Fingerlængdeforholdet: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 7:
== Historisk forskning i 2D:4D ==
Den omstændighed, at flere mænd end kvinder har længere ringfinger end pegefinger er angivet i den videnskabelige litteratur flere gange i slutningen af [[1800-tallet]].<ref name="Ecker A 1875 68–74">{{Cite journal|author=Ecker A |title=Einige Bemerkungen über einen Schwankenden Charakter in den Hand des Menschen (Enkelte bemærkninger om forskelligheder i menneskets hånd) |journal=Archiv für Anthropologie |volume=8 |pages=68–74 |year=1875}}</ref><ref name="Baker F 1888 51–75">{{Cite journal|author=Baker F |title=Anthropological notes on the human hand |url= |journal=The American Anthropologist |volume=1 |pages=51–75 |year=1888 |doi=10.1525/aa.1888.1.1.02a00040}}</ref> Et tilsvarende studie blev foretaget i 1930, der udviste statistisk signifikante forskelle blandt en population på 201 mænd og 109 kvinder,<ref name="George R 1930 199–204">{{Cite journal|author=George R |title=Human finger types |journal=Anatomical Record |volume=46 |pages=199–204 |year=1930 |doi=10.1002/ar.1090460210|issue=2}}</ref> men herefter forløb en periode, hvor sammenhængen mellem køn og 2D:4D ratio enten blev glemt eller ignoreret.
I 1983 offentliggjorde Dr Glenn Wilson fra [[King's College London|King's College i London]] resultaterne af en undersøgelse af sammenhængen mellem kvinders selvsikkerhed og deres 2D:4D ratio.<ref name=Wilson1983>{{Cite journal|doi=10.1016/0191-8869(83)90061-2 |title=Finger-length as an index of assertiveness in women |year=1983 |last1=Wilson |first1=Glenn D. |authorlink1=Glenn Wilson |journal=Personality and Individual Differences |volume=4 |issue=1 |pages=111–2}}</ref> Dette var den første [[videnskab]]elige undersøgelse af sammenhængen mellem 2D:4D ratioen og [[adfærd]] indenfor det samme [[køn]].<ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Wilson | first1 = G. | year = 2010 | title = Fingers to feminism: The rise of 2D:4D | url =| journal = Quarterly Review | volume = 4 | issue = | pages = 25–32 }}</ref> Wilson foreslog, at [[skelet]]tets struktur og personligheden blev påvirket samtidig af niveauerne af [[kønshormon]] i kvindens [[livmoder]] under [[graviditet]]en.<ref name=Wilson1983/> I 1998 rapporterede John T. Manning og kolleger, at kønsforskelle i 2D:4D rationen var til stede hos børn i toårs-alderen<ref>{{Cite journal|author=Manning JT, Scutt D, Wilson J, Lewis-Jones DI |title=The ratio of 2nd to 4th digit length: a predictor of sperm numbers and concentrations of testosterone, luteinizing hormone and oestrogen |journal=Hum Reprod |volume=13 |pages=3000–3004 |year=1998 |pmid=9853845 |doi=10.1093/humrep/13.11.3000 |issue=11|last2=Scutt |last3=Wilson |last4=Lewis-Jones }}</ref> og fremsatte den teori, at pegefinderen var en markør for påvirkningen af kønshormoner i fostertilstanden. Herefter tog forskning i emnet fart flere steder i verden.
