Bruger:Kalaha/sandkasse: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 121:
Syv omkom ved Aldgate, seks ved Edgware Road, 26 ved Russell Square (heriblandt det britiske par) og 13 ved Tavistock Square.
<!--do not change the date format in the file name-->[[File:Hasib Hussain leaving Boots the Chemist, King's Cross railway station, 9 am July 7, 2005.JPG|right|thumb|[[Hasib Hussain]], who detonated the bus bomb in Tavistock Square, is captured on CCTV leaving a [[Boots UK|Boots]] store on the [[London King's Cross railway station|King's Cross station]] concourse at 9&nbsp;am on 7 July 2005]]
De fire selvmordsbombemænd blev senere identificeret og navngivet:
<!--do not change the date in the file name-->[[File:July 7, 2005 London bombings CCTV.JPG|right|thumb|The four bombers captured on CCTV at [[Luton railway station|Luton station]] at 7:21&nbsp;am on 7 July 2005. From left to right: [[Hasib Hussain]], [[Germaine Lindsay]], [[Mohammad Sidique Khan]], and [[Shehzad Tanweer]].<ref>[ Image of bombers' deadly journey], BBC News, 17 July 2005. Retrieved 3 December 2006.</ref>]]
* '''[[Mohammad Sidique Khan]]:''' 30 år. Khan detonerede sin bombe lige efter at have kørt fra Edgware Road Station på et tog på vej mod Paddington, kl 08:50. Han boede i [[Beeston (Leeds)|Beeston]], [[Leeds]], med sin kone og barn, hvor han arbejdede som en mentor på en grundskole. Eksplosionen dræbte syv personer, inkl. Khan selv.
* '''[[Shehzad Tanweer]]:''' 22 år. Han detonerede en bombe ombord på et tog, der kørte mellem Liverpool Street Station og Aldgate Station, kl. 08:50. Han boede i Leeds med sin mor og far, og han arbejdede i en fish and chips-butik. Otte personer, inkl. Tanweer, blev dræbt af eksplosionen.
* '''[[Germaine Lindsay]]:''' aged 19 år. HeHan detonateddetonerede hissin devicebombe on aet traintog, der travellingkørte betweenmellem King's Cross andog Russell Square tube stationsStationer, atkl. 808:50&nbsp;a.m. HeHan livedboede ini [[Aylesbury]], [[Buckinghamshire]], withmed hissin pregnantgravide wifekone andog young sonsøn. HisHans blasteksplosion killeddræbte 27 peoplepersoner, includinginkl. Lindsay himselfselv.
* '''[[Hasib Hussain]]:''' den yngste af de fire med sine 18 år. Hussain detonerede sin bombe på det øverste dæk af en dobbeltdækkerbus kl. 09:47. Han boede i Leeds med sin bror og svigerinde. 14 personer, inkl. Hussain, døede i eksplosionen på Tavistock Square.
Tre af bombemændene var britisk fødte sønner af [[pakistan]]ske immigranter. Lindsay var [[Konversion|konvertit]], født i [[Jamaica]].
The four suicide bombers were later identified and named as:
* '''[[Mohammad Sidique Khan]]:''' aged 30. Khan detonated his bomb just after leaving Edgware Road tube station on a train travelling toward Paddington, at 8:50&nbsp;a.m. He lived in [[Beeston, Leeds|Beeston]], [[Leeds]], with his wife and young child, where he worked as a learning mentor at a primary school. The blast killed seven people, including Khan himself.
* '''[[Shehzad Tanweer]]:''' aged 22. He detonated a bomb aboard a train travelling between Liverpool Street station and Aldgate tube station, at 8:50&nbsp;a.m. He lived in Leeds with his mother and father, working in a fish and chip shop. Eight people, including Tanweer, were killed by the explosion.
* '''[[Germaine Lindsay]]:''' aged 19. He detonated his device on a train travelling between King's Cross and Russell Square tube stations, at 8:50&nbsp;a.m. He lived in [[Aylesbury]], [[Buckinghamshire]], with his pregnant wife and young son. His blast killed 27 people, including Lindsay himself.
* '''[[Hasib Hussain]]:''' the youngest of the four at 18, Hussain detonated his bomb on the top deck of a double-decker bus at 9:47&nbsp;a.m. He lived in Leeds with his brother and sister-in-law. Fourteen people, including Hussain, died in the explosion in Tavistock Square.
[[Charles Clarke]], der var [[Home Secretary]] under angrebet, beskrev bombemændene som "cleanskins", et begreb der beskriver dem som hidtil ukendte hos myndigheder før de udførte deres angreb.<ref name="TheTimes-2007-05-06">{{cite news |url= |title=The jihadi house parties of hate: Britain’s terror network offered an easy target the security sevices [sic] missed, says Shiv Malik |work=The Times |date=6 May 2007 |accessdate=2 August 2010 |quote=And how could Charles Clarke, home secretary at the time, claim that Khan and his associates were "clean skins" unknown to the security services? |first=Leo |last=Lewis |deadurl=bot: unknown |archiveurl= |archivedate=3 August 2010 |df=dmy }}</ref> På dagen for angrebene havde alle fire rejst til [[Luton]], [[Bedfordshire]], i bil og derfra til London med tog. De blev optaget med videoovervågning, da de ankom til [[King's Cross Station]] omkring kl. 08:30.
Three of the bombers were British-born sons of [[British Pakistanis|Pakistani immigrants]]; Lindsay was a [[conversion to Islam|convert]] born in [[British Jamaican|Jamaica]].
12. juli 2005 rapporterede BBC, at antiterrorchefen hos [[Metropolitan Police Service]], [[Peter Clarke]] havde udtalt, at en af bombemændenes ejendele var blevet fundet ved både Aldgate- og Edgware Road-eksplosionerne.
[[Charles Clarke]], [[Home Secretary]] when the attacks occurred, described the bombers as "[[cleanskin (security)|cleanskins]]", a term describing them as previously unknown to authorities until they carried out their attacks.<ref name="TheTimes-2007-05-06">
{{cite news
|title=The jihadi house parties of hate: Britain’s terror network offered an easy target the security sevices [sic] missed, says Shiv Malik
|work=The Times
|date=6 May 2007
|accessdate=2 August 2010
|quote=And how could Charles Clarke, home secretary at the time, claim that Khan and his associates were "clean skins" unknown to the security services?
|deadurl=bot: unknown
|archivedate=3 August 2010
}}</ref> On the day of the attacks, all four had travelled to [[Luton]], [[Bedfordshire]], by car, then to London by train. They were recorded on CCTV arriving at [[London King's Cross railway station|King's Cross station]] at about 08:30&nbsp;am.
On 12 July 2005, the BBC reported that the [[Metropolitan Police Service]]'s anti-terrorism chief [[Deputy Assistant Commissioner]] [[Peter Clarke (police officer)|Peter Clarke]] had said that property belonging to one of the bombers had been found at both the Aldgate and Edgware Road blasts.
===Videotaped statements===