Crowdsourcing: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Afsnit om definition (sammenblanding med andet begreb, Jeff Howe to definitioner, bemærkning om øvrige definitioner)
Linje 1:
'''Crowdsourcing''' er en sammentrækning af ''crowd'' og ''outsourcing'', og begrebet blev introduceret første gang i artiklen ”The Rise of Crowdsourcing” af Jeff Howe i [[Wired Magazine]], [[juni]] [[2006]]<ref name="Wired">[ ”The Rise of Crowdsourcing” af Jeff Howe], Artikel i Wired Magazin, Juni 2006.</ref>. Det er en metode, der fungerer som en distribueret problemløsning og produktionsproces, der indebærer at man [[Outsourcing|outsourcer]] opgaver til et (relevant) [[Socialt netværk|netværk]] af [[menneske]]r – også kendt som mængden eller ''crowd''.
== KilderDefinition ==
I begyndelsen blev ''crowdsourcing'' blandet sammen med et andet begreb, ''commons-based peer production'', som [[Yochai Benkler]] havde introduceret i "The Coase's Penguin, or, Linux and The Nature of the Firm" (2002).<ref>[ Yochai Benkler. ”The Coase's Penguin, or, Linux and The Nature of the Firm”], The Yale Law Journal, vol. 112, 2002.</ref> Dette fik Howe til at fremkomme med en definition af ''crowdsourcing'':
:''Late last week I pointed to a Wikipedia entry as evidence that crowdsourcing had become a bonafide neologism ... but I'm also noticing that the word is being used somewhat interchangably with Yochai Benkler's concept of commons-based peer production ... I'm content to allow the crowd define the term for itself ... But I would be remiss if I did not play my own role in that process.
:''Simply defined, crowdsourcing represents the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call. This can take the form of peer-production (when the job is performed collaboratively), but is also often undertaken by sole individuals. The crucial prerequisite is the use of the open call format and the large network of potential laborers.''<ref>[ Jeff Howe. ”Crowdsourcing: A Definition”],, 2006.</ref>
Howe har også foreslået en alternativ definition:
:''The application of Open Source principles to fields outside of software.''<ref>[ Jeff Howe. ”The Soundbyte Version”], (udateret).</ref>
Der er dog siden kommet mange flere definitioner til.<ref>[és-González.pdf Enrique Estellés-Arolas & Fernando Gonzáles-Ladrón-de-Guevara. "Towards an integrated crowdsourcing definition”], Journal of Information Science, 2012.</ref> <ref>[ Linda Petersen. ”Crowdsourcing”],, 2016.</ref>
== [[Kilder]] ==
[[Kategori:Finansiel økonomi]]