I en artikel i 2011 skrevet af Zhengui Zheng og Martin J. Cohn blev anført "2D:4D ratioen hos mus styres af balancen mellem signalstofferne for [[androgen]] og [[estrogen]] i en forholdsvist snæver tidsperiode, hvor fingrene udvikles"<ref> "the 2D:4D ratio in mice is controlled by the balance of androgen to estrogen signaling during a narrow window of digit development." {{cite journal | author = Zhengui Z., Cohn M. J. | year = 2011 | title = Developmental basis of sexually dimorphic digit ratios | url = | journal = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | volume = 108 | issue = 39| pages = 16289–16294 | doi = 10.1073/pnas.1108312108 | pmid=21896736 | pmc = 3182741| last2 = Cohn }}</ref><!-- see Simon Baron-Cohen at -->
Linje 32:
Fingerlængdeforholdet har sammenhæng med den genetiske variation i genet for den [[androgen receptor|androgene receptor]].<ref name="Manning2003">{{Cite journal|doi=10.1016/S1090-5138(03)00052-7 |title=The second to fourth digit ratio and variation in the androgen receptor gene |year=2003 |first1=John T. |last1=Manning |first2=Peter E. |last2=Bundred |first3=Darren J. |last3=Newton |first4=Brian F. |last4=Flanagan |journal=Evolution and Human Behavior |volume=24 |pages=399–405|issue=6}}</ref> Mænd med gener, der producerer androgene receptorer, der er mindre sensitive overfor testosteron, har større, mere feminint, fingerlængdeforhold. Det er dog ikke alle studier, der bekræfter denne sammenhæng.<ref>{{Cite journal|author=Hampson E, Sankar JS |title=Re-examining the Manning hypothesis: androgen receptor polymorphism and the 2D:4D ratio |journal=Evol Hum Behav |volume=33 |pages=557–561 |year=2012 |pmid=22728214 |doi=10.1016/j.genm.2012.05.001|issue=4|last2=Hampson }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|author=Crabbe P, Bogaert V, De Bacquer D, Goemaere S, Zmierczak H, Kaufman JM.|title=Part of the interindividual variation in serum testosterone levels in healthy men reflects differences in androgen sensitivity and feedback set point: contribution of the androgen receptor polyglutamine tract polymorphism |journal=J Clin Endocrinol Metab |volume=92 |pages=3604–10 |year=2007 |pmid= 17579205 |doi=10.1210/jc.2007-0117|issue=9 |last2=Bogaert |last3=De Bacquer |last4=Goemaere |last5=Zmierczak |last6=Kaufman }}</ref> Kønsforskellen i fingerlængdeforholdet har ingen sammenhæng med [[Y-kromosom]]et.<ref>{{Cite journal|author=Berenbaum SA, Bryk KK, Nowak N, Quigley CA, Moffat S |title=Fingers as a Marker of Prenatal Androgen Exposure |journal=Endocrinology |volume=150 |issue=11 |pages=5119–24 |date=november 2009 |pmid=19819951 |doi=10.1210/en.2009-0774 |pmc=2775980|last2=Bryk |last3=Nowak |last4=Quigley |last5=Moffat }}</ref>
Kønsforskellen i fingerlængdeforholdet hos mennesker er til stede inden fødslen,<ref>{{Cite journal|author=Malas MA, Dogan S, Evcil EH, Desdicioglu K.|title=Fetal development of the hand, digits and digit ratio (2D:4D) |journal=Early Hum Dev |volume=82 |pages=469–475 |year=2006 |pmid=16473482 |doi=10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2005.12.002 |issue=7|last2=Dogan |last3=Evcil |last4=Desdicioglu }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|author=Galis F, Ten Broek CM, Van Dongen S, Wijnaendts LC |title=Sexual Dimorphism in the Prenatal Digit Ratio (2D:4D) |journal=Arch Sex Behav |volume=38 |pages=57–62 |year=2009 |pmid=19301112 |issue=1 |doi=10.1007/s10508-009-9485-7 |pmc=2811245|last2=Ten Broek |last3=Van Dongen |last4=Wijnaendts }}</ref> hvilket udelukker at miljø har indflydelse på udviklingen af fingerlængdeforholdet under opvæksten. Der er dokumentation for, at udviklingen af fingerlængdeforholdet reflekterer i hvilket omfang fosteret har været udsat for [[testosteron]].