Butler County (Ohio): Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 34:
*[[John Boehner]], Congressman, [[Speaker of the United States House of Representatives|Speaker of the House]] (January 2011-Present), [[House Minority Leader]] (Januar 2007-Januar 2011), fmr. [[House Majority Leader]] (Februar 2006 til Januar 2007)
*[[Mary Bowermaster]], [[masters athletics]] record indehavere
*[[James E. Campbell]], guvarnørguvernør i Ohio
*[[Cris Carter]], football spilller
*[[Frank Clair]], football spiller
Linje 40:
*[[Greg Dulli]], musiker
*[[Weeb Ewbank]], football træner
*[[Andrew L. Harris]], guvarnørguvernør af Ohio
*[[William Dean Howells]], forfatter
*[[Howard Jones (football coach)|Howard Jones]], football træner