Bruger:Weblars/Sandkasse5: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 192:
====Beginning of Zionist insurgency====
[[File:VE day Jerusalem 1945.jpg|thumb|Jerusalem on [[:en:VE Day-dagen]], 8. Maymaj 1945]]
De jødiske grupper [[Stern-gruppen|Lehi]] og [[Irgun]] satte gang i en voldelig opstand mod briterne i 1940'erne. Medlemmer af Lehi myrdede den britiske minister for Mellemøsten i [[Cairo]] den 6. november 1944. Efter mordet blev mange medlemmer af Irgun kidnappet og udleveret til de britiske myndigheder af den jødiske [[Haganah]], og ledelsen i [[Jewish Agency]] besluttede en række tiltag mod terror-organisationer i Palæstina.<ref>[ The "Hunting Season" (1945)] by Yehuda Lapidot</ref> Irgun beordede sine medlemmer til ikke at bruge vold, for at undgå borgerkrig.
The Jewish [[:en:Lehi (group)|Lehi (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel)]] and [[:en:Irgun|Irgun (National Military Organisation)]] movements initiated [[:en:Jewish insurgency in Palestine|violent uprisings]] against the British Mandate in the 1940s. On 6 November 1944, [[:en:Eliyahu Hakim]] and [[:en:Eliyahu Bet Zuri]] (members of Lehi) assassinated [[:en:Walter Edward Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne|Lord Moyne]] in [[:en:Cairo]]. Moyne was the British Minister of State for the Middle East and the assassination is said by some to have turned British Prime Minister [[:en:Winston Churchill]] against the Zionist cause. After the assassination of [[:en:Lord Moyne]], the [[:en:Haganah]] kidnapped, interrogated, and turned over to the British many members of the Irgun ("[[:en:The Hunting Season]]"), and the Jewish Agency Executive decided on a series of measures against "terrorist organisations" in Palestine.<ref>[ The "Hunting Season" (1945)] by Yehuda Lapidot ([[:en:Jewish Virtual Library]])</ref> Irgun ordered its members not to resist or retaliate with violence, so as to prevent a civil war.