Diskussion:Domesday Book



Jeg har kun hørt den omtalt som Wilhelm Erobrerens Jordebog. Er Dommedagsbogen en etableret term?

Ja det vil jeg mene. Det bruges i hvert fald flere andre steder [1], [2] og [3]. Toxophilus (diskussion) 21. feb 2018, 09:33 (CET)

afsnidt, "Navn"


En-wiki skriver at "The word "doom" was the usual Old English term for a law or judgment; it did not carry the modern overtones of fatality or disaster.[1] Richard FitzNeal, treasurer of England under Henry II, explained the name's connotations in detail in the Dialogus de Scaccario (c.1179):[2]
The book is metaphorically called by the native English, Domesday, i.e., the Day of Judgement. For as the sentence of that strict and terrible last account cannot be evaded by any skilful subterfuge, so when this book is appealed to on those matters which it contains, its sentence cannot be quashed or set aside with impunity. That is why we have called the book "the Book of Judgement", ... not because it contains decisions on various difficult points, but because its decisions, like those of the Last Judgement, are unalterable."

Hvilke punkter bør omtales først (i et Navn-afsnidt)? Vh Sju hav (diskussion) 8. nov 2018, 23:31 (CET)


  1. ^ Harvey 2014, p. 271.
  2. ^ Johnson, C., red. (1950). Dialogus de Scaccario, the Course of the Exchequer, and Constitutio Domus Regis, the King's Household. London. s. 63-64.
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