Brugerdiskussion:Steenth/Arkiv 6

Wikidata weekly summary #32

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Implemented patching and automatic resolution of edit conflicts so you wont get as many edit conflicts anymore
    • Worked on $.valueview system for DataValues editing in the user interface
    • Started implementing DataType constructor in JavaScript
    • Added ValueValidator and ValueFormatter factory
    • Improvements to Diff extension
    • Construct PropertyValueSnak objects in the create claim API when needed
    • Improved Entity serialization (is now more concise and better encapsulated)
    • Added newFromArray to all DataValue objects and created DataValue factory using this
    • Worked on development environment distribution with Vagrant
    • Improved code that handles changes from the repository and reporting them in the client’s RecentChanges
    • Fought with broken selenium tests & refactored/fixed them
    • Reviewed tons of JS code
    • Set up QUnit test coverage report (will be online soon)
    • Updated demo system
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Wikimedia Conferentie and hackathon
    • ISWC
    • Wikidata intro and Q&A in Cambridge, MA
    • Wikidata intro and Q&A in Vienna
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
  • Hack on one of these

Wikidata weekly summary #33

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Updated demo system
    • Refactored and improved change propagation code
    • Add option for client and change propagations to work with job queue
    • Added filter and preference for recent changes on the client, to show/hide Wikidata edits
    • Pruning of changes table
    • Fixed some issues in the Wikidata Vagrant
    • Added puppet recipe for Wikidata on WMF labs
    • Worked on making statements editable in the frontend
    • JSON of entities is sent to the frontend now
    • Finalized DataTypes extension’s $.valueview system
    • Improved entity selector widget
    • Added Selenium tests for special pages
    • Tracking separate revision ids in Javascript to fix the edit conflict handling
    • Fixed fatal PHP error in Special:SetLabel
    • Entities with just whitespaces as label/description are not allowed anymore
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • upcoming: Offener Sonntag at WMDE’s membership assembly
    • upcoming: SWIB
    • local meetup in Bangalore
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You

Wikidata weekly summary #34

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Added DirectSqlStore to client so that it can directly access the repository database, and not require creating any tables on the client
    • Bug fixing on the client extension, and preparing it for first deployment
    • Less edit conflicts due to a smarter conflict detection
    • Better recent changes comments on the client
    • Clean up on the backend for entity artefacts
    • The statement UI enables to create statements and displays them, but has still a few glitches
    • The client now accesses the data on the server directly, and the data is not replicated anymore
    • Added a number of profiler calls
    • Special:Contributions displays labels now
    • User preference on the client to hide Wikidata edits
    • Statements can be created and saved now
    • Statements are properly styled in JavaScript and non-JavaScript version
    • Improved JavaScript part of the templating engine
    • Improved entity selector widget
    • Client:Watchlist Selenium Tests
    • Client: RecentChanges Selenium tests
    • Added DataValues, DataTypes, jQuery.ui QUnit tests to Selenium
    • Some PHPUnit test fixes
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Linuxday
    • Open Sunday after Wikimedia Deutschland’s membership assembly
    • SWIB
    • upcoming: intro and Q&A in Bangalore
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You

Wikidata weekly summary #35

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #36

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Deployed new code on All changes can be found here
    • Updated demo system
    • now uses for getting language links and edits affecting the existing articles on test2 show up in RecentChanges (if they are not hidden)
    • Statements (think of “population: 2.000.000” and similar things) are taking shape in the interface. They are still pretty buggy though at this point.
    • It is now possible to link to images on Wikimedia Commons in a statement (think of “image: sundown_at_the_beach.png” for example)
    • Links are now protocol-relative (bugzilla:42534)
    • No longer possible to create new items and set labels when database is set to read-only
    • Added more tests to the GeoCoordinate parser
    • Make use of EditEntity in removeclaims API
    • Removed many singletons to reduce global state
    • Made SpecialSetLabel work with non-item entities
    • Improved settings system
    • Improved options of ValueFormatters
    • Improved options of ValueParsers
    • Moved label+description uniqueness check out of transaction to avoid deadlocks and changed it to only be enforced for edits changing any violating values
    • Fixed serialization of SiteArray
    • ~=[,,_,,]:3
    • Had to fix reporting of aliases in wbsearchentities again
    • Implemented integration of baserevids for statements UI API calls for editconflict detection for statements/claims/snaks
    • Universal Language Selector fallback fix for Selenium tests
    • Report URL to entity in wbsearchentites API module
    • Moved the demo system to a larger server
    • Fixed several bugs in Statements user interface, most notably, adding Statements to existing sections and layout fixes
    • Added wikibase API module on the client to provide information about the associated repo (e.g. url, script path, article path)
    • A bunch of messages for autocomments were fixed (they are automatically added as an edit summary for edits on items and co in Wikidata - for example: “‎Changed [en] description: Finnish rock band”)
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • WhereCamp
    • Wikidata talk as part of a lecture on knowledge management in Karlsruhe
    • upcoming: 29C3
    • upcoming: Office hours
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
    • Want to help Lydia write the next weekly summary? Let her know.
    • Hack on one of these