<ref>{{Cite journal|author=McIntyre MH |title=The use of digit ratios as markers for perinatal androgen action |journal=Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology |volume=4 |issue= |page=10 |year=2006 |pmid=16504142 |pmc=1409789 |doi=10.1186/1477-7827-4-10}}</ref> Flere studier har påvist en arvelig sammenhæng i fingerlængdeforholdet.<ref name=Paul2006>{{Cite journal|author=Paul SN, Kato BS, Hunkin JL, Vivekanandan S, Spector TD |title=The Big Finger: the second to fourth digit ratio is a predictor of sporting ability in women |journal=British Journal of Sports Medicine |volume=40 |issue=12 |pages=981–3 |date=december 2006 |pmid=17008344 |doi=10.1136/bjsm.2006.027193 |pmc=2577466|last2=Kato |last3=Hunkin |last4=Vivekanandan |last5=Spector }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|author=Gobrogge, K.L., S.M.Breedlove & K.L.Klump |title=Genetic and environmental influences on 2d:4d finger length ratios: a study of monozygotic and dizygotic male and female twins |url= |journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior |volume=37 |pages=112–118 |year=2008 |pmid=18074216 |doi=10.1007/s10508-007-9272-2 |issue=1|last2=Breedlove |last3=Klump }}</ref>
== Geografisk og etnisk variation i fingerlængdeforholdet ==
Linje 90:
* Forøget forekomst af [[ADHD]] hos mænd<ref>{{Cite journal|author=McFadden, D., Westhafer, J.G., Pasanen, E.G., Carlson, C.L., and Tucker, D.M. |title=Physiological evidence of hypermasculinization in boys with the inattentive subtype of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) |journal=Clinical Neuroscience Research |volume=5 |pages=233–245 |year=2005 |doi=10.1016/j.cnr.2005.09.004|issue=5–6}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|author=Stevenson JC, Everson PM, Williams DC, Hipskind G, Grimes M, Mahoney ER. |title=Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and digit ratios in a college sample |journal=Am J Hum Biol |volume=19 |pages=41–50 |year=2007 |pmid=17160985 |doi=10.1002/ajhb.20571 |issue=1|last2=Everson |last3=Williams |last4=Hipskind |last5=Grimes |last6=Mahoney }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|author=Martel, M.M, K.L.Gobrogge, S.M.Breedlove & J.T.Nigg |title=Masculinized Finger-Length Ratios of Boys, but Not Girls, Are Associated With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |journal=Behavioral Neuroscience |volume=122 |pages=273–281 |year=2008 |pmid=18410167 |pmc=2902868 |doi=10.1037/0735-7044.122.2.273 |issue=2|last2=Gobrogge |last3=Breedlove |last4=Nigg }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|author=Martel, M.M. |title=Conscientiousness as a mediator of the association between masculinized finger-length ratios and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) |journal=J Child Psychol Psychiatry |volume=50 |pages=790–798. |year=2009 |pmid=19298468 |doi=10.1111/j.1469-7610.2009.02065.x |issue=7}}</ref>
* Forøget forekomst af [[Aspergers syndrom]] og andre lidelser inden for det [[autisme|autistiske spektrum]]<ref name="Manning">{{Cite journal|author=Manning JT, Baron-Cohen S, Wheelwright S, Sanders G |title=The 2nd to 4th digit ratio and autism |url= |journal=Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology |volume=43 |issue=3 |pages=160–4 |date=marts 2001 |pmid=11263685 |doi=10.1017/S0012162201000317|last2=Baron-Cohen |last3=Wheelwright |last4=Sanders }}</ref>
