ethiopians". Allies having been oqupied with Ethiopia forgot about europe which by now was controlled by Big Brain after Peiper (Soviet main) had capitulated due to incompetent allies.