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[[Enhedslisten]] har enhedsløn for ansatte (og via partiskatteregler også for medlemmer af folketinget)<ref>[http://enhedslisten.dk/vedtaegter Enhedslisten. 2014]. ''Vedtægter for Enhedslisten - de rød-grønne'', §14 og §16. (2014-07-08)]</ref>.
<blockquote>"''Aflønning: Værdien af arbejdet for Enhedslisten følger ikke markedskræfterne som »ude i samfundet«. Alles arbejde er nødvendigt. Derfor har vi ligeløn. Alle ansatte aflønnes efter gennemsnittet i Metal Københavns overenskomster og reguleres hver den 1. april.''"<ref>[http://enhedslisten.dk/files/Enhedslistens_Organisationshaandbog.pdf Enhedslisten]. ''Enhedslistens organisationshåndbog'', side 8. (2014.-06.-29)</ref></blockquote>
==Calverts Design & Print co-op==
Enhedsløn har relationer til kooperativ-bevægelsen, og harmonerer godt med kooperativ-bevægelsens værdier.
<blockquote>"''At Calverts Design & Print co-op, Sion Whellens says “the notion of a ‘market rate’ for different skills and job functions is a myth based on social and workplace hierarchy”. Calverts’ equal hourly pay system has been in place without challenge since 1977.<br />All workers (whether members or non members) are hourly paid, and the hourly rate is the same for all job functions. The rationale for this is that all job roles are equally necessary to the good performance of the business, and should therefore be equally remunerated – Calverts have never found that their pay system makes it difficult to recruit or retain workers. Staff turnover is less than half the industry average, so they have retained a high and increasing level of skills over the years. All workers are simultaneously members, directors and employees of the co-op. The co-op has never made compulsory redundancies on account of recessions or trading downturns. They have occasionally shared the pain of deferred wages and wage cuts, in order to maintain employment levels in the co-op.''"<ref>[http://www.cooperantics.coop/2013/06/25/equal-pay/ cooperantics.coop. 2013]. ''Equal Pay'' (2014-07-08)</ref></blockquote>