* Forøget risiko for [[anorexia nervosa]] hos kvinder.<ref name=":1">{{Cite journal|title = The 2nd to 4th digit ratio (2D:4D) and eating disorder diagnosis in women|url =|journal = Personality and Individual Differences|date = 2011-09-01|issn = 0191-8869|pmc = 3134962|pmid = 21765573|pages = 402–405|volume = 51|issue = 4|doi = 10.1016/j.paid.2010.07.024|first = Stephanie Jane|last = Quinton|first2 = April Rose|last2 = Smith|first3 = Thomas|last3 = Joiner}}</ref><ref name=":2">{{Cite journal|title = The 2 to 4 digit ratio (2D:4D) and eating disorder diagnosis in women|url =|journal = Personality and Individual Differences|date = 2011-09-01|issn = 0191-8869|pmc = 3134962|pmid = 21765573|pages = 402–405|volume = 51|issue = 4|doi = 10.1016/j.paid.2010.07.024|first = Stephanie Jane|last = Quinton|first2 = April Rose|last2 = Smith|first3 = Thomas|last3 = Joiner|access-date = 2. oktober 2017|archive-date = 12. november 2017|archive-url =|url-status = ok}}</ref>
* Forøget forekomst af [[psykopati]] hos mænd med lavt fingerlængdefrhold og høje testosteron-niveauer.<ref name="Carré 319–326">{{Cite journal|title = Digit ratio (2D:4D) and psychopathic traits moderate the effect of exogenous testosterone on socio-cognitive processes in men|url =|journal = Psychoneuroendocrinology|date = 2015-12-01|issn = 1873-3360|pmid = 26356040|pages = 319–326|volume = 62|doi = 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.08.023|first = Justin M.|last = Carré|first2 = Triana L.|last2 = Ortiz|first3 = Brandy|last3 = Labine|first4 = Benjamin J. P.|last4 = Moreau|first5 = Essi|last5 = Viding|first6 = Craig S.|last6 = Neumann|first7 = Bernard|last7 = Goldfarb|access-date = 2. oktober 2017|archive-date = 23. november 2017|archive-url =|url-status = ok}}</ref>
Linje 141:
| '''Seksuel orientering'''
* [[Lesbisk]]e har gennemsnitligt et lavere fingerlængdeforhold end heteroseksuelle kvinder<ref name=Csatho2003/><ref name = "Williams, T.J. et al. (2000)">{{Cite journal|author=Williams TJ|title=Finger-length ratios and sexual orientation|journal=Nature|volume=404|issue=6777|pages=455–6|date=marts 2000|pmid=10761903|doi=10.1038/35006555|url=|author2=Pepitone ME|author3=Christensen SE|display-authors=3|last4=Cooke|first4=Bradley M.|last5=Huberman|first5=Andrew D.|last6=Breedlove|first6=Nicholas J.|last7=Breedlove|first7=Tessa J.|last8=Jordan|first8=Cynthia L.|last9=Breedlove|first9=S. Marc|access-date= 2. oktober 2017|archive-date=26. juni 2015|archive-url=|url-status=ok}}</ref><ref name = "Tortorice, J.L. (2002)">{{Cite journal|author=Tortorice JL |year=2002 |publisher=Rutgers University |title=Written on the body: [[butch and femme|butch vs. femme]] lesbian gender identity and biological correlates of low digit ratio |oclc=80234273}}</ref><ref name = "McFadden and Shubel (2002)">{{Cite journal|author=McFadden D, Shubel E |title=Relative lengths of fingers and toes in human males and females |journal=Hormones and Behavior |volume=42 |issue=4 |pages=492–500 |date=december 2002 |pmid=12488115 |doi=10.1006/hbeh.2002.1833|last2=Shubel }}</ref><ref name = "Hall and Love (2003)">{{Cite journal|author=Hall LS, Love CT |title=Finger-length ratios in female monozygotic twins discordant for sexual orientation |url= |journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior |volume=32 |issue=1 |pages=23–8 |date=February 2003 |pmid=12597269 |doi=10.1023/A:1021837211630|last2=Love }}</ref><ref name = "Rahman and Wilson (2003)">{{Cite journal|author=Rahman Q, Wilson GD |title=Sexual orientation and the 2nd to 4th finger length ratio: evidence for