Sonic the Hedgehog: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 21:
[[en:Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit)]]
[[es:Sonic the Hedgehog (juego)]]
[[fi:Sonic the Hedgehog]]
[[fr:Sonic the Hedgehog]]
[[it:Sonic the Hedgehog]]
[[ko:소닉 더 헤지혹]]
[[nl:Sonic the Hedgehog]]
[[no:Sonic the Hedgehog]]
[[pl:Sonic the Hedgehog (16 bit)]]
[[pt:Sonic the Hedgehog]]
[[ru:Sonic the Hedgehog]]
[[simple:Sonic the Hedgehog]]
[[sv:Sonic the Hedgehog (spel)]]