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Linje 23:
===London Underground===
Kl. 08:49 detonerede tre bomber ombord på London Underground-tog indenfor 50 sekunder:
{{Further information|Timeline of the 2005 London bombings}}
# TheDen firstførste explodedeksploderede on aet 6-carvogns [[London Underground C69- andog C77 Stock-materiel|C69/C77]] "sub-surface"-tog på [[Circle line (London Underground)|Circle line]], sub-surfacenummer train204, numberder 204,kørte travellingmod eastboundøst betweenmellem [[Liverpool Street stationStation|Liverpool Street]] andog [[Aldgate tube stationStation|Aldgate]]. TheToget trainhavde hadkørt leftfra [[King's Cross St. Pancras tube stationStation|King's Cross St. Pancras]] aboutca. eightotte minutesminutter earliertidligere. At theeksplosionstidspunktet timevar oftogets thetredje explosion,vogn theca. train's90 third car was approximately 100 yards (90 m) alonginde thei tunneltunnelen fromfra Liverpool Street. TheDet parallelparallelt trackliggende ofspor the [[Hammersmith & City line]] betweenmellem Liverpool Street andog [[Aldgate East tube stationStation|Aldgate East]] was alsoblev damagedogså inbeskadiget theunder blasteksplosionen.
{{see also|Attacks on the London Underground}}
# TheDen secondanden devicebombe explodedeksploderede ini theden secondanden carvogn of anotheret andet 6-car London Undergroundvogns C69 and /C77 Stock Circle line "sub-surface"-tog trainpå [[Circle line]], numbernummer 216, whichsom lige hadhavde justkørt leftfra platformperron 4 at [[Edgware Road tube station (Circle, District and Hammersmith & City lines)Station|Edgware Road]] andog waskørte travellingmod westboundvest towardsmod [[London Paddington stationStation|Paddington]]. TheToget trainhavde hadkørt leftfra King's Cross St. Pancras aboutca. eightotte minutesminutter previouslytidligere. ThereDer werevar severaladskillige otherandre trainstog nearbyi atnærheden the timeeksplosionstidspunktet: ofet the explosion; an eastboundøstgående Circle line train-tog (arrivingankommende attil platformperron 3 at Edgware Road fromfra Paddington) waspasserede passingved nextsiden toaf thedet bombedbombede traintog andog wasblev damagedbeskadiget,<ref name="lucky-driver">{{cite news|url=|title=I'm lucky to be here, says driver|accessdate=12 November 2006|date=11 July 2005|publisher=BBC|archiveurl=|archivedate=10 November 2006 |deadurl=no}}</ref> asligesom wellen asvæg asenere wall that later collapsedkollapsede. TwoTo otherøvrige trainstog werevar at Edgware Road: anet unidentifieduidentificeret traintog onved platformperron 2 andog aet southboundsydgående Hammersmith & City line-tog, service thatder hadlige justvar arrivedankommet attil platformperron 1.
At 8:49 am, three bombs were detonated on board London Underground trains within fifty seconds of each other:
# AEn thirdtredje bombbombe wasblev detonateddetoneret on aet 6-carvogns [[London Underground 1973 Stock-materiel|1973]] "tube"-tog på [[Piccadilly line]], deep-levelnummer Underground train311, numberder 311,kørte travellingmod southboundsyd fromfra King's Cross St. Pancras totil [[Russell Square tube stationStation|Russell Square]]. TheBomben deviceeksploderede exploded approximatelyca. oneet minuteminut afterefter thetoget serviceafgik departedfra King's Cross, byhvor whichdet timehavde itkørt hadca. travelled450 about 500 yards (450&nbsp;m). TheEksplosionen explosionindtraf occurredi atden thebageste rearende ofaf thetogets firstforeste carvogn of(nummer the166) train—numberog 166—causingbeskadigede severebagenden damageaf todenne thevogn rear of that car as well as thevel frontsom offronten theaf secondden onenæste.<ref name="north-diary">{{cite news|url=|title=Coming together as a city|accessdate=12 November 2006|date=15 July 2005|last=North|first=Rachel|publisher=BBC}}</ref> The surrounding tunnelTunnelen alsoblev sustainedogså damagebeskadiget.
# The first exploded on a 6-car [[London Underground C69 and C77 Stock]] [[Circle line (London Underground)|Circle line]] sub-surface train, number 204, travelling eastbound between [[Liverpool Street station|Liverpool Street]] and [[Aldgate tube station|Aldgate]]. The train had left [[King's Cross St. Pancras tube station|King's Cross St. Pancras]] about eight minutes earlier. At the time of the explosion, the train's third car was approximately 100 yards (90&nbsp;m) along the tunnel from Liverpool Street. The parallel track of the [[Hammersmith & City line]] between Liverpool Street and [[Aldgate East tube station|Aldgate East]] was also damaged in the blast.