organising effects of sex hormones or developmental instability? |journal=Psychoneuroendocrinology |volume=28 |issue=3 |pages=288–303 |date=april 2003 |pmid=12573297 |doi=10.1016/S0306-4530(02)00022-7|last2=Wilson }}</ref><ref name = "Putz, D.A. et al. (2004)">{{Cite journal |doi=10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2004.03.005 |title=Sex hormones and finger length: What does 2D:4D indicate? |date=maj 2004 |first1=David A. |last1=Putz |first2=Steven J. C. |last2=Gaulin |first3=Robert J. |last3=Sporter |first4=Donald H. |last4=McBurney |journal=Evolution and Human Behavior |volume=25 |issue=3 |pages=182–99 |url= |access-date= 2. oktober 2017 |archive-date= 7. januar 2010 |archive-url= |url-status=yes }}</ref><ref name = "Rahman, Q. (2005)">{{Cite journal|author=Rahman Q |title=Fluctuating asymmetry, second to fourth finger length ratios and human sexual orientation |journal=Psychoneuroendocrinology |volume=30 |issue=4 |pages=382–91 |date=maj 2005 |pmid=15694118 |doi=10.1016/j.psyneuen.2004.10.006}}</ref><ref name = "Kraemer et al. (2006)">{{Cite journal|author=Kraemer B, Noll T, Delsignore A, Milos G, Schnyder U, Hepp U |title=Finger length ratio (2D:4D) and dimensions of sexual orientation |journal=Neuropsychobiology |volume=53 |issue=4 |pages=210–4 |year=2006 |pmid=16874008 |doi=10.1159/000094730|last2=Noll |last3=Delsignore |last4=Milos |last5=Schnyder |last6=Hepp }}</ref><ref name = "Wallien et al. (2008)">{{Cite journal|author=Wallien MS, Zucker KJ, Steensma TD, Cohen-Kettenis PT |title=2D:4D finger-length ratios in children and adults with gender identity disorder |journal=Hormones and Behavior |volume=54 |issue=3 |pages=450–4 |date=august 2008 |pmid=18585715 |doi=10.1016/j.yhbeh.2008.05.002|last2=Zucker |last3=Steensma |last4=Cohen-Kettenis }}</ref><ref name = "Grimbos et al. (2010)">{{Cite journal|author=Grimbos T, Dawood K, Burriss RP, Zucker KJ, Puts DA |title=Sexual orientation and the second to fourth finger length ratio: a meta-analysis in men and women |url= |journal=Behav Neurosci |volume=124 |issue=2 |pages=278–287 |year=2010 |pmid=20364887 |doi=10.1037/a0018764 |last2=Dawood |last3=Burriss |last4=Zucker |last5=Puts }}</ref><ref name = "Hiraishi, K. (2012)">{{Cite journal|author=Hirashi K, Sasaki S, Shikishima C, Ando J |title=The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) in a Japanese twin sample: heritability, prenatal hormone transfer, and association with sexual orientation |url= |journal=Arch Sex Behav |volume=41 |issue=3 |pages=711–24 |date=Jun 2012 |pmid=22270254 |doi=10.1007/s10508-011-9889-z|last2=Sasaki |last3=Shikishima |last4=Ando }}</ref>
* [[Biseksualitet|Biseksuelle]] mænd har lavere fingerlængdeforhold end rent homoseksuelle mænd.<ref name=sj />
* Seksuel præference for mere maskuline mænd blandt kvinder<ref name=Csatho2003>{{Cite journal|author=Csathó A, Osváth A, Bicsák E, Karádi K, Manning J, Kállai J |title=Sex role identity related to the ratio of second to fourth digit length in women |journal=Biological Psychology |volume=62 |issue=2 |pages=147–56 |date=February 2003 |pmid=12581689 |doi=10.1016/S0301-0511(02)00127-8|last2=Osváth |last3=Bicsák |last4=Karádi |last5=Manning |last6=Kállai }}</ref> og homoseksuelle mænd<ref>{{Cite journal|author=McIntyre MH |title=Digit ratios, childhood gender role behavior, and erotic role preferences of gay men |journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior |volume=32 |issue=6 |pages=495–6 |date=december 2003 |pmid=14627046 |doi=10.1023/A:1026054625638}}</ref> med højt fingerlængdeforhold.
