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Linje 1:
I [[Albert Einstein|EinsteinEinsteins]]s specielle og [[almen relativitetsteori|almene relativitetsteori]] er [[tid]] og det 3-dimensionale [[rum]] slået sammen til et enkelt 4-dimensionalt [[manifold]] kaldet '''rumtid'''. Et punkt i rumtiden bliver benævnt en hændelse. Enhver hændelse har 4 koordinater (t, x, y, z).
Relaterede artikler:
* [[Gravitation]]
* [[Præcession]]
* [[Sort hul (astronomi)]]
Relaterede [[science-fiction]] artikler:
* [[Alcubierre drive]]
* [[Ormehul]]
* [[Warp drive]]
==Eksterne henvisninger==
* Webarchive backup: [ NatNet: Hvordan virker naturkræfterne?]
* Google: [ Relativity], [ Special Relativity]
* [ Robert Rutkiewicz: Explaining Particle Force] Citat: "...[[subatomar partikel|Particles]] move together not because there is something pulling them together, they all are traveling in the straightest line possible, its just that space is curved..."
* [ University of Illinois: Spacetime Wrinkles] (med video).
* [ Caltech: Spacetime 101]
* [, Michael Cramer Andersen: Geometry Around Black Holes] A WWW Exhibition in Relativistic Computer Dynamics and Visualization.
* [ Physics FAQ, By Martin Hogbin, 11 February 1998, What causes Gravity?] Citat: "...[Dette bud indeholder ikke [[kvantemekanik]]kens teori!] The world we live in consists of four dimensions, the three space dimensions and one that is not exactly time but is related to time (it is in fact time multiplied by the square root of -1 [i, j, det imaginære 'fortegn']). This is not at all easy to understand but it means that space-time as we call it has some rather weird properties. In particular, when you move through one of the space dimensions you also travel, unwittingly, through time...."
* [ Stanford: What is Gravity Probe B?] Physicists and engineers at Stanford University have created a wide range of exotic technologies to perform a satellite experiment that will probe the very foundations of space time.
* [ Stanford: The Geodetic Effect: Measuring the Curvature of Space-time] Citat: "... Third, most important, Gravity Probe B investigates the gravitational action of moving matter. Matter moving through space-time can be thought of as creating a new force -- gravitomagnetism -- which John Wheeler..."
** [ 2004-09-09, Sciencedaily: NASA Gravity Probe B Mission Enters Science Phase, Ready To Test Einstein's Theory]
* Stanford, Dr. Sten Odenwald, [ Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers]:
** [ How are electromagnetism and space-time related, and can electromagnetic fields exert a force on space-time?]
** [ What happens in the space between gravitating bodies?]
** [ If space exists, what is it?]
** [ What is the relationship between space and time?]
** [ Does space have more than 3 dimensions?]
** [ What is the simplest evidence that there are more than 4 dimensions?]
** [ How do you explain Einstein's relativity theory to a 12 year old?]
** [ Is gravity the exchange of gravitons, or the curvature of space-time?]
** [ What happens to the fabric of space-time when an object moves through it near the speed of light?]
** [ Does 'now' have a size instead of being a point in spacetime?]
* [ Number 660 #2, November 4, 2003, Physics News Update: Acceleration Disrupts Quantum Teleportation] Citat: "...While this effect is small for typical accelerations in Earthly labs the result shows an interesting relationship between the effects of space-time motion and the [[kvantemekanik|quantum world]]..."
* [ Number 562 #1, October 23, 2001 Physics News Update: Loop Quantum Gravity] Citat: "...Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), rival of string theory in the quest to unite quantum mechanics with general relativity...In loop theory, the merger is attempted by imagining that space itself consists of moveable tiny loops..."
¨*[ Dewey B. Larson: ] Citat: "...Time is the reciprocal of space... Instead of space and time we have have space-time..."
Linje 68:
[[ms:RuangmasaMasa angkasa]]