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Kongeriget Mallorca
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[[File:Conquest of Mallorca by James I of Aragon 01.jpg|thumb|[[Erobringe af Mallorca]] af [[Jacob I af Aragonien]] (1229)]]
'''Kongedømmet Mallorca''' ({{lang-ca|Regne de Mallorca}}, {{IPA|ˈreŋnə ðə məˈʎɔrkə|IPA}}; {{lang-es|Reino de Mallorca}}; {{lang-la|Regnum Maioricae}}) blev grundlagt afomfattede [[Jacob I af AragonienBalearerne]], ogsåog kendtspredte somområder ''Jacobi Erobreren''.det Efter hans førstfødte søn Alfonsos død, skrev han et testamente inordøstlige [[1262Spanien]], som grundlagde kongedømmet for at kunne giveog det tilsydlige sin søn Jacob[[Frankrig]]. DenneDet dispositionvar blevtæt bevaretknyttet selvtil omden Jacob[[Aragonske IKrone]] ændredeog siteksisterede testamenteformelt flere gange. Ved hans død ifra [[12761231]] gik den aragonske krone til hans ældste søn [[Peter III af Aragonien|Peter1715]], medensmen Kongerigetreelt Mallorcahavde gikdet tildog Jacob,kun sombetydning regeredei under navnetperioden [[Jacob II af Mallorca1276]]. Testamentet fastslog også at kongen af Mallorca var den aragonske konges vassal. Titlen vedblev at blive brugt af aragonske og spanske konger indtil opløsningen i 1715- [[Nueva Planta dekreterne1349]].
Kongedømmet omfattede [[Balearerne]]: [[Mallorca]], [[Menorca]] (whichsom was stillvar under the rule ofmuslimsk Muslimsstyre untilindtil 1231, whenhvor itsøen sovereigntyafgav wassin surrenderedsuverænitet totil JamesJakob I), [[Ibiza]] andog [[Formentera]]. Kongen var også greve af [[Roussillon]] og [[Cerdanya]]. ogDertil kom områder Jacobi Jakob I havde i [[Occitanien]] - herskabet [[Montpellier]], vicegrevskabet [[Carlat]], ini [[Auvergne (province)|Auvergne]], andog the barony ofbaroniet [[Aumelas]], contiguoussom grænsede op totil Montpellier.
Kongedømmet Mallorca blev grundlagt af [[Jakob I af Aragonien]], også kendt som ''Jakob Erobreren''. Efter hans førstfødte søn Alfonsos død, skrev han et testamente i [[1262]], som grundlagde kongedømmet for at kunne give det til sin søn Jakob. Denne disposition blev bevaret selv om Jakob I ændrede sit testamente flere gange. Ved hans død i [[1276]] gik den aragonske krone til hans ældste søn [[Peter III af Aragonien|Peter]], medens Kongeriget Mallorca gik til Jakob, som regerede under navnet [[Jakob II af Mallorca]]. Testamentet fastslog også at kongen af Mallorca var den aragonske konges vassal. Titlen vedblev at blive brugt af aragonske og spanske konger indtil opløsningen i 1715 [[Nueva Planta dekreterne]].
The legacy of James I included the creation of a strategic Mediterranean enclave, including territories between two large kingdoms, the [[House of Capet|Capetians]] of [[France]] and the Crown of Aragon - which were in constant conflict, at the time. Conscious of the fragility of the Kingdom of Majorca, James I undertook the conquest of Cerdanya to unify the new kingdom. He also entered into negotiations to arrange the marriage of his son James to Beatrice of [[Savoy]], daughter to [[Amadeus IV, Count of Savoy|Count Amadeus of Savoy]]. Neither plan was successful.
Kongeriget Mallorca var for Jakob I en strategisk stødbuffer mellem to store kongedømmer, den Aragonske Krone og Frankrig, som var i stadig konflikt med hinanden. Jakob I var bevidste om det nye kongedømmes skrøbelighed og han forsøgte at styrke det ved at arrangere et ægteskab mellem sin søn Jakob og datteren af [[Amadeus IV af Savoyen]], hvilket dog misllykkedes.
On the death of James I, the new king of Majorca, James II, decided not to pay tribute to Peter III. Preoccupied with diverse problems within the realm, it was not until 1279 when the Majorcan monarch reconciled to have his states recognized as subordinate to the king of Aragon. As a consequence the Kingdom of Majorca could not hold court, and the king of Majorca was forced to go to [[Catalonia]] to present tribute to the king of Aragon. By means of the [[Treaty of Perpignan]] in 1279 an imbalance of power between the Kingdom of Aragon and the Kingdom of Majorca was created. The Aragonian king maintained the political and economic control of Aragon over the Kingdom of Majorca, reestablishing the unified jurisdiction of the Crown of Aragon which was broken by the will of James I. This treaty would condition relations between the Kingdom of Majorca and the Crown of Aragon throughout the former's existence. The lack of courts later aggravated the destabilization of a kingdom already on the brink of fracture, which, besides this, lacked any common institution beyond the monarchy.
Efter Jakob Is død besluttede den nye konge af Mallorca, Jakon II, ikke at betale tribut til den Aragonske Krones nye konge Peter III. On the death of James I, the new king of Majorca, James II, decided not to pay tribute to Peter III. Preoccupied with diverse problems within the realm, it was not until 1279 when the Majorcan monarch reconciled to have his states recognized as subordinate to the king of Aragon. As a consequence the Kingdom of Majorca could not hold court, and the king of Majorca was forced to go to [[Catalonia]] to present tribute to the king of Aragon. By means of the [[Treaty of Perpignan]] in 1279 an imbalance of power between the Kingdom of Aragon and the Kingdom of Majorca was created. The Aragonian king maintained the political and economic control of Aragon over the Kingdom of Majorca, reestablishing the unified jurisdiction of the Crown of Aragon which was broken by the will of James I. This treaty would condition relations between the Kingdom of Majorca and the Crown of Aragon throughout the former's existence. The lack of courts later aggravated the destabilization of a kingdom already on the brink of fracture, which, besides this, lacked any common institution beyond the monarchy.
During the [[Aragonese Crusade]], James II of Majorca allied himself with the Pope and the French against Peter of Aragon. As a result, Peter's successor [[Alfonso III of Aragon|Alfonso]] conquered the kingdom in 1286. However, by the [[Treaty of Anagni]] in 1295, [[James II of Aragon]] was required to restore the Balearics to James of Majorca.