* Lesbiske med højt fingerlængdeforhold er oftere [[butch/femme|femme]] og sjældnere [[butch/femme|butch]].<ref name="Tortorice, J.L. (2002)"/><ref>{{Cite journal |author=Brown WM, Finn CJ, Cooke BM, Breedlove SM |title=Differences in finger length ratios between self-identified 'butch' and 'femme' lesbians |journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior |volume=31 |issue=1 |pages=123–7 |date=February 2002 |pmid=11910785 |doi=10.1023/A:1014091420590 |url= |last2=Finn |last3=Cooke |last4=Breedlove |access-date= 2. oktober 2017 |archive-date=14. december 2017 |archive-url= |url-status=ok }}</ref> Kvindelige tvillinger med forskellig seksuel orientering viser samme sammenhæng.<ref name = "Hall and Love (2003)"/><ref>{{Cite journal|author=Hiraishi K, Sasaki S, Shikishima C, Ando J. |title=The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) in a Japanese twin sample: heritability, prenatal hormone transfer, and association with sexual orientation |url= |journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior |volume=41 |issue=3 |pages=711–24 |year=2012 |pmid=22270254 |doi=10.1007/s10508-011-9889-z |last2=Sasaki |last3=Shikishima |last4=Ando }}</ref>
* Homoseksualitet blandt mænd ifølge nogle studier.<ref name = "McFadden and Shubel (2002)"/><ref name = "Hiraishi, K. (2012)"/><ref>{{cite journal | author = Churchchill AJG, Manning JT, Peters M | year = 2007 | title = The effects of sex, ethnicity, and sexual orientation on self-measured digit ratio (2D:4D) | url =| journal = Archives of Sexual Behavior | volume = 36 | issue = 2| pages = 251–260 | doi=10.1007/s10508-006-9166-8 | pmid=17394056| last2 = Manning | last3 = Reimers }}</ref> Andre undersøgelser hævder det modsatte; nogle viser at fingerlængdeforholdet ikke spiller nogen rolle.<ref name = "Williams, T.J. et al. (2000)"/><ref name = "Kraemer et al. (2006)"/><ref name = "Wallien et al. (2008)"/><ref name = "Grimbos et al. (2010)"/><ref>{{cite web|last1=Yule MA, Brotto LA, Gorzalka BB.|title=Biological markers of asexuality: Handedness, birth order, and finger length ratios in self-identified asexual men and women.|year=2014|url=|website=Arch Sex Behav.|accessdate=2014|archive-date=30. september 2017|archive-url=|url-status=ok}}</ref><ref name = "Rahman and Wilson (2003)" /><ref name = "Rahman, Q. (2005)" /><ref name=sj>{{Cite journal|author=S.J. Robinson, J.T. Manning |journal=Evolution and Human Behavior |title=The ratio of 2nd to 4th digit length and male homosexuality |volume=21 |year=2000 |pages=333–345 |doi=10.1016/S1090-5138(00)00052-0 |pmid=11053694 |issue=5|last2=Manning }}</ref><ref name = "Voracek , Manning & Ponocny (2005)">{{Cite journal|author=M.V. Voracek, J.T. Manning & I. Ponocny|journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior|title=Digit ratio (2D:4D) in homosexual and heterosexual men from Austria|url=|volume=34 |year=2005 |pages=335–340 |doi=10.1007/s10508-005-3122-x |pmid=15971016 |issue=3|last2=Manning|last3=Ponocny}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|author1=Teresa Grimbos|author2=[[Kenneth Zucker]]|author3=Khytam Dawood|author4=Robert P. Burriss|journal=Behavioral Neuroscience|title=Sexual Orientation and the Second to Fourth Finger Length Ratio: A Meta-Analysis in Men and Women|volume=124|year=2010|issue=2|pages=278 –287|doi=10.1037/a0018764|url=|13=|pmid=20364887|access-date= 2. oktober 2017|archive-date=27. august 2018|archive-url=|url-status=ok}}</ref>