Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Film/Stilmanual: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Linje 99:
Listen over medvirkende bør ikke være længere end listen i infoboksen, og kan, afhængigt af antallet af mindre roller i filmen, udstyres med flere roller <!-- USIKKERT! -->. Medvirkende skrives som "SKUESPILLER som PERSON", men for personer hvis roller ikke er blevet nævnt i handling-afsnittet kan et kort resumé af personens rolles vigtighed i filmen være nødvendigt, f. eks. "[[Rick Rossovich]] som Matt Buchanan, Gingers kæreste" i eksemplet med ''The Terminator''.
ExpandingSom en forlængelse af det andet afsnit af den indledende sektionExpanding on the second paragraph of the lead section, you should analyse how the film was received by critics, meaning professional or well-known film reviewers, and not comments from members of the public (for example, quotes from users of [[]] and the Internet Movie Database do not count). Websites such as [[Rotten Tomatoes]] ([]) and [[Metacritic]] ([]) collect professional film reviews and calculate a numerical score from them for each film. In the case of what the general public thought of the film, tend towards the expression "money talks" and provide a summary of the film's commercial success, consulting sites such as [[Box Office Mojo]] ([]) and Box Office Guru ([]).
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