Bruger:Weblars/sandkasse3: Forskelle mellem versioner

Content deleted Content added
har kopieret konfigurationen af IABot som den var, inden der blev ændret i den (mangler noget og mangler formatering)
konfigurationen af IABot som den var, inden der blev ændret i den
Linje 24:
: Remove all tags if links are whitelisted or alive
* Treat tagged links as dead
'''Tagging dead citation templates:'''
Line 69 ⟶ 68:
: When you have finished reviewing my changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs.
: <nowiki>{{sourcecheck|checked=false|needhelp=}}</nowiki>
: Cheers.
Line 83 ⟶ 82:
: When you have finished making the appropriate changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
: <nowiki>{{sourcecheck|checked=false|needhelp=}}</nowiki>
: This notice will only be made once for these URLs.
Line 104 ⟶ 103:
'''Opt-out tags:'''
: <nowiki>{{Cbignore}}</nowiki>
'''Talk-only tags:'''
: <nowiki>{{Cbtalkonly}}</nowiki>
'''No-talk tags:'''
: <nowiki>{{Cbnotalk}}</nowiki>
'''Paywall tags:'''
: <nowiki>{{Subscription required}}</nowiki>
'''Reference tags:'''
: <nowiki>{{Refbegin}};{{Refslut}}</nowiki>
'''Archive tags:'''
* '''Memento English:'''
: '''@memento:''' <nowiki>{{Memento English|url=[|1=|site=]{url}|date={archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|title={title}}</nowiki>}
: '''@memento:'''
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
<nowiki>{{Memento English|url=[|1=|site=]{url}|date={archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|title={title}}</nowiki>}
: Deprecated: nej
* '''Wayback English:'''
: '''@wayback:''' <nowiki>{{Wayback English|url=[|1=|site=]{url}|date=[|3=]{archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|title=[|2=]{title}}</nowiki>}
: <nowiki>{{Wayback}}</nowiki>
: Deprecated: nej
* '''Wayback Finnish:'''
: '''@wayback:''' <nowiki>{{Wayback Finnish|1=[|URL=|osoite=]{url}|2=[|nimeke=]{title}|päiväys={archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated: nej
* '''Wayback French:'''
: '''@wayback:''' <nowiki>{{Wayback French|url=[|1=|site=]{url}|horodatage archive=[|timestamp=]{archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|titre=[|title=|2=]{title}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated: nej
* '''Wayback Norwegian:'''
: '''@wayback:''' <nowiki>{{Wayback Norwegian|url=[|1=|site=]{url}|date=[|timestamp=]{archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|title=[|2=]{title}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated: nej
* '''Wayback Spanish:'''
: '''@wayback:''' <nowiki>{{Wayback Spanish|url=[|1=|site=]{url}|fecha=[|date=|3=]{archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|título=[|titulo=|title=|2=]{title}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated: nej
* '''WebCite English:'''
: '''@webcite:''' <nowiki>{{WebCite English|url=[|1=]{archiveurl}|date={archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|title={title}|dateformat={df:%-e %B %Y;;dmy;;;%B %-e, %Y;;mdy;;;%Y-%m-%d;;iso}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated: nej
* '''WebCite Norwegian:'''
: '''@webcite:''' <nowiki>{{WebCite Norwegian|url=[|1=]{archiveurl}|dato=[|date=]{archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|tittel=[|title=]{title}|datoformat=[|dateformat=]{df:%-e %B %Y;;dmy;;;%Y-%m-%d;;iso}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated: nej
* '''WebCite Spanish:'''
: '''@webcite:''' <nowiki>{{WebCite Spanish|url=[|1=]{archiveurl}|fecha=[|date=]{archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|título=[|title=]{title}|dateformat={df:%-e %B %Y;;dmy;;;%B %-e, %Y;;mdy;;;%Y-%m-%d;;iso}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated: nej
* '''Webarchiv German:'''
