Diskussion:Fritz Johannsen

Johannsen and the Keynesian ‘Multiplier'


Late in his life Johannsen published on economic topics, following up ideas due to Julius Wulff (1852–1924) concerning multiplier effects in the economy. His writings are considered to be an important precursor of the theory subsequently developed in England by R. F. Kahn and J. M. Keynes. G. L. S. Shackle wrote:

The Danish contribution was brilliant, both early and late. Writing in 1925 and again in 1927, the Danish Johannsen, Director of the Copenhagen Telephone Company, recorded Julius Wulff’s idea of 1896 and illustrated it with calculations of his own. The final Danish effort virtually coincided with Kahn’s.[1]

[Johannsen’s work on this topic seems worth mentioning since it has international repute. I offer the above as a starting point.] Colin.champion (diskussion) 28. mar 2020, 12:32 (CET)

  1. ^ The Years of High Theory: Invention and Tradition in Economic Thought 1926-1939 (1967), p. 197.
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