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Faktum er at dette er et etmands-projekt, og at "højislandsk" ikke bliver talt af islændinge overhovedet. Artiklen viser tydeligt projektets (ufrivilligt?) komiske natur, "oversættelsen" af personnavne siger vist alt. Desuden er den dårligt skrevet og fuld af sproglige fejl. Hvis det ikke bliver forbedret, nominerer jeg den til sletning. Det er jo helt absurd, at der er en artikel om et konstrueret sprog, men ikke om vest-islandsk, et virkeligt sprog, der tales af adskillige mennesker i Canada. --Michael riber jorgensen 31. mar 2007 kl. 14:14 (CEST)

Artiklen blev slettet uden yderligere debat her, men er senere gendannet efter protest på Wikipedia:Sider der bør gendannes. Byrial 13. maj 2007 kl. 23:06 (CEST)

Sprogbevægelsens hjerte


"Sprogbevægelsens hjerte er det Høj-islandske sprogcentrum www.hafronska.org ". Vist ikke kun hjerte - jeg tror ikke at "højislandsk" (hvordan man så ellers staver det (hvorfor skulle artiklen flyttes?)) eksisterer som andet end en ordleg, der leges af folkene bag www.hafronska.org. --Palnatoke 1. nov 2005 kl. 01:13 (CET)

If I understand this correctly, you believe the High Icelandic language movement doesn't exist. You're dead wrong. The language movement consists of as much speakers as høgnorsk. The nýyrðaskáld are working on this language since 1989 and 40% of the words are already existing neologisms that didn't gain general acceptance by the Icelandic language community. Not because they were bad, but because of the system of blocking. Even the best neologism can't obliterate a habit.The rest was coined during the nineties. Only a few thousand Icelanders speak the language(as much as the recently succesfully revived Cornish, who are represented on wikipedia).
The language is actively used by a considerable minority on Icelandic chat-boxes and it's popularity is growing exponentially.
The person who translated this text normally translates of Danish texts into German and he obviously missed the skills to accomplish the task.
If you remove this entry because of the bad language I understand. I'm lacking a good translator. But please don't remove it because of its irrevelancy. The High Icelandic language community is young but fastly growing. If you remove it, you will have to reentry it later. So please, spare yourself of the work.
Timbur-Helgi Hermannsson

Let's see..

  1. On http://www.languagehat.com/archives/001879.php you admit that Háfrónska is an experiment: "How far can you go in purifying the language without unreasonably impoverishing the language" - in other words a word game, not a language.
  2. On en:Talk:High Icelandic, the simple question "Some sources?" has not been answered.
  3. The Danish, German, Spanish and Swedish versions of this article have all been moved - apparently not for any good reason. While this is not a problem per se, it does hurt your credibility.
  4. If I were to find a reliable source for an Icelandic question, I would probably also look at the Icelandic Wikipedia... which does in fact have an article on Háfrónska!

All in all: It is a word game and should be described as such. --Palnatoke 1. nov 2005 kl. 09:19 (CET)

High Icelandic was an experiment that very quickly gained success. The Icelander who added the information on Háfrónska is wrongly informed. I have compiled the pure-words in the eraly nineties, but the bulk of the neologistic work is done by Icelanders. They immediately started to use the neologisms they coined. There are thousands of people who use High Icelandic.
High Icelandic is the first ultrapuristic language, a 21st century phenomenon.
Maybe you are against the phenomenon of linguistic purism that you try to boycot us. Wikipedia isn't a forum for ideas, it should represent facts. Well High Icelandic exists, it is a fact!
I have to add that I consider your term 'word game' quite insulting. We are bloody serious people, not jokers or GAMERS and worship Icelandic like a Godess as it should be. The skáld of the High Icelandic movement have succeeded to coin neologisms for impossibly translatable words and very often they exceed the Icelandic terminologists in neologistic art. And these words are actually used by the small High Icelandic language community. Before you decide you should visit the High Icelandic language centre, see the propaganda pictures, the word-lists.



en:High Icelandic, fr:Haut-islandais og nl:Hoogijslands er muligvis ved at blive slettet. Man finder åbenbart ikke at et enmandsprojekt er encyklopædi-relevant. --Palnatoke 24. feb 2006 kl. 14:51 (CET)

Mister Mig de Jong is a Dutch wikipedian who is manipulating other wikipedians on the Dutch wikipedia to remove the article about High Icelandic. There has been manipulation, a short article about the subject has been dumped on various wikipedias and that is wrong! But that doesn't mean that the article isn't relevant. Icelandic people on the English wikipedia want to keep the article because they know it has got media attention. A column about the project has been broadcast on the Icelandic TV (Stöð 2). High Icelandic is considered by many scandinavists as an interesting project. It's not only a language, it's presented as a life-style with symobolism which is an extrapolation of Icelandic symbolism. All Icelanders know about the subject. It is wrong that small articles about it has been dumped on various wikipedias, which stinks of manipulation, but that isn't detrimental to the fact that High Icelandic is a known and interesting phenomeneon, both for linguists and Icelanders. Please follow the discussion on the English wikipedia. a total different language is spoken there. Maximiliaan