: '''@default:''' <nowiki>{{Webarchiv German|url={url}|archiv-url={archiveurl}|archiv-datum={archivetimestamp:automatic}|text={title}|archiv-bot={timestamp:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} InternetArchiveBot}}</nowiki>
: '''@wayback:''' <nowiki>{{Webarchiv German|url={url}|wayback={archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|text={title}|archiv-bot={timestamp:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} InternetArchiveBot}}</nowiki>
: '''@webcite:''' <nowiki>{{Webarchiv German|url={url}|webciteID={microepochbase62}|text={title}|archiv-bot={timestamp:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} InternetArchiveBot}}</nowiki>
: '''@archiveis:''' <nowiki>{{Webarchiv German|url={url}|archive-is={archivetimestamp:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}|text={title}|archiv-bot={timestamp:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} InternetArchiveBot}}</nowiki>Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated: nej
* '''Webarchive Bengali:'''
: '''@default:''' <nowiki>{{Webarchive Bengali|ইউআরএল=[|url=|1=]{archiveurl}|তারিখ=[|date=|2=]{archivetimestamp:automatic}|শিরোনাম=[|title=]{title}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated:
* '''Webarchive English:'''
: '''@default:''' <nowiki>{{Webarchive English|url=[|1=]{archiveurl}|date=[|2=]{archivetimestamp:automatic}|title={title}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: <nowiki>{{Wayback}}</nowiki>
: Deprecated: nej
* '''Webarchive Korean:'''
: '''@default:''' <nowiki>{{Webarchive Korean|url=[|1=]{archiveurl}|날짜=[|date=|2=]{archivetimestamp:automatic}|제목=[|title=]{title}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated: nej
* '''Webarchive Turkish:'''
: '''@default:''' <nowiki>{{Webarchive Turkish|url={archiveurl}|başlık=[|title=]{title}|tarih=[|date=]{archivetimestamp:automatic}}</nowiki>}Deprecated
: ''This is a comma separated list of archive templates using the above rules.''
: Deprecated: nej
'''Dead link tags:'''
: <nowiki>{{Dead link|date={timestamp:%B %Y}|bot=InternetArchiveBot|fix-attempted={permadead:yes:no}}</nowiki>}
: <nowiki>{{Dead link}}</nowiki>
'''Template behavior:'''
: Append template to URLReplaceURL
: Replace original URL with template
'''Dead link template syntax:'''
: date={timestamp:%B %Y}|bot=InternetArchiveBot|fix-attempted={permadead:yes:no}
'''Notify only on domains:'''
: ''This is a comma separated list of domain names, e.g., that are not edited but instead notified of on the talk page. Requires notify_on_talk2.''
'''Scan for dead links:'''NejJa
: Nej
* Ja
'''Submit live links to the Wayback Machine:'''NejJa
* Nej
: Ja
'''Convert archives to long-form format:'''NejJa
: Nej
* Ja
'''Normalize archive URL encoding:'''NejJa
: Nej
* Ja
'''Convert plain links to cite templates:'''NejJa
: Nej
* Ja
'''Added archive talk-only:'''
:{link} is found to be dead. Recommend adding {newarchive} to the original URL.
'''Dead link talk-only:'''
: {link} is found to be dead. No archive was found.
'''No dead link talk-only:'''
: {link} is considered to be dead, however has been found to be alive. Recommend removing the dead flag from the URL.
'''Added archive message item:'''
: Added archive {newarchive} to {link}
'''Modified archive message item:'''
: Replaced archive link {oldarchive} with {newarchive} on {link}
'''Fixed source message item:'''
: Corrected formatting/usage for {link}
'''Dead link message item:'''
: Added <nowiki>{{tlx|dead link}}</nowiki> tag to {link}
'''No dead message item:'''
: Removed dead tag from {link}
'''Default message item:'''
: Modified source for {link}
'''Archive error item:'''
: {problem} with error {error}
'''Edit summary:'''
: Rescuing {linksrescued} sources and tagging {linkstagged} as dead.
'''Error message summary:'''
: Notification of errors encountered when attempting to archive links
'''Message summary:'''
: Notification of altered sources needing review