Bruger:SnowyCinema/The Jungle

The Jungle (Junglen på dansk) is a realist novel by Upton Sinclair, that was published in 1906.

Ordet jungle usually refers to en tæt tropisk skovtype, som især forekommer ved ækvator og i tropiske klimazoner. Men, rammen af bogen er ikke i en jungle, and the book does not ever mention an actual jungle except for in one sentence. The word jungle in English can also mean "____" ("a situation or place of bewildering complexity or brutal competitiveness" på engelsk).[1] Another possibility of Sinclair's choice of this title is that the title was chosen quickly because of a publishing deadline.[2]

The word jungle is used only once in the book. In a part of Chapter 22, Jurgis Rudkus is drunk and decides to sleep with a prostitute, and the book compares Jurgis' sexual desperation to that of a beast in the jungle. Furthermore, Sinclair associated desperation with a jungle, so this may have been an inspiration for the title.[2]