Lutheranisme: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 31:
Lutheranisme er en kristen tradition, mere specifikt den retning inden for protestantismen, der bygger på Martin Luthers reformideer og teologi. På verdensplan er ca. 70 mio. af verdens 2 mia. kristne lutheranere.
Luthers evangelsk
Luthers teologiske ideer regnes normalt som afgørende for reformationen og den protestantiske bevægelse, men lutheranismen udgør nu om dage blot en mindre del af protestantismen.
Et af kernepunkterne i den lutherske reformation var sola scriptura-doktrinen – den overbevisning, at den sande lære findes i "skriften alene". Lutheranismen lærer, at Bibelen er guddommeligt inspireret og at den er den endelige autoritet i alle læremæssige spørgsmål.
De lutherske kirkers lære blev i 1580 samlet i Konkordiebogen, en samling af teologiske dokumenter og trosbekendelser, bl.a. de tre økumeniske trosbekendelser (den apostolske, den nikænske og den athanasianske trosbekendelse), den augsburgske bekendelse, Martin Luthers lille- og store katekismus, de schmalkaldiske artikler og konkordieformlen. Man kan dog ikke uden videre antage, at dagens lutherske kirker godkender alle disse skrifter som autoritative. Den danske Folkekirke godkender f.eks. kun de tre økumeniske trosbekendelser, Augustana og Luthers lille katekismus ud over bibelen.
Lutheranismen (i forskellige udgaver) er officiel statsreligion i de fleste nordiske lande: Danmark, Norge, Finland og Island. I Sverige var lutheranismen statsreligion indtil 2000.
ALC Historical Perspective: Nervig, Casper B. Christian Truth and Religious Delusions, Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1941.
CLC Perspective: Concerning Church Fellowship: A Statement of Principle. Eau Claire, WI: CLC Book House. 1996.
Confessional & Historical Perspective: Günther Gassmann & Scott Hendrix. Fortress Introduction to the Lutheran Confessions. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1999. ISBN 0-8006-3162-5.
General Council Historical Perspective: Krauth, Charles Porterfield (1875). The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology: As Represented in the Augsburg Confession, and in the History and Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: J. P. Lippincott. p. 840. ISBN 0758609949.
LCA Historical Perspective: Braaten, Carl E. (1983). Principles of Lutheran Theology. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. ISBN 0800616898.
LCMS Perspective: Pieper, Franz (1950–1957). Christian Dogmatics. Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House. p. 3 Volumes. ISBN 0570067146.
LCMS Perspective: Engelder, Theodore E.W. (1934). Popular Symbolics: The Doctrines of the Churches of Christendom and Of Other Religious Bodies Examined in the Light of Scripture. Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House. p. 526.
LCMS Perspective: Graebner, Augustus Lawrence (1910). Outlines Of Doctrinal Theology. Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House. p. 250. ISBN 0524048916.
LCR Perspective: McLaughlin, Wallace H. (1963). We All Believe in One True God: A Summary of Biblical Doctrine. Midland, Michigan: Cross of Christ Press.
Neo-Lutheran Historical Perspective: Schmid, Heinrich Friedrich Ferdinand (1876). The Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Philadelphia: Lutheran Publication Society. ISBN 0790588773.
Norwegian Synod Historical Perspective: Monson, Ingvar Grøthe (1915). The Difference: A Popular Guide to Denominational History and Doctrine. Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.
Slovak Synod Historical Perspective: Richter, V. W. (1913). Why Should a Lutheran Not Join Any Sectarian Church?. Streator, Illinois: Svedok Publishing House.
WELS Perspective: Lange, Lyle W. (2006). God So Loved the World: A Study of Christian Doctrine. Northwestern Publishing House. ISBN 081001744X.
Comparison of about 50 Lutheran church bodies in America: Brug, John F. (2009). WELS & Other Lutherans (2nd udg.). Northwestern Publishing House. ISBN 0810005433.
Comparison of Catholic, Lutheran, and Protestant doctrine: Jackson, Gregory L. (2007). Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant: A Doctrinal Comparison of Three Christian Confessions. Glendale, Arizona: Martin Chemnitz Press.