Hej, Steen jeg har altid undret mig over hvordan du laver dine mange databasedump, er det noget dine botter laver, du bruger et wiki-program til, bruger noget kodeprogrammering eller noget helt tredje...? Mvh. --Trade (diskussion) 20. dec 2012, 20:04 (CET)

Jeg bruger et database-dump, hvor jeg indlæser udvalgte tabeller i en Mysql database - det er den kopi jeg arbejder på. Via en masse PHP- og shells-scripts mv. danner jeg de bot-jobs som kan udføres og rapporter som uploades. Alle de scripts er noget som jeg har selv har kodet. --Steen Th (diskussion) 20. dec 2012, 20:37 (CET)

Wikidata weekly summary #37

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Have a great holiday season!

Wikidata weekly summary #38

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week. It's rather short this time because pretty much everyone enjoys some well-deserved vacation.
  • Development
    • Some of us unwrapped gifts (-:
    • Started working on supporting different kinds of Snaks in the user interface
    • Fixing support for PostgreSQL in core, which was broken with introduction of the sites stuff
    • Code reviewing of changes in MediaWiki core
    • Adding watchlist filter in client for Wikidata changes
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • right now: 29C3
  • Open Tasks for You

Underlig bot-editering


Hej Steen. Din bot er gået lidt i skoven - se her. Jeg tænkte, at du måske gerne ville vide det. --Arne (Amjaabc) (diskussion) 31. dec 2012, 08:11 (CET)

Jeg har svare på Diskussion:Telefonkiosk. --Steen Th (diskussion) 31. dec 2012, 09:52 (CET)

Hej Steen,


Kan du være sød at se om du kan gøre noget ved den her Wikipedia:Artikler med sproghenvisninger, men uden en:, og evt. give et indlæg med her Wikipedia:Sletningsforslag/Wikipedia:Artikler med sproghenvisninger, men uden en:?

Godt nytår hilsen Christian Giersing [ disk // bidrag // e-mail ] 3. jan 2013, 13:29 (CET)

Nu er det din tur til at kigge. Der ligger nye data. --Steen Th (diskussion) 3. jan 2013, 14:10 (CET)

Ændring til dobbeltstubber


Når din bot f.eks. ændrer stub-skabeloner som her, hvor to stub-skabeloner reelt samles i én, er det så muligt at fjerne stub-skabelonen til overkategorien samtidig? Philaweb 4. jan 2013, 19:10 (CET)

Jeg har ikke taget højde at der findes flere stubbe, som burde have været sammenlægt. Så vidt jeg kan se der er meget få af den slags. Men på et tidspunkt har jeg tanker om at automatisk at rydde op i visse overkategorier. Men det kan godt tage en tid før det sker noget på det. Hvis du mener, at det er et større problem, kan jeg godt kigge på et job, der rydde op i det. --Steen Th (diskussion) 4. jan 2013, 20:00 (CET)
Ikke noget større problem, og slet ikke noget der haster. Men, måske boten kunne sættes til at lede efter og erstatte overkategori-skabelonen med det samme. Hvis ikke er det også okay. Philaweb 4. jan 2013, 20:27 (CET)

Wikidata weekly summary #39

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #40

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
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