Postmodernitet: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Omdirigering til Postmodernisme
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Linje 1:
'''Postmodernitet''' (også '''den postmoderne tilstand''') er beskrivelsen af den økonomiske eller kulturelle tilstand i samfundet, som ifølge en række teoretikere har efterfulgt [[modernitet]]en. Af disse teoretikere bør fremhæves [[Jean Baudrillard]], [[Jean-François Lyotard]], [[David Harvey]] og [[Fredric Jameson]]).
Nogle skoledannelser hævder, at moderniteten sluttede i [[1980'erne]] eller [[1990'erne]] og blev erstattet af postmoderniteten, mens andre fastholder en glidende overgang eller sameksistens mellem de to epoker. Enkelte skoler mener, at moderniteten sluttede med [[Anden Verdenskrig]].
Forestillingen om den postmoderne tilstand er bl.a. blevet karakteriseret som en kultur, der ikke længere besidder evnen til at fungere lineært eller autonomt, og som har mistet [[modernisme]]ns og [[avantgarde]]ns tro på fremskridt inden for rammerne af moderniteten.<ref>Jameson, Fredric, ''Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism'', London 1991, s. 27 </ref>
Postmodernitet bør ikke forveksles med [[postmodernisme]]ns bevægelser inden for kunst, litteratur og kritik eller den [[postmoderne filosofi]].
== Litteratur ==
*Albrow, Martin: ''The Global Age: State and Society Beyond Modernity'', Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 1996.
*[[Jean Baudrillard|Baudrillard, Jean]]: ''Simulations'', New York: [[Semiotext(e)]] 1984.
*[[Marshall Berman|Berman, Marshall]]: ''All That is Solid Melts into Air. The Experience of Modernity'', London: Verso 1982.
*Bielskis, Andrius: ''Towards a Postmodern Understanding of the Political'', Houndmills, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005
*Chan, Evans: "Against Postmodernism, etcetera--A Conversation with Susan Sontag" in ''Postmodern Culture'', vol. 12 no. 1, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2001.
*Docherty, Thomas (ed.), ''Postmodernism: A Reader'', New York: Harvester Wheatsheat 1993.
*Docker, John: ''Postmodernism and Popular Culture: A Cultural History'', Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1994.
*[[Terry Eagleton|Eagleton, Terry]]: "Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernism", ''Against the Grain: Essays 1975-1985'', London: Verso, 1986. 131-47.
*[[Hal Foster|Foster, Hal]]: ''The Anti-Aesthetic''. USA: Bay Press 1983.
*Fuery, Patrick & Mansfield, Nick: ''Cultural Studies and Critical Theory'', Melbourne: Oxford University Press 2001.
*Graff, Gerald: "The Myth of the Postmodernist Breakthrough" i: ''Triquarterly'', no. 26, Winter 1973, pp.&nbsp;383–417.
*Grebowicz, Margret: ''Gender after Lyotard'', NY: Suny Press 2007.
*Grenz, Stanley J.: ''A Primer on Postmodernism'', Grand Rapids: Eerdmans 1996.
*[[Jürgen Habermas|Habermas, Jürgen]]: "Modernity - An Incomplete Project" (i: Docherty ibid)
*Habermas, Jürgen: ''Modernity versus Postmodernity'', i: V Taylor & C Winquist; først publiceret i ''New German Critique'', no. 22, Winter 1981, pp.&nbsp;3–14.
*[[Fredric Jameson|Jameson, Fredric]]: ''[[Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism]]'', Durham: Duke University Press 1991.
*[[Charles Jencks|Jencks, Charles]]: ''What is Postmodernism?'', New York: St. Martin's Press & London: Academy Editions 1986.
*[[James Joyce|Joyce, James]]: ''[[Ulysses]]''. London: Bodley Head 1964.
*Lipovetsky, Gilles: ''Hypermodern Times'', Cornwall: Polity Press 2005.
*[[Jean-François Lyotard|Lyotard, Jean-François]]: ''The Postmodern Condition: A report on knowledge'', Manchester: Manchester University Press 1984 [1979].
*Mansfield, N.: ''Subjectivity: Theories of the self from Freud to Harroway'', Sydney: Allen & Unwin 2000.
*McHale, Brian: "Constructing (post) modernism: The case of Ulysses" i: ''Style'', vol. 24 no. 1, pp.&nbsp;1–21, DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University English Department 1990.
*Murphy, Mark C. (ed.): ''Alasdair MacIntyre'', Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003.
*Palmeri, Frank: "Other than Postmodern?--Foucault, Pynchon, Hybridity, Ethics" i: ''Postmodern Culture'', vol. 12 no. 1, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2001.
*Pinkney, Tony: "Modernism and Cultural Theory", editor's introduction to Williams, Raymond. ''The Politics of Modernism: Against the New Conformists'', London: Verso 1989.
*Taylor, V & Winquist, (eds): ''Postmodernism:'' ''Critical concepts (vol 1-2)'', London: Routledge 1998.
*Wheale, N.: ''The Postmodern Arts: An introductory reader'', New York: Routledge 1995.
*Simpson, J.A. & Weiner, E.S.C.: ''The Oxford English dictionary'', Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press 1989.
== Kilder ==