Diskussion:Igor Janev

Seneste indlæg: for 11 år siden af Knud Winckelmann i emnet Crosswikikampagne?

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Det lader til at denne artikel er en del af en større kampagne, hvor maskinoversatte artikler om personen bliver oprettet rundt om. Jeg har umiddelbart svært ved at finde kilder (som jeg kan læse), så jeg kan ikke forholde mig til notabiliteten. Det lader dog i hvert fald til at publikationslisten er god nok, så det kan meget vel være at man skal have en artikel om manden, den er bare svær at få til at blive ordentlig. Mvh Knud Winckelmann (diskussion) 31. maj 2013, 01:11 (CEST)Svar

Hi. My main issue is that I can't read and understand the sources and I can't seem to locate some others. Do you have any? That would help confirm the information in the article and assist in rewriting it. Regards Knud Winckelmann (diskussion) 31. maj 2013, 01:26 (CEST)Svar

Text, here, is in English. You can edit / change this text in any way you want to be understandable in Danish.


Igor Janev (Игор Јанев, born September 29, 1964) is a Macedonian diplomat. Igor Janev was born in Belgrade, Yougoslavia (Republic of Serbia). He recived Doctoral degree at the School of Law 1994. in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Janev was visiting scholar at the Schol of Foreign Service and Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in the US. He was also scholar-in- residence at the Department of Government and Foreign Affairs in Virginia, US. [1]



Igor Janev was a Special Advisor of the Minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Macedonia in 2002.[2] Janev proposed solution of the Macedonian Name issue in the United Nations,which was officially accepted by the Macedonian President George Ivanov in 2012. President Ivanov stated at the 67th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations that Macedonia was admitted in the UN with additional conditions out of the legal scope of the United Nations Charter[3]and contrary to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice delivered in the 1948. stating that such additional conditions were illegal and that political organs of the UN are not entitled to vote on such conditions..[4]



Janev has published more than 160 scientific articles and 17 monographs and books in the fields of political science, international law, and international relations. Most recent monograph was Diplomacy published by the Institute of Political Studies from Belgrade in 2013.


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  1. ^ http://www.makemigration.com/iselenistvoweb/index.php?page=iselenici&id=247&tip_iselenici=7
  2. ^ see http://www.makemigration.com/iselenistvoweb/index.php?page=iselenici&id=249&tip_iselenici=2.
  3. ^ additional conditions: 1) to use denomination the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (replacing Macedonian Constitutional name) at the UN; 2) to negotiate with another state (Greece) over its Constitutional name. See particulary general conditions of Article 4 of the United Nations Charter.
  4. ^ http://gadebate.un.org/67/former-yugoslav-republic-macedonia




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