Wikipedia:Sletningsforslag/Yamaha: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 8:
* {{sb}} Der er massere at bygge videre på. Bare gå i gang! --[[Bruger:MGA73|MGA73]] ([[Brugerdiskussion:MGA73|diskussion]]) 23. maj 2020, 23:41 (CEST)
* When I started to amend this article the product list was there. But step by step: 63 datterselskaber tells something about the structure of this company, doesn't it? Produktkategorier tells the spektrum of a company, from my point of view this isn't wrong. Billedgalerier helps for the description, for example the receiver from 1973 tells that hifi was produced these years. Of course some more historic informations are missed. ArticleArticles growsgrow step by step. Regards, --[[Bruger:Wikisympathisant|Wikisympathisant]] ([[Brugerdiskussion:Wikisympathisant|diskussion]]) 23. maj 2020, 23:55 (CEST)