Fischer Random skak: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 55:
Alle felter mellem kongens start- og slutfelt (inkl. det sidste), og alle felter mellem tårnets start- og slutfelt (inkl. det sidste) skal være tomme (undtaget kongen og rokade-tårnet).
Det anbefales at man siger "jeg rokerer" før rokade, for at undgå misforståelser.
Castling in Chess960 has the same prerequisites as castling under standard chess rules, namely:
The king and the castling rook must not have previously moved, including having castled.
No square between the king's initial and final squares (and including them) may be under attack by an enemy piece.
All squares between the king's initial and final squares (including the final square), and all squares between the rook's initial and final squares (including the final square), must be vacant except for the king and castling rook.
It is recommended that a player state "I am about to castle" before castling, to avoid potential misinterpretation.
== Fastlæggelse af startposition ==