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Den australske regering udgav i december 2020 en rapport, der forudsiger at befolkningstallet vil stige til 6 millioner i 2031, og at Melbourne vil overhale Sydney som Australiens folkerigeste by i 2026-27.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Population Statement 2020|date=|website=Australian Government - Centre for Population|access-date=10. januar 2021}}</ref> Prognosen er en nedjustering af tidligere tal på grund af [[Coronaviruspandemien|Covid-19]], som har medført lavere indvandring til Australien,
Prognoser viser at befolkningstallet vil stige til mellem 8 og 8,5 millioner i 2061.<ref>{{cite web|publisher=Australian Bureau of Statistics|date=2013|url=|title=Population projections, Australia, 2012 to 2101|accessdate=27. juli 2014}}</ref> Trods denne stigning forudser [[Australian Bureau of Statistics]], at [[Melbourne]] vil overhale Sydney som Australiens folkerigeste by i 2053.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Why Sydney is on course to lose its status as Australia's biggest city|last=Wade|first=Matt|date=2014|accessdate=27. juli 2014|publisher=The Sydney Morning Herald}}</ref> De fire tættest befolkede forstæder i Australien ligger i Sydney og de har alle mere end 13.000 indbyggere per km².<ref>{{cite web|publisher=Australian Bureau of Statistics|date=2013|url=|title=Regional population growth, Australia, 2011 to 2012|accessdate=18. oktober 2014}}</ref>
De fire tættest befolkede forstæder i Australien ligger i Sydney og de har alle mere end 13.000 indbyggere per km².<ref>{{cite web|publisher=Australian Bureau of Statistics|date=2013|url=|title=Regional population growth, Australia, 2011 to 2012|accessdate=18. oktober 2014}}</ref>
For each decade since 1961 the population has increased by more than 250,000.<ref name=":0">{{cite web|publisher=Australian Bureau of Statistics|date=2008|url=|title=Australian historical population statistics, 2008|accessdate=27 July 2014}}</ref> Sydney's population at the time of the 2016 census was 5,005,400.<ref name="2016 Census" /> It has been forecast that the population will grow to between 8 and 8.9&nbsp;million by 2061.<ref name=":1" /> Despite this increase, the [[Australian Bureau of Statistics]] predicts that Melbourne will replace Sydney as Australia's most populous city by 2026.<ref name=":2" /><ref name=":3" /> The four most densely populated suburbs in Australia are located in Sydney with each having more than 13,000 residents per square kilometre (33,700 residents per square mile).<ref name=":4" />