Another thing is. The article about High Icelandic has been changed without my knowing. It is presented as a solo project but it is not. Many Icelandic neologists send us (me, Pétur, Alber and Kolur) word-list on a regular. I load it up on the web-site. The list are compiltaion of the neologistic work of Icelanders and a compilation of old 18th and 19th century neologisms that have become obsolete. Many linguists in Iceland find it a work of great value. High Icelandic is a new 21th century Icelandic phenomenon, it is known by all Icelanders, it has been presented in the media (TV program) and it has a value as a neologistic and etymological reference work. It has enough value to deserve a wiki enrty. I haven't been able to adapt the Danish article to the ICelandic , because I don't know Danish. Timbur-Helgi Hermannsson (Jozef Braekmans)

I'm sorry for not speaking your language. This is an one-man project vanity page. This man is trying the same thig at different wiki's referring to other wiki's. on the dutch wiki we had him to. He's using unfair methods, such as sockpuppets and media attention that is at least unclear. My advice? Remove. By the way: Maximilaan is the same person as Jozef Braekmans, that's clear by now. nl:gebruiker:Migdejong 26. feb 2006 kl. 23:27 (CET)

The afrikaanse wikipedians have already taken notice of this scandalous way in which midge de jong tries to manipulate various wikipedias on his own. This dutchmen is a non-neutral wikipedian who tries to influence people to delete the article based on his own dislike of the phenomenon. He should not be taken seriously and I hope the wikipedia communion undertakes action to stop his biased influence on various topics. If you really want to know the truth, follow the discussion on the english wikipedia where Icelanders are telling an entirely different story. Maximiliaan

Please feel free to visit the other wiki's to see how it is hadled. Indeed, one person on the Afrikaanse wiki fell for his rhetorics. Do bear in mind that Maximiliaan is the same person as Timbur-Helgi Hermannsson and Jozef Braekmans, the inventor of the language. He is using many different names and tactics to uphold these articles. nl:gebruiker:migdejong 27. feb 2006 kl. 12:51 (CET)

The source of Migs accusing me of sockpuppetry is a result of my poor knowledge of the workings of wikipedia. I forgot my password and I tried to type a new one. The reason I used another name on a foreign wikipedia is because I have experienced that when I register on another wiki, the name already exists. Maybe someone else used it but I wrongly thought it was due to the fact that I had that name on the Dutch. It is all a misunderstanding. But if people falsely accuse me of something I didn't do on purpose and keep insisting and telling other people that I commit fraude, I go insane. It was a misunderstanding that went out of hand and it sounds crazy, but that's the way it is. I don't need sockpuppets, I can defend myself very well. I am an honest man. Maximiliaan

"internationalisering" - et tvetydigt ord?


Jeg vil ikke blande mig ind i striden over; jeg kan bare konstatere at de to hollandske (sydafrikanske?) debattanter skriver nøjagtigt det samme andre steder, bl.a. på esperanto-versionens diskussionsside. Et eller andet er galt, men det må nogle mere aktive wikipedianere end jeg tage sig af.

Det er en sætning i selve artiklen jeg reagerer på:

"Målet er at lave en slags symbolsk tilflugt for de islændere som ikke er enig med internationaliseringen af deres modersmål,..."

Internationaliseringen af islandsk? Når noget internationaliseres, betyder det vel at det sprædes til flere lande? Hvis man taler om "internationaliseringen af Lego-land", betyder det så ikke at man er begyndt at bygge Lego-lande i udlandet? Ligeledes: "internationaliseringen af engelsk" - vil de fleste danske sprogbrugere ikke forstå det som det fænomen at engelsk sprædes til stadig flere områder, og fx ikke som den proces der gjorde at engelsk optog en myriade af franske låneord? Vil man kunne sige at "Swahili opstod gennem en internationalisering af et østafrikansk bantusprog" (et bantusprog sugede en masse gloser til sig fra et stort internationalt sprog, arabisk, og udviklede sig til S.)? Jeg foreslår at vi ænder sætningen til: "Målet er at lave en slags symbolsk tilflugt for de islændere som ikke bryder sig om at moderne islandsk har optaget en mængde fremmedord. Bab 5. mar 2006 kl. 22:13 (CET)

Da ingen har reageret, udfører jeg dristigt den foreslåede ændring. Bab 7. mar 2006 kl. 11:48 (CET)

Hvorfor bliver denne artikel ikke slettet? Det "højislandske" sprog er kun et etmandsprojekt, og denne artikel var skrivet af opfinderen selv. Jeg tror ikke at han skriver fra et neutralt synspunkt. 21. jan 2008, 15:15 (CET)

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