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Linje 16:
En '''skov''' er et [[plante]]samfund, hvori [[Træ (organisme)|træer]] udgør hovedbestanddelen. Endvidere må det kræves, at der er tale om et større [[areal]], at træerne har en vis højde, og at [[trækrone]]rne tilnærmelsesvis når hinanden. Skov forekommer naturligt overalt på [[Jorden]], bortset fra områder med for lav temperatur eller for tørt [[klima]]. Klimaet er afgørende for, hvilken skovtype, der udvikles.
Skoven producerer [[aerosol]]er og påvirker [[Sky (meteorologi)|skydannelse]], [[tåge]]dannelse og [[nedbør]]en væsentligt – og dermed både [[vejr]]et og [[klima]]et.
<ref>[ Penn State. (2004, May 6). Missing Chemical Important To Air Pollution Estimates. ScienceDaily] Citat: "..."We think we measured all major components of the hydroxyl radical reactants, but there is something still unaccounted for,” says Brune. "We know that something we cannot identify is reacting with the hydroxyl radicals and we know it is temperature dependent and not light dependent. We just do not know what it is."..."</ref><ref>[ Carnegie Mellon University. (2014, May 15). Emissions from forests influence very first stage of cloud formation. ScienceDaily] Citat: "...This new study uncovers an indispensable ingredient to the long sought-after cloud formation recipe -- highly oxidized organic compounds..."It turns out that sulfuric acid and these oxidized organic compounds are unusually attracted to each other. This remarkably strong association may be a big part of why organics are really drawn to sulfuric acid under modern polluted conditions," Donahue said...The fine-tuned model not only predicted nucleation rates more accurately but also predicted the increases and decreases of nucleation observed in field experiments over the course of a year, especially for measurements near forests. This latter test is a strong confirmation of the fundamental role of emissions from forests in the very first stage of cloud formation, and that the new work may have succeeded in modeling that influence..."</ref>
En mindre skov kaldes for en '''lund'''.
Line 55 ⟶ 58:
** Biom: [[Tempereret nåleskov]]
*** Økoregion: [[Skandinaviske kystnære nåleskove]]
== Litteratur ==
* {{kilde bog|forfatter=Dieter Heinrich, Manfred Hergt|titel=Munksgaards atlas – økologi
|sted=København|udgiver=Munksgaard|år=1992|id=ISBN 87-16-10775-6}}
== Eksterne kilderKilder/henvisningerReferencer ==
* [ Skov- og Naturstyrelsen]
* [ Skoven i skolen]
* [ Karsten Thomsen, ''Dansk skovnatur ''] og [ ''Appendikser '']
* [ 2004-02-26, Sciencedaily: Astonishing Discovery Over The Amazonian Rain Forest] CItat: "...natural aerosols from the Amazonian rain forest, and has found that they contained two previously unknown compounds, which are photooxidation products of isoprene. These compounds are hygroscopic and could impact cloud formation, rainfall and climate..."
* [ 2004-05-06, Sciencedaily: Missing Chemical Important To Air Pollution Estimates] Citat: "..."We think we measured all major components of the hydroxyl radical reactants, but there is something still unaccounted for,” says Brune. "We know that something we cannot identify is reacting with the hydroxyl radicals and we know it is temperature dependent and not light dependent. We just do not know what it is."..."
== Se også ==
Line 72 ⟶ 71:
* [[Det danske kulturlandskabs udvikling]] – skovens indvandring og udbredelse i Danmark
== KilderEksterne kilder/Referencerhenvisninger ==
* [ Skov- og Naturstyrelsen]
* [ Skoven i skolen]
* [ Karsten Thomsen, ''Dansk skovnatur ''] og [ ''Appendikser '']