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{{Infoboks sø|Navn=Korfustrædet
{{Infobox body of water|name=Straits of Corfu
|Land=[[Grækenland]], [[Albanien]]|Billede=Corfu Channel.jpg|Tekst=Korfustrædet set fra den albanske by [[Saranda]]; Til højre [[Korfu]], til venstre den albanske kyst|Område =[[Det Joniske Hav]]|Længde = 8 km
<!-- Images -->|catchment=|pushpin_map_alt=|pushpin_label_position=|pushpin_map=Greece#Europe|islands=<!-- Map -->|max-depth=|depth=|width=|length=|basin_countries=[[Greece]]|outflow=|image=|inflow=|type=|coords={{coord|39.77|19.97|type:waterbody_region:GR|display=title}}|location=|caption_bathymetry=The Corfu Channel or Straits located to the east of [[Kassiopi]]. The line demarcates the Greek-Albanian border.
|Bredde = 2,05 km|landkort = Albanien |coordinates ={{coord|39.77|19.97|type:waterbody_region:GR|display=inline, title}}|label=Korfustrædet}}
<!-- Stats -->|alt_bathymetry=|image_bathymetry=Corfu topographic map-en.svg|caption=|alt=|pushpin_map_caption=}}{{Infobox body of water|name=Straits of Corfu
<!-- Images -->|catchment=|pushpin_map_alt=|pushpin_label_position=|pushpin_map=Greece#Europe|islands=<!-- Map -->|max-depth=|depth=|width=|length=|basin_countries=[[Greece]]|outflow=|image=|inflow=|type=|coords={{coord|39.77|19.97|type:waterbody_region:GR|display=title}}|location=|caption_bathymetry=The Corfu Channel or Straits located to the east of [[Kassiopi]]. The line demarcates the Greek-Albanian border.
<!-- Stats -->|alt_bathymetry=|image_bathymetry=Corfu topographic map-en.svg|caption=|alt=|pushpin_map_caption=}}
'''Korfustrædet''' eller '''Korfukanalen''' er det smalle [[Stræde (farvand)|stræde]] langs [[Albanien|Albaniens]] og [[Grækenland|Grækenlands]] kyster der ligger mod øst, og adskiller disse to lande fra den græske ø [[Korfu]] mod vest. Strædet er en passage fra [[Adriaterhavet]] mod nord til Det [[Det Joniske Hav|Ioniske Hav]] <ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.history.com/classroom/unesco/butrint/studyguide.html|title=World's Most Endangered Sites: Butrint, Albania|publisher=History.com|access-date=2008-12-24|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20080423081246/http://www.history.com/classroom/unesco/butrint/studyguide.html|archivedate=April 23, 2008}}</ref>, der bruges af [[Shipping|skibsfart]] lokalt til Albanien og Grækenland til havnene i [[Sarandë|Saranda]], Albanien og [[Igoumenitsa]], Grækenland og af lokal og turisttrafik i Albanien og fra det græske fastland til Korfu ud over en vis international trafik fra Adriaterhavet.<ref>{{Kilde bog|efternavn=de Yturriaga|fornavn=sé Antonio|titel=Straits Used for International Navigation: A Spanish Perspective|år=1991|isbn=978-0-7923-1141-6}}</ref>
== Episoderne i Korfustrædet ==
[[Corfu Channel Incident{{illsup|en|Episoden i Korfustrædet]]|Corfu Channel Incident}} refererer til tre separate hændelser der fandt sted i 1946, der involverede skibe fra [[Royal Navy]] i Korfu-strædet, og betragtes som tidlige hændelser i den [[Den kolde krig|kolde krig]].<ref name="Journal of Legal History">[http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/AJLH/2005/3.html Australian Journal of Legal History] Half Light Between War and Peace: Herbert Vere Evatt, The Rule of International Law, and The Corfu Channel Case</ref><ref name="Corfu Incident">{{Kilde bog|kapitel-url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ox_gXq2jpdYC&q=Royal+Navy+Corfu+Channel&pg=PA224|titel=Europe Since 1945: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1|kapitel=Corfu Channel Incident|fornavn=Bernard A.|efternavn=Cook|udgiver=Taylor & Francis|år=2001|isbn=978-0815340577|side=224|besøgsdato=2008-07-31}}</ref><ref name="Timesonline">[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article721285.ece Times Online] Obituary: Lieutenant-Commander Hugh Knollys Navigator who won a DSC on D-Day and survived when his destroyer hit a mine in the postwar Corfu Channel incident.</ref> Under den første hændelse blev Royal Navy skibe beskudt fra albanske befæstninger. Den anden hændelse involverede Royal Navy-skibe, der ramte [[Sømine|miner,]] og den tredje hændelse opstod, da Royal Navy gennemførte [[Minerydning|minerydningsoperationer]] i Korfu-kanalen, men i albanske [[Territorialfarvand|territorialfarvande]] og [[Albanien]] klagede over dem til [[Forenede Nationer|FN]]. Denne række hændelser førte til [[{{illsup|en|Korfukanal-sagen]]|Corfu Channel case}}, hvor Det [[Storbritannien|Forenede Kongerige]] anlagde en sag mod [[Socialistiske Folkerepublik Albanien|Folkerepublikken Albanien]] for [[Den Internationale Domstol]].<ref name="Corfu channel">[https://www.jstor.org/pss/2193642 JSTOR] The Corfu Channel Case Quincy Wright The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Jul., 1949), pp. 491-494 (article consists of 4 pages) Published by: American Society of International Law Retrieved 31-07-08</ref> På grund af hændelserne afbrød Storbritannien i 1946 samtalerne med Albanien med det formål at etablere [[Diplomati|diplomatiske forbindelser]] mellem de to lande. De diplomatiske forbindelser blev først genoprettet i 1991.<ref name="UK Embassy">[http://ukinalbania.fco.gov.uk/en/our-office-in-albania/our-embassy/embassy-history/full-embassy-history-part-three UK in Albania (British Embassy in Albania)] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20080926064713/http://ukinalbania.fco.gov.uk/en/our-office-in-albania/our-embassy/embassy-history/full-embassy-history-part-three|date=2008-09-26}} Quote: "Discussions on the re-establishment of diplomatic relations were finally broken off as a result of the Corfu Channel incidents. In May 1946 the Albanians fired on two Royal Navy Cruisers and in October 1946 two Royal Navy destroyers were damaged by mines with the loss of 44 men. Britain was awarded damages at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Albania refused to recognise the judgement. In retaliation, Britain refused to permit the release of Albanian gold held since the War by the Tripartite Gold Commission." and "Post-War diplomatic relations were finally established on 29 May 1991"</ref>
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