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Dette er undersiden af --pmh 27. aug 2006 kl. 17:00 (CEST).

[kilde mangler] at indsætte her og der

hov hvorfor får jeg ikke lov at redigere???

Horo - danserytmer


Horo betyder (mere eller mindre) danserytme. De traditionelle bulgarske danse har mange forskelle udtryk. Een form er kædedansen hvor de festklædte dansende holder hinanden i hånden og den bagerste og forreste vifter med et tørklæde. Dansetrinene er meget variende ofte lange cykliske serier af chasséer, trin forlæns, baglæns og krydsover. Dansene passer præcis til forskellige traditionelle danserytmer. Der kan være flere sange eller melodier, der går på samme "horo".

There are more than five types of horo that are played usually on every wedding. Those types differ by the rithm of the music and by the steps that are played. There are no two horo dances with similar steps. Probably there are more than a hundred types of horo dance in the Bulgarian folklore.

In the past the horo dance had social role in the Bulgarian society. It has been palyed for fun, as a contest of skills, or for the show. This is what lead to the development of the variety of horo dances. There are hora for people with little skill that can be learnt for five to ten minutes but there are also some very sophisticated dances that cannot be learnt unless one is fluent in many of the simpler dances.