The word senze is a word that describes 5 human perceptions witch are very subtle and different from the normal bodily senses.

The 5 senzes all start with W, therefor they carrie the nickname "the Five W´s."

They are:

1. What you are.

2. Who you are.

3. Where you are.

4. Why you are.

5. When you are.

The 5 Senzes (or the Five W.´s ) are the 5 corners that support the individual personality and to some degree help regain the feeling of I AM.

These 5 Senzes - when they are fully expressed in a persons life, will then help person to "find", realized or recovered himself.

The Freethinker Henrik Bo Jensen (Copenhagen 13 may 1956) used the word Senze for the first time in his ebook "the 5 Senzes,".