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Peales delfin er placeret i slægten ''[[Lagenorhynchus]]'' (hvidsidede delfiner), men nylige [[molekylærgenetik|molekylærgenetiske]] data viser utvetydigt at Peale's Dolphin er nærmere beslægtet med delfiner i slægten ''[[Cephalorhynchus]]'' end med de egentlige delfiner ([[Delphininae]] og de Nordatlantiske arter i ''[[Lagenorhynchus]]''-slægten: [[hvidnæse]] og [[hvidskæving]]. Dette vil formentlig betyde at Peales delfin på et tidspunkt flyttes fra ''[[Lagenorhynchus]]''-slægten enten til ''[[Cephalorhynchus]]'' eller grupperes sammen med [[Stillehavshvidside]], [[skyggedelfin]] og [[timeglasdelfin]] i en ny slægt, ''[[Sagmatias]]''.<ref>{{cite book|title=Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals of the World|author=Shirihai, H. and Jarrett, B.|publisher=Princeton Field Guides|year=2006|page=205–207|isbn=0-61-12757-2}}</ref>.
Though it is traditionally placed in the genus ''Lagenorhynchus'', recent [[molecular phylogeny|molecular]] analyses indicate that Peale's Dolphin is actually more closely related to the dolphins of the genus ''[[Cephalorhynchus]]''. If true, this would mean that this species must either be transferred to ''Cephalorhynchus'' or be given a new genus of their own. An alternate genus that has been proposed for this species (as well as the [[Pacific White-sided Dolphin]] and [[Dusky Dolphin]] is ''[[Sagmatias]]''.<ref>{{cite book|title=Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals of the World|author=Shirihai, H. and Jarrett, B.|publisher=Princeton Field Guides|year=2006|page=205–207|isbn=0-61-12757-2}}</ref> There is some behavioral and morphological to support moving Peal's Dolphin to ''Cephalorhynchus''. According to Schevill & Watkins (1971), Peale's Dolphin and the ''Cephalorhynchus'' species are the only dolphins that do not whistle. Peale's Dolphin also shares with several ''Cephalorhynchus'' species the possession of a distinct white "armpit" marking behind the pectoral fin.