# The second device exploded in the second car of another 6-car London Underground C69 and C77 Stock Circle line sub-surface train, number 216, which had just left platform 4 at [[Edgware Road tube station (Circle, District and Hammersmith & City lines)|Edgware Road]] and was travelling westbound towards [[London Paddington station|Paddington]]. The train had left King's Cross St. Pancras about eight minutes previously. There were several other trains nearby at the time of the explosion; an eastbound Circle line train (arriving at platform 3 at Edgware Road from Paddington) was passing next to the bombed train and was damaged,<ref name="lucky-driver">{{cite news|url=|title=I'm lucky to be here, says driver|accessdate=12 November 2006|date=11 July 2005|publisher=BBC|archiveurl=|archivedate=10 November 2006 |deadurl=no}}</ref> as well as a wall that later collapsed. Two other trains were at Edgware Road: an unidentified train on platform 2 and a southbound Hammersmith & City line service that had just arrived at platform 1.
# A third bomb was detonated on a 6-car [[London Underground 1973 Stock]] [[Piccadilly line]] deep-level Underground train, number 311, travelling southbound from King's Cross St. Pancras to [[Russell Square tube station|Russell Square]]. The device exploded approximately one minute after the service departed King's Cross, by which time it had travelled about 500 yards (450&nbsp;m). The explosion occurred at the rear of the first car of the train—number 166—causing severe damage to the rear of that car as well as the front of the second one.<ref name="north-diary">{{cite news|url=|title=Coming together as a city|accessdate=12 November 2006|date=15 July 2005|last=North|first=Rachel|publisher=BBC}}</ref> The surrounding tunnel also sustained damage.
ItDet wasblev originallyførst thoughttroet, thatat thereder hadhavde beenværet sixseks eksplosioner, ratheri thanstedet threefor tre, explosions on thei Underground network-netværket. The bus bombingBusbomben broughtbragte theden reportedrapporterede total toop seven; thissyv. wasDet clarifiedrette laterantal inblev thedog day.klarlagt Thesenere erroneous reportingdagen. canDen befejlagtige attributedberetning tokan thetilskrives factat thateksplosionerne theskete blasts occurredtog, onder trainsvar thatmellem were between stationsstationer, causinghvorved woundedkvæstede passengerspassagerer toflygtede emergefra frombegge both stationsstationer, givinghvilket thegav impressionindtryk thataf, thereat wasder anvar incidentsket aten each.hændelse Policebegge alsosteder. revisedPolitiet thereviderede timingsogså ofeksplosionstidspunkterne, theefter tubeat blasts:de initialførte reportsmeldinger hadhavde indicatedindikeret, thatat theyde occurredindtraf duringover aen periodperiode of almostnæsten halfen anhalv hourtime. ThisDette wasskyldtes dueforvirring to initial confusion athos London Underground (LU), wherehvor thede explosionsførst weretroede originallyat believedeksplosionerne tovar haveforårsaget beenaf caused by [[Voltage spike|power surges]]overspændinger. AnEn earlyaf report,de madeførste inmeldinger thefra minutesminutterne afterefter the explosions,eksplosionerne involvedinvolverede aen person under aet traintog, whilemens anotheren describedanden abeskrev derailmenten afsporing (bothbegge ofdele which did occurindtraf, butmen onlykun assom afølge resultaf of the explosionseksplosionerne). ALU [[Codeudsendte amberen alertgul (Londonalarm Underground)|codekl. amber09:19 alert]]og was declared by LUbegyndte at 09:19,indstille andtogdriften LU begannetværket tomed ceaseordre the network's operationsom, orderingat trainstogene tokun continueskulle onlykøre totil theden nextnæste station and suspending all services.<ref name="tube-log">{{cite news|url=|title=Tube log shows initial confusion|accessdate=12 November 2006|date=12 July 2005|publisher=BBC News}}</ref>
The effects of the bombs are understood toBomberne have varied due to the differingforskellig characteristicseffekt of thetunnelerne, tunnelshvilke inskyldes whichtunnelernes theyforskellige occurredkarakteristika:<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Indepth London Attacks|publisher=BBC News|accessdate=17 October 2009}}</ref>
* The Circle line iser aen "[[cut -and -cover]]" sub-surface tunnel, aboutbeliggende ca. 7&nbsp; m (21&nbsp;ft)under deepoverfladen. AsDa thetunnelen tunnelindeholder contains twoto parallelparallelle tracksspor, iter isden relativelyforholdsvis widebred. TheDe twoto explosionseksplosioner on the Circle line werekunne probablyformentlig ablelukke toderes ventenergi theirud forcei intotunnelen, the tunnel,hvilket reducingreducerede theirderes destructiveødelæggende forcekraft.
* The Piccadilly line iser aen deep-leveldybtliggende tunnel, upop totil 30&nbsp; m (100&nbsp;ft)under belowoverfladen theog surfacemed and with narrowsmalle (3.,56&nbsp; m, or 11&nbsp;ft&nbsp;8¼&nbsp;in) single-trackenkeltsporede "tubes" andog justkun 15&nbsp; cm (6&nbsp;in)fri clearancesbredde. ThisDisse confinedindelukkede spaceomgivelser reflectedreflekterede thekræfterne blastfra force,eksplosionen concentratingog itskoncentrerede effecteffekten.
===Tavistock Square bus===