Bruger:Honymand/sandkasse: Forskelle mellem versioner

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* {{cite book/sandkasse | last = Law | first= David A. | title = Russian Civilization | publisher = Ardent Media | year = 1975 | location= New York | asin = B003RXSA90 | ref = harv }}
* {{Cite book/sandkasse | author = Rutland, Peter | title = [[The Myth of the Plan|The Myth of the Plan: Lessons of Soviet Planning Experience]] | ref = CITEREFRutland1985 | publisher = [[Taylor & Francis]] | year = 1985 | isbn = 978-0812690057 }}
*{{cite web |title=Title |url=// |date=maj–juni 2021}})
* ({{cite web/sandkasse |title=Title |url=// |date=maj–juni 2021}})