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# [[Barnegråd]] er et udtryk for instinkt. Barnet har ikke andre måder at sikre sin egen overlevelse i lange perioder af dets opvækst. [[Moderinstinkt]]et, der reagerer særlig kraftigt som reaktion på barnets gråd, har været velkendt i århundreder. Dets mekanismer er blevet delvist identificeret gennem observationer med funktionel MRI-scanning af moderens hjerne.<ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1073/pnas.1712022114 |pmid=29078366 |pmc=5692572 |title=Neurobiology of culturally common maternal responses to infant cry |journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |volume=114 |issue=45 |pages=E9465–E9473 |year=2017 |last1=Bornstein |first1=Marc H. |last2=Putnick |first2=Diane L. |last3=Rigo |first3=Paola |last4=Esposito |first4=Gianluca |last5=Swain |first5=James E. |last6=Suwalsky |first6=Joan T. D. |last7=Su |first7=Xueyun |last8=Du |first8=Xiaoxia |last9=Zhang |first9=Kaihua |last10=Cote |first10=Linda R. |last11=De Pisapia |first11=Nicola |last12=Venuti |first12=Paola }}</ref>
# [[Flokinstinkt]] ses hos både menneskebørn og [[chimpanse]]unger, men findes tilsyneladende ikke hos unge [[orangutan]]er.<ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.006 |pmid=22503497 |title=Majority-Biased Transmission in Chimpanzees and Human Children, but Not Orangutans |journal=Current Biology |volume=22 |issue=8 |pages=727–731 |year=2012 |last1=Haun |first1=Daniel B.M. |last2=Rekers |first2=Yvonne |last3=Tomasello |first3=Michael |doi-access=free }}</ref>
# Det mandlige kønshormon [[testosteron]] driver flere instinkter, især [[seksualitet]]; herudover også [[dominans]], hvilket ses i form af [[selvbekræftelse]], trangen til at [[Konkurrence|besejre rivaler]], til at [[dominanshierarki|dominere et hierarki]], og til at besvare [[aggression|voldelige signaler]] hos mænd gennem en svækkelse af [[empati]]en.<ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1016/j.ijlp.2013.11.016 |pmid=24367977 |title=Testosterone reactivity and identification with a perpetrator or a victim in a story are associated with attraction to violence-related cues |journal=International Journal of Law and Psychiatry |volume=37 |issue=3 |pages=304–312 |year=2014 |last1=Weierstall |first1=Roland |last2=Moran |first2=James |last3=Giebel |first3=Gilda |last4=Elbert |first4=Thomas |url= }}</ref> InHos men,mænd aer decreaseder inblevet fundet et nedsat [[testosteronetestosteron]]niveau levelefter afteret thebarns birth of a child in the family was foundfødsel, so thatfaderens theenergi [[father]]'si energiesstedet arekan morerettes directedmod to nurturing, protecting and caringomsorg for the childbarnet.<ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1073/pnas.1105403108 |pmid=21911391 |pmc=3182719 |title=Longitudinal evidence that fatherhood decreases testosterone in human males |journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |volume=108 |issue=39 |pages=16194–16199 |year=2011 |last1=Gettler |first1=L. T. |last2=McDade |first2=T. W. |last3=Feranil |first3=A. B. |last4=Kuzawa |first4=C. W. }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.01.010 |pmid=30639674 |title=Pair-bonding, fatherhood, and the role of testosterone: A meta-analytic review |journal=Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews |volume=98 |pages=221–233 |year=2019 |last1=Grebe |first1=Nicholas M. |last2=Sarafin |first2=Ruth E. |last3=Strenth |first3=Chance R. |last4=Zilioli |first4=Samuele |s2cid=58635068 }}</ref> Usædvanligt højt niveau af testosteron associeres ofte med [[aggression|aggressiv]], ulovlig og voldelig adfærd, hvilket er blevet efterprøvet af fængselseksperimenter.<ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1097/00006842-198703000-00007 |title=Saliva testosterone and criminal violence in young adult prison inmates |journal=Psychosomatic Medicine |volume=49 |issue=2 |pages=174–182 |year=1987 |last1=Dabbs |first1=J. M. |last2=Frady |first2=R. L. |last3=Carr |first3=T. S. |last4=Besch |first4=N. F. |pmid=3575604 |s2cid=39757740 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1097/00006842-199709000-00003 |title=Age, Testosterone, and Behavior Among Female Prison Inmates |journal=Psychosomatic Medicine |volume=59 |issue=5 |pages=477–480 |year=1997 |last1=Dabbs |first1=James |last2=Hargrove |first2=Marian F. |pmid=9316179 |s2cid=19900226 }}</ref> The amount of testosterone in men may increase dramatically in response to any competition.<ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.01.016 |pmid=24576686 |title=Testosterone Rapidly Increases Neural Reactivity to Threat in Healthy Men: A Novel Two-Step Pharmacological Challenge Paradigm |journal=Biological Psychiatry |volume=76 |issue=4 |pages=324–331 |year=2014 |last1=Goetz |first1=Stefan M.M. |last2=Tang |first2=Lingfei |last3=Thomason |first3=Moriah E. |last4=Diamond |first4=Michael P. |last5=Hariri |first5=Ahmad R. |last6=Carré |first6=Justin M. |s2cid=23764095 }}</ref>
# [[Sarthed]] og [[væmmelse]] hos mennesker menes at være et instinkt, der opstod under [[menneskets evolution]] i et forsøg på at beskytte kroppen og undgå [[infektion]] af diverse sygdomme.<ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1098/rstb.2010.0117 |pmid=21199843 |pmc=3013466 |title=Disgust as an adaptive system for disease avoidance behaviour |journal=Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci |volume=366 |issue=1563 |pages=389–401 |year=2011 |last1=Curtis |first1=Valerie |last2=Aunger |first2=Robert |last3=deBarra |first3=Mícheál }}</ref>